After listening to Chen Mu's words, the Uygur old man and the korban river all fell into meditation.

What they were worried about was money, not that they didn't have money to build a house. They were a little distressed. Chen Mu spent so much money on building a village.

In their opinion, the villagers should be allowed to build their own houses at most, which will only cost the villagers their own money and the cost will be much smaller.

But now Chen Mu directly said that he wanted to build a new village, which cost more than he had spent on road construction before.

Back in the forest farm, Chen Mu quickly put himself into work. Hu Xiaoer and four puppies were directly put back into the forest farm by him, and Sahuan went.

Now the company is growing and the number of employees is increasing. Although Chen Mu has a female doctor to help him share his work and Zhang Xinnian helps him filter out many unimportant things, he still has a lot of things to do.

There are a lot of things waiting for him to make up his mind, which needs to be handled by him. There is no way to let others do it.

Before he had gone to a strange color for many days, the backlog of things to let him solve all at once, the time spent is certainly not less.

After lunch time, he didn't even have time to eat lunch. He just asked for a Nang and ate it in his office.

Just then, a phone call from his city came.

"Chen mu, it's me, Qiu Yuanguang."

On the phone, it was Qiu Yuanguang's voice.

"Brother Qiu, what instructions do you have?"

After Chen Mu got the bank loan introduced by Qiu Yuanguang, he had no time to thank him. Now hearing Qiu Yuanguang's voice, he immediately remembered the matter and said, "I just came back with a strange color. I also want to go to the city to find you in a few days."

Qiu Yuanguang didn't answer. He only asked, "I heard that you are going to hold a ceremony for opening the newly built highway there, right?"


"Prepare for it. Then several leaders of thinking will come over."


Chen Mu was a little surprised.

The opening ceremony of Muya highway was held, and they had already sent an invitation letter to the city.

At that time, the city's reply was not coming, and expressed oral congratulations to them.

So they were ready to invite Sadik, the mayor of the town, to come over and finish the work.

I didn't expect that everything was ready, but the leader of thinking said that he was coming.

It's a little sudden. It's like an attack.

Chen Mu asked tentatively, "didn't you say you couldn't come before? Why did you suddenly change your mind? Brother Qiu, you have to give me the disclosure. Don't let me have such a situation

Qiu Yuanguang thought for a while, lowered a little voice and said, "it's not a bad thing. You can come according to the normal procedure. Don't make it too grand."

It's not a bad thing

That's not a good thing!

Chen Mu quickly asked, "brother Qiu, can you be more specific? You can explain it to me. "

Qiu Yuanguang said with a smile, "it's not a bad thing. Don't react too much. Well, I still have something to do. That's it."

The phone soon hung up.

I'm going to

After answering the phone, Chen Mu was very melancholy.

Come to such a call, special why don't say anything, really let a person can't live well.

After thinking about it, Chen Mu quickly called Zhang Xinnian over and asked him to prepare for the opening ceremony again. Don't make it too simple and lose the chain in front of the leaders.

Two days later --

finally, it is the day for the opening ceremony.

Chen Mu led the people to wait at the scene. Ten minutes before the ceremony, the leader's car finally arrived.

"There are not many people coming..."

Looking at the three cars coming, Chen Mu couldn't help muttering.

According to the calculation of one leader with one car, five or six cars were expected to come, including the leaders of the big leaders, the leaders of agriculture and forestry, and the leaders of the science and Technology Bureau. Unexpectedly, only three cars came, less than expected.

Chen Mu did not have time to think carefully, three cars stopped, and then the leaders got off the car one after another.

"Welcome to..."

Chen Mu rushed forward to express his heartfelt welcome.

However, Chen Mu was a little surprised by the people who got off the bus.

The first one to get on and off was the great leader and Qiu Yuanguang.

These two Chen Mu are very familiar, even the driver of the leader, he can have a few words.

The second car got on and off, but unexpectedly it was leader Wang.

this is what Chen Mu is familiar with. He has dealt with him before. Leader Wang is a supporter behind Yuan Cheng. But later, Yuan Cheng was involved in the business espionage and left X city. At that time, leader Wang talked to him personally and transferred the land that belonged to Yuan Cheng across the gas station to Muya.

After that, Chen Mu and Wang's leaders did not have any intersection. However, when they met at this time, he quickly said hello, and there was still a need for considerate face.As for the leader who came down from the third car, Chen Mu had never seen him. He was a stranger. Chen Mu could only nod to the other party and wait for the big leader to introduce him.

Of course, Chen Mu had some speculations in his heart.

At this time, it happened to be a new leader in the city, so he didn't see him.

Sure enough --

after the leader said hello to everyone, he introduced Chen mu with a smile. The new leader would be the second brother of thinking. He took this opportunity to meet Chen mu.

The second brother is also a brother. Chen Mu goes to say hello to him.

Although I don't know how his temperament is, he nodded with a smile in the face of his environment.

People arrived, in order not to miss the auspicious time, after a few greetings, the opening ceremony officially began.

The ceremony was not too heavy. It was not necessary to make it too big for such a small road. In fact, it was a matter of setting off firecrackers and cutting colors, so it was quickly completed.

The second elder brother leader and the Wang leader must leave immediately after finishing the work, which is a bit in a hurry.

However, when Wang was about to leave, he came and patted Chen mu on the shoulder and said, "do a good job."

Chen Mu felt quite abrupt, but he could feel the goodwill of the other party, and he responded solemnly: "thank you for your support."

After the second elder brother leader and Wang leader left, the big leader called Chen Mu into his car.

The driver is in the driver's seat, Qiu Yuanguang is in the vice driver's seat, and Chen Mu and the leader are working side by side in the back. The space in the car is still private.

Chen Mu is sitting in a critical position, waiting for the big leader to speak. He knows that the leader must have something important to say.

Qiu Yuanguang has said in the phone before, it is not a bad thing, it is certainly not a good thing.

He has been doing psychological construction for the past two days, and he is somewhat prepared.

But what he didn't expect was that the first sentence of the leader still surprised him: "I will leave X city at the end of the year."


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