85 Reading books gives you more experience! 85

On Saturday morning Jong-seok was heading for the transport boat in the principal's car.

The principal picks up a meeting of Moon Bang-woo and picks up Jong-seok.

The principal, who was driving, glanced at Jong-seok and opened his mouth.

"I didn't say Rep. Huh, but my friends didn't want me to bring in new people. I'm sorry."

I said it on the phone a few days ago, but the principal is sorry if it bothered him. It's an apology.

Jong-seok shook his head at him.

"You shouldn't feel uncomfortable when you get together. It's okay, so you don't have to worry about it's okay.”

"Thank you for thinking so."

"But why is Heo Pyung-ji's grandfather and the old gossip bad together? Is it because you have learned Western and Oriental medicine?”

"There must have been a medical opinion between Yang and Han, but it's true ···."

The principal, who was speaking, glanced at Jong-seok.

"How did you get to know Heo?”

"I went on a trip and met my grandparents who came camping. They were Rep. Huh and his grandmother.”

"Did you go on a trip in the summer of your senior year in high school?”

The principal looked embarrassedly at Jong-seok and focused on driving again.

"You've heard a little embarrassing. I can't believe our high school students are going on a trip during their senior year vacation. ··."."

"I wanted to think about the course of my life.”

"He, he, ha!

The principal, who sighed small as he tried to speak, shook his head.

"It's because you went to school well."

The principal, who was speaking, suddenly tilted his head.

"Did Heo influence you by trying to become an oriental medical doctor?”


"So to you, Senator Heo is a mentor of life."

Jong-seok, nodding his head to the principal's words, brought up his words.

"But what you were drinking earlier..."

Asked by Jong-seok, the principal said while driving.

"Do you know Rep. Huh's wife is sick?”

This is why Jong-seok was able to find out how close he was to Heo Pyeong-ji.

There is no reason to bring up the sick situation of other people's homes.


"How sick are you?"

"I know it's serious."

At Jong-seok's words, the principal drove and said,

"The hospital where Heo's wife was treated was Seoul Hospital."

"At Seoul Hospital?"

"I also got a diagnosis at Seoul Hospital."

"Didn't your grandfather diagnose you?"

Huh was diagnosed with oriental medicine, and since he went to Seoul Hospital, he should go to Seoul Hospital for a thorough examination. Anyway, when his wife got sick and his condition didn't get better during the treatment process, lawmaker Huh got angry and fought a big fight with the gossip.”

"It wouldn't be the fault of the old Sodam..."

"Don't you see that, Senator Huh? Heo has also lived as an oriental doctor for decades, and he is well known in oriental medicine. However, Heo needed something to be angry about."

The principal, who was driving with his mouth shut for a while, continued.

"And you know the gossip, so you seem to have fought with a moderate amount of anger."

"Why fight if you know the circumstances?”

"How much anger would you be relieved if you were angry at the Dolbuhs? That's why we fought together. I was wondering if Heo would feel comfortable."

"I see."

"There are a few more things between the two, but I don't think I have to talk about it. Anyway, when my wife got a little better, she immediately left the hospital." At that time, I even told him a lot that he shouldn't be discharged now."

The principal, who stopped talking for a while, continued.

"I've heard rumors that your wife and I are traveling and doing volunteer work. Are you feeling much better?”

"You've gotten a lot better.”

The principal nodded at Jong-seok's remark.

"As expected, it is better for a man to relax his mind than for a white pill. I'm glad she's feeling better."

Jong-seok nodded at the principal. Not long ago, I was in great shape when I had a pulse with Lim Ae-hee.

In addition, the tumor in the head hasn't shrunk, but it hasn't grown, so it was good.

'It's not wrong to say that anger is the source of all diseases.'

When Jong-seok thought of it, a car arrived in front of the transport boat. Then I saw Kang Chul-jae getting out of the car.


When the principal got out of the car and called him, Kang Chul-jae turned around and raised his hand.


Then Kang Chul-jae smiled at Jong-seok.

"Mr. Lee, congratulations on your college entrance."

"Thank you."

As the two talked, the principal approached carefully with a box in the trunk.

"Then let's go in.”

"Wait a moment. Shouldn't I take it out?”

Then Kang Chul-jae opened the trunk of his car and took out the box.

Jong-seok hurriedly said that both men held up the box.

"I'll listen.”

"No, ··"

The principal tried to say no, but when he realized that he should now treat him as Mr. Lee of Moon Bang-woo, not Jong-seok, who was a student of his school.

"No, it's convenient for us to carry, so don't worry."

Then the principal and Kang Chul-jae carefully went into the conveyance.

Jong-seok, who was following him, asked stealthily.

"But what did you bring?”

The principal smiled and said to Jong-seok's question.

"I asked people to bring some of their favorite door-to-door radiation. We're going to look around and write together.”

"So the principal brought you a step-by-step Sooam inkstone, too?”

"No, I brought what my grandfather used."

Kang Chul-jae laughed at the principal's words.

"It reminds me of your grandfather. Every time I went to your house, you made me memorize the Mimyeongbojam."

"That's why you live as a man."

"That's true, too. Sigh! You've been so well-behaved, ."

The murmur of steel asked Jong-seok.

"Do you know Songhak's grandfather?"

