For several days, Li Qing and the children wandered around the forest farm and gradually became familiar with the environment here.

Knowing that this is Zuo Qingfeng's family, Muya forestry showed special enthusiasm for them from top to bottom.

You know, over the past two years, Zuo Qingfeng has been in charge of Muya forestry and the forest farm. The villagers have more time to deal with Zuo Qingfeng. They have gradually learned more about Zuo Qingfeng and recognize him as a leader in their heart.

In their eyes, although Zuo Qingfeng is an outsider, he is not as close as Chen mu in their hearts, but Zuo Qingfeng is fair and friendly to others, and his age and qualifications are in front of them. When the villagers hear that Zuo Qingfeng has been a leader in a foreign company, they naturally feel that Zuo Qingfeng is absolutely qualified to be their leader, So they are willing to listen to what Zuo Qingfeng said.

Now Zuo Qingfeng has brought his wife and children. Obviously, he is ready to take root here, which makes the villagers feel that he will be their own in the future. Of course, they should treat Zuo Qingfeng's family well.

Early in the morning, the Uygur old man personally drove the battery car and took Zuo Qingfeng's three children to the forest farm to experience a handful of desert trees.

Although the Uygur old man was lame, his battery car was specially customized by Chen Mu and designed by Xincheng high tech before.

The switch of the car is under the non lame leg of the Uygur old man, and it is operated by a single pedal. As long as the pedal is released, the car will stop by itself.

Of course, if the car can't stop, there is a manual brake, which can absolutely ensure driving safety.

With this small battery car, the Uygur old man is much more convenient wherever he goes. He doesn't have to ride a donkey. He relies on this battery car every day to work, which is his happiest thing in more than a year.

"It turned out that everything here is desert and nothing grows. Now planting trees and grass has become what you see now..."

"Because of these trees, this area has become much cooler now. Someone from the Meteorological Bureau came to detect it and said that the temperature here has decreased by 8% year-on-year. I can't tell exactly how much. Anyway, it's not as hot as before..."

"When we plant all the trees in this area, we will plant them in the sand sea, and then it will all become an oasis..."

The Uygur old man talked happily. Now he drives a battery car around the forest farm every day. Looking at the situation in front of him, the desert turns into an oasis, he can't help but be happy and feel his spirit.

After talking for a while, the Uygur old man turned and asked the youngest child, "Xiao Huai, do you like it here?"

The names of the three children were Richard, Zuo Yiluo and Zuo Yihuai.

Richard was a handsome boy of mixed race. His mother's last name was just right with his English name.

Zuo Yiluo and Zuo Yihuai are three years away. Zuo Yihuai is the youngest child, just ten years old.

He is about the same age as the grandson of the Uygur old man, so the old man especially likes to talk to him.

Hearing the Uighur old man's question, Zuo Yihuai thought and replied, "I still like sand."

When the Uygur old man heard this, he immediately smiled: "you just want to play SUV?"

Before, Chen Mu led Li Qing and his family to visit various villages, including bazha village to see the sand sea.

The children have a good time in Bazar village, because there are all kinds of fun projects, including sand skiing, horse riding, camel racing, hang gliding, cross-country sand flushing... Among them, beach buggy driving is the most popular.

After playing for a day, I don't know how tired I am.

The main reason is that they can operate their own cars and run in the sand sea. They can play as long as they like.

So after returning from Bazar village, several children still remembered it.

Hearing the Uighur old man joking, Richard defended his brother: "Uncle izmati, we come from maple leaf country. There are many trees in maple leaf country. We just think the desert scenery is very special and fresh, so we like it."

The Uygur old man nodded: "yes, you haven't seen it. Of course, you feel fresh. If you had suffered from sand like the people here, you wouldn't think so."

When he said that, the old man remembered the children for a while until he finally came to the depths of the forest farm and the place where trees were planted.

The car was very good, and the Uygur old man patted Richard: "come on, boy, help me and take down all the guys working in the car."

