29 Reading books gives you more experience! 29

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with my parents' health check-up. The father was diagnosed with a slight stomach upset and prescribed the appropriate medicine, while the mother was diagnosed with some disc in the waist.

However, I was told that it was not enough to give treatment and that I should be careful when lifting heavy things.

Maybe that's why both of them came back with happy faces. I was worried about what I would do if I got sick, but now that I have nothing, I can live without worries for a few years again.


Lee Jong-seok's snack bar started to do well.

People who came to see the paintings in the alley began to take pictures and post them on the face window, and when the acquaintances began to share them one by one on their face window, rumors began to spread.

As people began to gather one by one in the alley, Taejin Elementary School Alley was rumored to be a good place to take pictures.

However, as many people came, complaints were posted on the Internet.

Lee Jong-seok, who was searching the alley with his cell phone, stroked his chin for a while.

"Hmm... there's not a lot of pictures, is there?’

Lee Jong-seok, who was thinking about it, came out of the room, opened a window on one side and looked out.

Even today, people gathered in twos and threes in the alley to take pictures or look around.

However, the distance was so short and there were only about ten paintings, so the people's sighting quickly ended.

And I went to a snack bar and ate tteokbokki or fish cake.

'Hmm... it would be nice to have people gather in front of the store......'

Jongseok is painted on both sides of the snack bar, so he has to pass by to see the painting.

So I thought it would be nice if people could see the painting and come back again.

Now it's the point of the winter cold. We come back to the streets where people go, eat fish cakes and tteokbokki, but... I didn't think I'd bother coming around to eat in the summer.

You're drawing a portrait?’

Even if you paint a portrait for no money, people will still be there to watch you paint.

Then those who were watching the portrait painting could eat at least one more snack...

Lee Jong-seok shook his head.

It takes too long to paint portraits as a service in the tteokbokki business.

Some might say that some people draw and others don't.

'Then what shall we do? Obviously, if there's a painting, people get together..."

Lee Jong-seok, who was thinking like that, thought for a while and looked at the wall of elementary school.

"Certainly that's the perfect place."

Lee Jong-seok's cell phone rang when he was feeling a strong desire to paint on the wall of elementary school.


Lee Jong-seok tilted his head when he saw the cell phone.

"I don't know the number."

Lee Jong-seok answered the phone while looking at the cell phone.


Is this student Lee Jong-seok's phone?

"I'm Lee Jong-seok.”

I'm the grandfather of a cook who I saw in the shipping line. Do you remember?

"Leader Kim?”

You remember.


When he wondered why Kim called, he said.

I told him to come to eat.

Wasn't that just a greeting?’

"Oh, I'm sorry."

There's nothing to be sorry about, but if you have time today, why don't you come over to the shipping line?


Let's look around Jangdokdae and eat delicious food.

Lee Jong-seok's mouth was watering when he said it was delicious. The transshipment food was certainly delicious.

No matter what you mean, I was glad to hear that you should eat something delicious.


Su-su Kim laughed as if he heard the saliva going down.

I'll make you something delicious. Will you come?

"May I go, then?"”

Okay, see you later.

After a while, Lee Jong-seok, who hung up with Kim Sook-soo, changed his clothes and came out.

"Mom, I'm going out."

"It's almost lunchtime. Where are you going?"

"I brought you food before. The boss there has a long way to play."

"Why the boss there?"

"I don't know. Then I'll be back."


When Lee Jong-seok ran, the lady who was eating tteokbokki glanced at the back and said,

"Are you the top son of the whole school you bragged about earlier?”

"Ho ho ho ho! He's our son at the top of the school. Oh! Did I tell you earlier that my son painted these paintings?”

"It's the third time I've heard it now."

"Ho ho ho ho! Is that so? Which flavor do you like?"

"It's very delicious."

"In fact, my son makes these sauces himself.”

At her mother's words, the lady looked at the tteokbokki with surprise.

"You are good at studying and drawing. Are you good at cooking?”

"My son is a bit of a brag."

With a smile, the mother put more fish cake soup in front of the lady.

"Then enjoy your meal."

The lady, who was looking at her mother's back, took out her notebook and started taking notes.

the top student in the whole school

A good picture.

Looks... just a little better than normal?

There's cooking... Is it only good at making tteokbokki?

Or any other dishes?

Hmm... if you mix it well, it will become an item.


Upon arriving at the transport boat, Lee Jong-seok was able to see his former serving lady standing there.

"I've been waiting."

Lee Jong-seok looked at her in wonder at the sight of the lady bowing lightly.

"Did you wait for me?”

"Sooksu is waiting. This way..."

