18 Reading books gives you more experience! 18

While Lee Jong-seok was eating refreshments, adults were appreciating Lee Chung-deuk's taste.

Then, after some appreciation, the principal took out the door-to-door radiation from the briefcase and unfolded it.

"Please write a letter for me."

Lee Jong-seok, who was eating refreshments at the principal's words, nodded. I thought I would write when I came here anyway.

As Lee Jong-seok, who shook his palm off the confectionery powder, approached, adults spread out from side to side.

And curiosity and anticipation looked at Lee Jong-seok with young eyes.


Lee Jong-seok, who poured a little water into the inkstone, caught the ink. Then the adults' eyes glistened.

I felt a sense of weight from Lee Jong-seok, who had just been seen as a young student.

"A great presence.’

'Isn't it like Sodam took the brush?'

Lee Jong-seok's eating appearance was so similar to Sodam, a famous calligrapher.

And the admiration was the same for the principal.

'You're more serious than ever.'

I had 2,000 academic experience at the time, but now it's 3,000.

Sweep! Sweep!

Lee Jong-seok, who is going to eat, felt at ease. As if the complicated rope loosened and loosened little by little.

'I'll have to cram home and get some food. I'd like to feed myself when I'm in a hurry.’

With that in mind, Lee Jong-seok, who went to eat, held a brush and looked at the principal.

"What should I write?”

At Lee Jong-seok's words, the principal smiled and looked at his friends.

"Is there a phrase you want?"

A little well-built old man with short sports hair opened his mouth at the principal's words.

"Jinchungbo State."

"Whoa! You like Jinchungboguk so much that you don't know who's a soldier."


The old man coughed in vain at the principal's words and said to Lee Jong-seok.

"May I ask you to take care of Jinchungboguk, sir?"


At the old man's words, Lee Jong-seok, buried in a brush, looked at Hanji.

'I repay the country with all my loyalty to the Republic of China. It's a test of evil."

It is a test of a tattoo that his mother carved on the back of General Akbi, who was a general and scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Of course, it was not Lee Jong-seok's knowledge, but knowledge based on academic experience.


Lee Jong-seok, who was holding a brush for a while, wrote at once.

Sweep! Sweep!

Lee Jong-seok, who wrote down four letters of Jinchungboguk in a flash, was amazed at the faces of adults.

"The wire is thick."

"The two letters of the jinchung are as sharp as a sword, as powerful as a waterfall, and the two letters of the Bo Guk are like a calm lake."

"You're right. The two letters seem to mean the spirit of a warrior, but the country behind it seems to contain the scholar's desire for stability.”

"And now that I hear you. That's a great handwriting. The four letters of Jinchungboguk contain the loyalty of the warrior and the desire for stability of the country.”

Listening to adults commenting with admiration, Lee Jong-seok slipped back.

But whose handwriting is this?’

He did not imitate Wang's handwriting. When I heard and wrote the word "Jinchungboguk," it was written naturally.

'It's in academic handwriting.

It must be his handwriting because his academic experience led him to write Chinese characters. Thinking that way, Lee Jong-seok returned to his seat and began to eat refreshments.

'It's really good. I'd like you to bring me some Mom.’

If it tastes this good in your own mouth, it will melt in your parents' mouths.

Lee Jong-seok, who ate all the snacks in front of him with that thought, started eating the refreshment bowl sitting next to him.

"This guy got a good piece of writing.”

"Yes, it's a perfect article for you, a soldier."

The old man, called a soldier in his friends' words, smiled and looked at the writing.

'You like it.'

When he hung three stars, the former president once wrote four letters for him.

But it was nothing compared to this article.

The old man, who was looking at the letters of Jinchungboguk for a while, turned his head toward Lee Jong-seok.

"Does Mr. Lee Jong-seok have any optimism?"

Lee Jong-seok shook his head at the polite old man's words.


"Then could you write down your name on this side?"

"My name?"

The principal said, looking at Lee Jong-seok wondering.

"The work has the signature of the author."

At the principal's words, Lee Jong-seok nodded and held up the brush.

It's Chinese, so you'd better write your name in Chinese.’

Lee Jong-seok, muttering to himself, wrote his name in Chinese characters.

Sweep! Sweep!