"OK, uncle."

Richard promised and immediately took his two younger brothers and removed all the tools from the car.

The Uygur old man looked at the handsome boy of mixed race and couldn't help laughing.

He liked Richard very much, because Richard was of mixed race. He actually looked a little like the local Uighurs.

If you don't know his origin, you may even misunderstand that he is the child of a local Uighur villager.

Moreover, I don't know if it was because he was fostered in the left family since childhood. Richard was very sensible, had a good personality and looked like a big brother.

It can be seen from some small details that he loves his two younger brothers and treats his adoptive parents with great respect.

Generally speaking, although the children did not grow up with their biological parents, they did not grow crooked. On the contrary, they looked like men at this age.

Because of this, anyone who knew Richard's origin would trust the character of Zuo Qingfeng and his wife.

Uighur elders have heard from Chen Mu privately, so while admiring Zuo Qingfeng and his wife, they also love this sensible child.

"Haven't you planted trees in the desert before?"

"Look here, this is a well. It needs water to plant trees. We must connect the pipe first..."

"Watch the interval, then you can divide your work and cooperate, and rotate when you are tired..."

The Uygur elderly began to carry out on-site teaching and instructed the three children to plant trees.

After working for a while, Zuo Yiluo couldn't help asking, "uncle, how can there be a water well here?"

"Take a taxi!"

The Uygur old man took his cigarette and began to smoke.

Planting trees requires water. The situation in the forest farm is better now. There are more than ten water tankers.

They carry water to the forest farm every day. They are specially responsible for watering new saplings. They will not stop until the saplings grow.

In the past, when there was no water truck, irrigation depended on drilling wells, connecting pipes through the wells and pouring all the way.

In fact, this method is not easy. After all, water wells can not be found anywhere, and it is not cheap to drill a well. Compared with the current waterwheel, it can be said to be laborious.

The Uyghur elderly have always felt that there is a thing very divine. Chen Mu has the ability to "point a well", one by one, and there is no need to detect it.

Therefore, the forest farm bought a second-hand drilling equipment. They would drill the well whatever Chen Mu said. Unexpectedly, they could draw water every time. They didn't bring anything wrong.

In this way, it saves a lot of money for the forest farm.

Basically, they do well drilling in the forest farm by themselves, and the outside drilling team can't make their money at all.

The Uygur old man glanced at the working children and the desert in front of him. He suddenly felt a little happy and felt that it would be more and more prosperous in the future. What a blessing from Hu da.



When the Zuo Qingfeng family were reunited at the gas station, they were far away in the country of silence. Yangming pill had been quietly listed.

The first places to be listed were Sanfan city and luotangji city.

These two cities are inhabited by many Xia immigrants and have some market foundation of Yangming pills.

Although Yangming pill has good efficacy, it is not easy to enter the white market as soon as it comes. Mucheng pharmaceutical has just tried water because it has obtained the sales license. It does not mean to enter the market of silent mourning country.

One reason is that they have not fully understood the domestic market at present, and have no energy or funds to pay attention to the silent country market.

Second, the silent mourning market has many different rules from the domestic market, and they must adapt slowly bit by bit.

For example, if you want to put Yangming pills on the shelves in some large pharmacies in the silent country, Yangming pills should not only take out the sales license, but also buy all kinds of insurance with large compensation amount according to the regulations, so that in case of drug accident, there will be insurance companies to compensate.

Basically, the requirements of each drugstore are different. If you want to sell on the shelves of major drugstores in the silent country, you must do a lot of preparatory work in advance, and you also need a lot of money to do these things, which is not easy.

Therefore, after obtaining the sales license, Mucheng pharmaceutical temporarily only sells Yangming pills in some relatively small pharmacies, especially the pharmacies opened by Xia immigrants, aiming at the market of Xia immigrants.