When the lady took the lead and walked, Lee Jong-seok followed suit. The garden of the transport boat still looked good.

The snow that had fallen a few days ago had not yet melted, so it was sitting nicely under the trees and stones.

It depends on the environment even though we're in Seoul.’

The snow in the alley where Lee Jong-seok lives was almost melted or muddy.

But the eyes here are sitting in a tasteful way.

Lee Jong-seok, who had such a graceful gaze, was soon able to stand in front of the hanok house.

Kim Sook-soo was coming out of a building that seemed to be modernized from the old hanok building.

"Have you come?"


Kim, who nodded and smiled lightly at Lee Jong-seok's greeting, said with a smile.

"Did you eat?”

"Not yet."

"Yes, let's eat something delicious."

When Kim Suk-soo smiled and moved on, Lee Jong-seok followed suit with anticipation.

"I've decided to make some sauce today, so if you don't mind, I'm thinking of getting some help from you."


"As I get older, my taste has become dull. I'd like you to borrow some of your palate, which at that time felt the odd taste of the perilla leaf pickle."

"Will I be of help..."

"Whoa! You don't have to think hard about it because you just have to taste it and tell me."

Then there is no reason to refuse. You just have to taste it and talk about it.


Lee Jong-seok's face was surprised when he took a walk while talking.


Dozens of large jangdokdae on one side? No, there were countless rows.

And around the crock stand, white-clad people were walking around, wiping the poison with a cloth, which looked like a scene in a historical drama.

"It's magnificent."

Looking at Lee Jong-seok muttering in surprise, Kim nodded.

"Nothing is as important as the taste of the past."

"But all these jangdokdae jang is filled with intestines?”

"Most of them are in."

"Do you use all of this on the shipping line?"

Kim shook his head with a smile.

"Our shipping line doesn't use it up, but sells it where it's needed or gives it as a gift."

"I see."

"Come here."

When Kim Sook-soo moved his steps, Lee Jong-seok, who was following him, suddenly looked at him.

"How did you know my phone number?”

"Yesterday, Director Moon made a reservation for next week. So I asked him your phone number."

"Oh! I see.”

Kim Sook-soo, who took Lee Jong-seok to Jangdokdae, opened the lid.


A middle-aged man, who had approached him, held out his spoon when Kim Sook-soo, who carefully placed the lid next to him, reached out his hand.

When I dipped a spoon in the jangdokdae and took it out, there was a black liquid in it.

"Would you like a taste?”

Lee Jong-seok dipped his finger in soy sauce to taste Kim's words.

And slightly wrinkled eyebrows...

The face of Kim Sook-soo and middle-aged people hardened at the sight.

"It tastes a little weird, doesn't it?”

Lee Jong-seok nodded at Kim's question.

"I have a taste like the perilla leaf pickle before."

He said it was a scent, but it smelled like a fart. Kim also dipped his finger in soy sauce and put it in his mouth.

A faint but a little bad scent circled in my mouth. Kim Sook-soo held out his spoon to a middle-aged man.

"Taste it."

Kim Ho-young, a middle-aged man, tasted soy sauce with his fingers.

"What are you doing?"

"It's weak, but it smells bad."

At Kim Ho-young's words, Kim turned his head. Behind him was a row of men dressed in white.

"Taste it, too, you guys."

The words began to give men a taste of soy sauce. But there was a young look on their faces that they didn't know what the problem was.

'I don't think there's anything wrong.’

'What's the stinky taste?’

Looking at the men tilting their heads, Kim Sook-soo tasted better.

"I know what you think. You don't know what it smells like, do you?”


Kim, who shook his head at a man's words, opened his mouth.

"You wouldn't feel strange if you were an ordinary person. There's not that much difference in taste... However, this soy sauce is used in our transport boats, the last bastion of Korean cuisine. There shouldn't be a small taste difference either."

The masters bowed to Kim's small admonition.

Looking at those sorrows, Kim looked at Kim Ho-young.

"How long has it been since you brought it from the mountain valley?"

"It's ten days. There was nothing wrong when I tasted it in the mountains."

Some of the chapters used in the transport boat were made here, but others were brought from the transport market in Sankok.

But there is no difference in the taste of the two places.

Both places supervise the thorough preparation of the sauce, and one of Kim Sook-soo and Kim Ho-young goes once a week to check the taste of the sauce.

However, the sauce brought from the valley changed its taste in 10 days.

When Kim winked at them, they opened the pot lids. Then, with Lee Jong-seok, Kim Sook-soo began to taste the sauce in the jar a little bit.

Lee Jong-seok's face began to harden as he tasted the sauce little by little.

Do I have to taste the whole jangdokdae?’