170 Reading books gives you more experience! 170

Jong-seok looked at the young mother sitting on the sofa, looking at the woman's eyes with a worried face.

One end of the mother's lips was slightly raised.

"That's Guanyasa."

It's not too bad, but I was drooling because my lip tail was up and paralyzed.

And maybe when you wash your face or shower, you'll keep getting water in your mouth... Physically unknown, but mentally it will be very painful for the person concerned.

The aunt nodded at Jong-seok's remark.

"She's about to be delivered. How can you treat it?”

Jong-seok said to the aunt, feeling the mother's pulse.

"This is often the case when I'm pregnant because I'm weak. By the way, have you ever been to the hospital?”

"When I asked you to go to the hospital. "You said you'd have a baby and get treatment..."

Jong-seok, who understood the mother's feelings at her words, opened his mouth.

"I'll give you some acupuncture for now."

At Jong-seok's words, the mother looked at him and asked.

"Is she all right?"

Jong-seok smiled comfortably at the mother, who was speechless because her mouth was uncomfortable to move.

"It's all right."

Then Jong-seok took out the saliva, placed a few saliva on the patient's face, and also on his arms and legs.

Then he grabbed two of the saliva on his face and gently turned it.


Then the corners of his mouth, which had been up, began to slowly come down.

"Oh, it's coming down."

"Did you come down?"

Surprised at the mother's face as she was speaking. That's exactly what was said just now.

When the two were surprised, Jong-seok gave more irritation to the saliva and opened his mouth.

"I'm down now, but I'll go up again if I pull my saliva out.”

"Then what about treatment?"

"Guanwasa... Facial paralysis is caused by weak energy and cold energy, so a single saliva does not cure you. There's an authorized clinic in Seoul. I'll write you a prescription there, so be hospitalized."


"Yes, they're so good that they'll be treated before they're delivered. And if you can, you can have a baby there."

"There's a gynecologist I go to."

"The guanwasa may come back when we have a baby. And it'll be convenient for you because the clinic is open to gynecologists."

The mother and the aunt's face were worried at the news that Guanyasa could come back.

"Can't you just keep treating me?"

Jong-seok smiled and raised his hand at the aunt's words. He had plastic gloves on his hands.

"I have to work, too."

"But when you're free..."

"Mom, don't make me uncomfortable. Thank you for watching."

Jong-seok shook his head small at the two men's words and nodded as he looked at the pulse.

"There's something that mothers are stirring to get treatment in case it's bad for their children, and doctors are all thinking about it, so don't worry too much. A doctor who fixes people is not going to give her bad treatment.

Jong-seok, who relieved the mother and aunt's worries, began to pick saliva.

Sweep! Sweep!

When Jong-seok drooled, the aunt looked worried and asked.

"Your face is the same."

"It doesn't mean you're paralyzed again. You'll be paralyzed again in about ten minutes. Don't worry too much if you get paralyzed."

"Yes, thank you."

As the aunt and mother bowed out of the office, Miss Domi sighed and looked at Oh Chul-jin.

"What if our office is not an oriental medical clinic and people come like this?”

Oh Chul-jin's mouth was filled with appetite by Miss. Domi's words.

"That's not my fault.”

"It's because you've been spreading rumors here and there."

Oh Chul-jin sighed at Miss Domi's words. Yi So-mi brought sick babies around, and Jong-seok treated them whenever he had time.

I gave him acupuncture if he needed acupuncture, and prescribed medicine if he needed medicine.

Even a prescription was intended to make people drink water boiled with medicine or vegetables that were easy to obtain around them, but anyway, the children did work according to the prescription.

As a result, rumors began to spread that an oriental doctor who is good at babysitting around worked in a repair shop.

In addition, the mothers of the babies began to be introduced to Yi So-mi one by one as they said they would provide free medical treatment.

And, to say the least, one side of the office was filled with a box of drinks.

They don't accept money, so it's hard for them to just come by and buy a beverage gift set. It's piled up.

On one side, the moral staff, who was playing Go on the Internet, opened their mouths.

"How about Jong-seok?"


"Are you uncomfortable with the baby mothers bringing their children?"

"I'm fine."

"I can't rest. Are you okay?”

If you have a car to fix, you work, and if you don't, you rest. So you have to rest when you don't have work, but the children can't come and rest.

"Babies are better than sick."

The moral staff nodded at Jong-seok's remarks.

"That's enough, then."

"But isn't it disturbing your business?"

"What do you mean interruptions... I'm only looking after people when I'm free. And thanks to you, there are a lot of new customers these days because of good rumors.”

Miss Domi's appetite was aroused by the moral staff'

"That's true, but..."

"There is at least one car in each house. The ladies who come here are all tentative customers because they have cars at home. I came and got treatment, but if my car breaks down, I'll go somewhere else. They'll come here and fix it."


I heard a car stop when Morong-jin, who nodded at Miss. Domi's words, was about to play baduk again.

"Are you our guest? Or is Jong-seok a guest?"

Oh Chul-jin stood up and looked out of the window and turned his head toward the moral force.

"It's Sergeant Park."

"Senior Park?"