Huang Bo is an immigrant from Guangnan Province, Xia state. In his early years, he worked in Wang'an computer company. Later, he was dismissed. He worked in other companies for more than ten years before finally retiring as he wished.

After retirement, the single Huang Bo lived a very leisurely life.

After getting up every day, first go to the teahouse near home for morning tea, a cup of two to send breakfast and lunch, then chat with friends, play cards and so on, have some dinner, go home and watch TV, and the day will pass.

That day, when he came out of the teahouse, he walked in the sun and strolled slowly in the street.

The originally agreed friend couldn't answer the appointment today, so he had to find something to pass the time by himself.

Shopping is a good choice. You can also walk along the street to the park, where people often play chess, and he can also join in the fun.

Walking through a drugstore, Huang Bo saw a big human sign in front of the door and couldn't help stopping.

This humanoid sign is the size of a normal person and the image of a young woman.

People are very beautiful, but they feel a bit mixed.

In the woman's hand, there is a small box with the words "Yangming pill" written on it. Obviously, the object of the human sign advertisement is this Yangming pill.

What made Huang Bo stop was not the beautiful woman on the human sign, but the line of introduction to the woman printed on one side of the sign: "annar Guli, the youngest female academician of the Xia National Academy of Sciences."

Huang Bo is an old intellectual. He came out of the Xia state because of his high education. He is a graduate of Wudaokou University.

Although he has lived outside the ocean for so many years, he has been paying attention to some domestic news and current affairs, especially some scientific research.

Sometimes when talking to other old friends, these are very good topics.

He knows very well what the title of "academician of the Xia National Academy of Sciences" means. You know, several of his former classmates have become academicians of the Xia National Academy of Sciences, which once made him very envious.

How many times in the dead of night, he would ask himself, if he didn't go abroad, or returned to the Xia state after going abroad, would he also have the opportunity to become an "academician"?

Of course, people's life, missed is missed, there will be no chance to go back and modify.

Although Huang Bo has regrets, it's really difficult to compare what he gets with what he gets.

But at this time, because he saw the human sign, the advertisement on it suddenly attracted his attention.

"Do female academicians of the Xia National Academy of Sciences act as spokesmen? They actually do such endorsements? It's not common!"

Huang Bo looked puzzled. He really didn't understand.

As far as he knows, these academicians of the Xia National Academy of Sciences cherish feathers. After all, such titles are not easy to get and represent an extremely noble social status.

Let alone let them be the spokesmen of this kind of goods. Even if scientific research projects want them to hang their names, they probably don't want to.

But this

Huang Bo thought for a moment and walked into the drugstore.

This is obviously a pharmacy opened by Xia immigrants. There are many Xia medicines in it, such as Baoji pills, safflower oil, cooling oil, belly button stickers and so on.

After Huang Bo entered the door, he asked the woman inside, "can you show me the medicine on the sign at the door?"

The woman glanced at Huang Bo, then came out of the cashier welded with iron railings and glass baffles and took medicine for Huang Bo.

Huang Bo is used to seeing it. He just waits quietly.

Security is deteriorating here. Armed robbery happens from time to time.

Especially the stores opened by Xia people are patronized many times. After all, they don't like to resist.

For those bandits who rob their homes, they have a much higher chance of success and less trouble, so they like to do things for Xia people's stores.

Of course, in the past two years, the people of the Xia Dynasty have also become fierce, especially the immigrants from the reconstruction area. Many of them have guns and will pull the trigger.

After a while, the woman brought a box of medicine and handed it to Huang Bo.

Huang Bo looked up and said that the Yangming pill had many functions, such as bad sleep and waist and thigh pain.

This is very serious. It is basically a common disease of the elderly.

Huang Bo looked at the prescription again. It seemed that the herbs written in it were not strange.

When Huang Bo was old, he also did some research on Xia medicine and knew the effects of many drugs.

He knew all these herbs on Yangming pill, which made him a little curious. He didn't know whether this prescription was really useful., the fastest update of the webnovel!