"Since we grew up in the same neighborhood, not only me, but all of our children went in and out of the house frequently. He was such a good man, ····."

Kang Chul-jae, who stopped walking for a while, opened his mouth.

"Your grandfather's advice was not to let anyone who came to his house go hungry. It was a time when no one was able to live, so rather than go on a trip, we went to fill up our stomachs."

Then Kang Chul-jae smiled and looked at the principal.

"Come to think of it now, your family fortune was really great. There was a saying that if you don't step on the ground of your house, you're not a riverman. If you hadn't built a school, you'd have heard the sound of chaebol somewhere by now.”

"It's my family motto that money is more important to spend than to earn."

"Yes, well done."

Jong-seok asked the two of you in a strange way.

"Did the principal build the school?”

"I didn't build it, but your father built a small university in his hometown."

"Wow! You have a school. That's great."

Jong-seok, who was looking at the principal with surprised eyes, asked.

"But why aren't you teaching at the university and staying in high school?”

At Jong-seok's question, the principal walked silently for a moment and opened his mouth.

"I think high school is the most important time in the learning process."

"In high school?"

The principal nodded at Jong-seok's question.

"High school students are minors who want to be adults. It's still young to be an adult, and it's a little big to be young, so there's a lot of deviation and a lot of things happen. Sometimes an ordinary student like Mr. Lee takes care of himself one day, and a child who was a model student derailed one day. I like helping them go the right way."

"I see."

Jong-seok nodded at the principal.

'Our principal was a great man, too.’

When Jong-seok muttered into his head, the principal shook his head in a small way and moved his steps.

As they talked about this and that and moved on, they soon entered the meeting place of Moon Bang-woo.

"Are you here?"

When Jong-seok came in, members of Moon Bang-woo, who were already there, stood up and greeted him.

Jong-seok bowed politely and went to his seat and sat down.

And Jong-seok could see that the adults all brought a box.

'You'll see a lot of good stuff today.’

When Jong-seok thought of it, Moon Jae-chul gave Jong-seok a box.

"Congratulations on your admission."

"This one?"

"I prepared a thank-you gift because I was grateful for what happened before."

"You don't have to give me this..."

"No. If I had passed it without knowing it then, I would have had a fit of anger.

Hong Seok smiled and said to Moon Jae-chul.

"I also got a present to thank you then. If Mr. Lee, who has a bigger ball than me, doesn't answer, I think I'll have to return what I received, so just take it easy."

Hong-seok's words gave Jong-seok a box.

"Then I'll take it."

When Jong-seok received the box, the principal smiled and said.

"Try it out. Don't you think the gift should be spread out where it was received?"

Jong-seok slightly bowed to Moon Jae-chul at the principal's words and opened the box.

Jong-seok, who opened the box, had a pleasant smile on his face.

"It's a laptop."

"When I asked the students who went to the practice, they said the best thing for the entrance gift was a laptop. Try turning it on."

Jong-seok took out his laptop when Moon Jae-chul said.

'You're the newest member.

These days, it was the latest laptop to advertise on TV.

Moon Jae-chul laughed as he watched Jong-seok fidgeting with his laptop.

"I'm glad you like it."

"I really like it. I've always wanted a laptop.”

It is true. I envy the students who took out their laptops when I went to the class.

Bonnie, downloading class books into e-books on her laptop, taking classes with them, and taking notes and notes with them.

"Thank you very much."

"That's what you like."

When Jong-seok turned on his laptop and looked around, the principal opened his mouth.

"Then let's look at the items we each brought before we eat."

At the principal's words, adults carefully opened the boxes they had brought and began to take out the contents.

The carefully taken items were door-to-door radios. Some were antique and others had a rough shape as seen in the Hupyeongji house.

Watching the radio waves being taken out one by one, Jong-seok lifted himself up and looked at the objects.

What about that? It looks like a phalanx.’

Jong-seok asked, looking at the inkstone Hong Seok took out.

"Is that a step-stone sluice?"

Hong-seok smiled at Jong-seok's words, looked at his friends and nodded.

"You know. It was a gift from a Chinese client two years ago."

As Jong-seok began to watch the inkstone at Hong-seok's words, other adults also rose from their seats to appreciate the radios brought by the members.

All the radios brought by adults looked good. And one of them especially captured Jong-seok's heart.

It was the inkstone that the principal brought. The black inkstone had a tiger lid and the lid and inkstone were wrapped around a pine tree.

But it was incense that moved Jong-seok's heart. The inkstone smelled good.

"It's silly, but it smells good."

Stupid words are right. There will always be ink, as it is a grazing inkstone, so it is natural to smell like muk.

But it was different from that. A good scent of mukhyang comes when you grind the food well.

Jong-seok gently took his nose to the inkstone and smelled the incense with his hands.

"It smells like an orphan.’

When Jong-seok became interested in the inkstone, the principal smiled and said.

"It's the inkstone my grandfather used."

"Then you didn't use it after that?"

"I take it out and use it during ancestral rites, but I usually take it out.”

Then the principal opened the lid of the inkstone.


Then a deep scent of muk was permeated into the stone's nose.

"I can see the nature of the man who used this inkstone just by smelling it.’

If you pay attention to how much you eat, you wonder how deep the scent of muk is in dried ink.

an end

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