When the writing was completed, the principal smiled at the owner of the writing.

"You got a good writing."


An old man with a pleasant face took a scroll out of his bag while reading.

The old man, who had written on the scroll, walked next to the principal's scroll.

And said with a pleased face.

"I'll have to buy you lunch today.”

"Hahaha! That's right. If you've got this much writing, you should buy a meal."

Watching the old people sit down smiling, Lee Jong-seok glanced at the principal.

"You don't write any more?"

"Would you like to spend more?"

Lee Jong-seok's face hardened slightly as if he was uncomfortable with the respectful appearance of the principal.

The principal smiled and whispered softly at the sight.

"A year's confession among writers is just a number. Don't feel uncomfortable because if you write good things at a writing club, you'll get that much respect."


The principal, who seemed to be proud of Lee Jong-seok's answer, opened his mouth.

"Moon Bang-woo is not a group that wants to get a lot of good writing, but a group that appreciates good writing. And I've seen you write good enough today, and I've appreciated it, so that's enough."

"I see."

The old man, wearing glasses that were sitting on one side as the two talked, spoke stealthily.

"May I ask you for a word?"

"Huh! Sootham, this guy's body is sweet."

"Looking at the geo-am writing, I'm getting tired without realizing it.”

"Sudam? Geoam? What names are they?'

The principal looked at Lee Jong-seok as he murmured inside.

"Can I ask you a favor?"

"It's all right."

It's not that difficult to ask you to write several letters, but what's difficult about it when you ask me to write one letter?

When Lee Jong-seok thought of it, an old man called Sudam opened his bag, took out a large piece of paper and spread it on the table.

Lee Jong-seok's face was flustered with a large paper that seemed to be one meter wide.

'Why is the paper so big when you write one letter?'

When Lee Jong-seok was looking at the paper for a while, the talk extended a little thick brush.

"I'd like to ask for a righteous man."

"A chair."


Looking at the chatter of nodding his head, Lee Jong-seok briefly grabbed the brush and thought before dipping it into a inkstone.


Watching the food absorbed by the brush, Lee Jong-seok looked at the white stove.

'의... means treating a person with a spear and a bow.'

When I thought of the chair, the meaning of it came to me by itself. And Lee Jong-seok's brush, which was thinking for a while, began to move seriously and slowly.


If it didn't take 10 seconds to write for an old man named Geoam, Lee Jong-seok, who uses a chair, worked almost for a minute.

And Lee Jong-seok, who finished writing, took a breath.



Lee Jong-seok's forehead was covered with sweat. Lee Jong-seok, who wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hands, looked at the writing.

A chair was sitting on the one-meter-long site. And Lee Jong-seok liked the writing.

'I feel at ease.’

Although he wrote it himself, he felt warm and comfortable just by looking at it.


And turning his head, Lee Jong-seok could see the old people smiling and reading.

He was not the only one who felt that way.

"Good writing."

At the principal's words, the gossip looked at Lee Jong-seok.

"What does it mean?”

Chinese writing is not just writing. There is meaning and meaning in it.

And even if it were the same article, it could feel different in meaning and meaning depending on what kind of mind the writer put in.

The words "Mom and lover love you" are the same, but the meaning inside it is different.

Lee Jong-seok looked at the writing and said to the question of the talk.

"I think a chair means treating and recovering people. So I hope that the people who see it will be comfortable and healthy."

"So the writing feels warm."

The chatter opened its mouth while looking at the writing with a smile.

"I think we should hang it at the entrance of our hospital."


"Oh! If you feel sick or need to have a check-up with your parents, please come. I got a good handwriting, so I'll give you a free checkup."

With a smile, the chatter pulled out his business card pack and extended his business card.

"Seoul Hospital is such a big hospital. What a great person.’

When Lee Jong-seok was surprised and looked at his business card, a man named Geoam opened his mouth.

"So I couldn't even say hello to you."

With the horse, Geoam stuck out his business card.

'Defense Research Institute?'

Lee Jong-seok, who was thinking about what this place was, was surprised to see the history on the back of his business card.

If you're a lieutenant, you're a three star?

I thought he was a former soldier just because he was a soldier, but I didn't think he was a three-star general.

Then, surprised Lee Jong-seok was given business cards one by one by one by one.