At Oh Chul-jin's words, the team stopped playing Go, and turned its head and looked out of the window.

Two policemen were approaching the store.

The moral staff opened the window.

"Senior Park, why is your car broken?”

When the moral staff said, Park raised his hand lightly and leaned against the window and said,

"My brother is taking care of me, but I think it's going to break down. But... there's been a report.

"Report? What?"

"I heard they're doing illegal medical treatment here. I'll report it and investigate it."

Then Sergeant Park peeked into the store and looked at Jong-seok, looking at the alcohol cotton pack and the saliva on the table.

"Excuse me. I've got a report that you're treating people illegally. I'd appreciate it if you could take a moment to investigate."

"I didn't do any illegal medical treatment.”

"I hear people here are going to drool and make medicine."


"Are you an oriental doctor?"


At Jong-seok's answer, the wonder on Sergeant Park's face was young.

"Do you have a license?”


When he heard that he had a license, Sergeant Park looked at Jong-seok and asked him again.

"Where do you mean you haven't studied a little, but you have a formal license?”

The person who works at the auto repair shop has an oriental medical license, so I'm asking again.


"You got it in Korea?”


"Then... why do you work here?"

"I want to learn how to repair cars.”

At Jong-seok's words, Sergeant Park looked at him for a moment and said,

"Please give me your resident registration card."

When Jong-seok took his resident registration card out of his wallet, Park took out his radio and said,

"I'd like to have an ID, please. Name: Lee Jong-seok resident registration number...."

After a while the answer came from the radio.

No criminal record.

"Please check if you have a license for oriental medicine."

Wait a moment.

Sergeant Park, who took his hand off the radio, looked at Jong-seok.

"You're funny. An oriental doctor works at a garage to learn how to repair a car."

"I'd like to have my car serviced.”

"It's good to know how to repair a car, and it helps in an emergency.”

I acquired an oriental medical license two years ago.


All right.

At the sound of the radio, Sergeant Park looked at Jong-seok.

"You didn't get paid for the treatment, did you?"

Jong-seok nodded at the nuance of Park's voice, who wanted to be told no.

I got a drink, but I didn't get the money.


"I see."

When sergeant Park returned his resident registration card, Jong-seok put it in his wallet and asked.

"But who reported you?”

"I can't tell you that."

Sergeant Park, who turned his head with a smile, looked around the office.

"But can I still be treated in places like this?"

"Simple saliva and massage is fine.”

"I see. I see. Good luck, then."

When sergeant Park tried to salute and go, the moral staff held out a drink box.

"Drink on the way."

"These days, I'm in big trouble if I get this."

"Who told you to take the whole thing? I'm just saying, take out two and drink."

Sergeant Park, who laughed at the moral staff's words, said, taking two out of the beverage box.

"Let's go, then."

"Yes, go with care."

At the words of the moral staff, Sergeant Park took the policeman and got in the car and disappeared.

Jong-seok, who saw the scene, ate his fill.

"I must have been reported."

"Don't be offended. I'll report right away if there is anyone who treats people in such a place. It looks like an illegal place.”

Jong-seok nodded as he looked inside the store at the words of the moral staff.

"You're right."

"So you're not going to do it from now on?"

"I've already been reported. I have to."

And as soon as the horse fell, a car came in. From the car a young man and a young lady got off with a newborn child.

"I'm here because I heard there's a teacher who's good at baby atopy.”

When the young man looked around the store thinking he had come to the right place, the moral staff laughed and pointed to Jong-seok.

"This way the baby... And I can hear the engine and I think I'll have to look at the car."

The engine sound was strange when the car came in.

"Do you fix your car?"

"It's a maintenance shop, of course."

"Then take a look. I've been hearing strange noises from the engine lately, so I was wondering if I should fix it.”

The young man began to hear it when the moral staff went into the driver's seat, turned on the engine and told him something strange.


Jong-seok, who quit the auto repair shop two days ago, was now walking to catch a flight to the United States.

Woooong! Woooong!

Jongseok answered the phone with a smile on his face.

"Steel Jin."

The patient's here.

Jong-seok laughed at Oh Chul-jin's words. The women, who did not know they had quit, were still bringing their babies to the garage.

"You told me to go to the licensed clinic?”

I did. I wrote that you quit outside the store, but why are you asking me this? I'll write down your location when you open.

"I'm sorry."

It's not like that. So, are you on a plane now?

"I'm going to ride it now.”

All right, good-bye. Come over next time. My brother will fix your car with a special service.


Jong-seok, who hung up with Oh Chul-jin, showed his ticket to the flight attendant. The flight attendant in the blond wall smiled, checked the ticket, and when he pointed to the seat, Jong-seok moved to the seat.


In fact, I've been thinking about getting an American oriental medical license for a long time.

Getting a foreign medical license, even if not in the United States.

The first reason I chose the U.S. was because I knew someone in the U.S. Chul-soo in LA and Kim Bin in Hollywood have chosen the U.S. for now.

And since Asians and Westerners have different bodies, I want to study about them.

A young man sat next to him when he was sitting with that thought, and a moment later the plane began to move.

an end

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