"In this forum, people from different countries also came to participate in the forum. After seeing the success of the introduction of our sea rice by Arab oil Dubai, they have always been interested in introducing our sea rice."

While eating, Yang Guo explained: "we have actually been in contact with them for a period of time, and other things have been basically settled. The only thing that worries them is that the cost of farmland transformation is too high."

Chen Mu overhears, remembering that the Uyghur girl talked about it at the beginning. The cost of sea water rice to transform farmland is about 10000 yuan per mu.

At that time, the Uyghur girl said that the cost was not high, but Chen Mu still thought it was high.

Ten thousand yuan per mu of land, ten thousand mu will cost 100 million yuan, which is the rice that ordinary people can afford to grow?

To know that his new rice variety now costs 3000 yuan per mu of land, which he thinks is high.

If it was not for Cheng Zijun, who had no shortage of money, he did not know how to try to promote it on a large scale.

At least not for a short time. He can't afford such a large sum of money.

However, it is not to say that the heterogeneous countries have always had money. Their country is small and its land is narrow. There are deserts in such a small area. It is unreasonable not to spend some money on land renovation.

"Are they too expensive?"

The Uyghur girl was also curious and asked, "I remember reading the information that the cost of land transformation for sea rice is 10000 yuan per mu, right?"

YangGuo nodded: "in fact, there is a little difference between our local and the colorful strong. If we really want to calculate the cost of land transformation, it is 1311 mu."

"Thirteen thousand?"

The Uygur girl was a little surprised: "this is really a little high."

"It's a little high, but the price we've offered to the people of different colors is only 10000 mu."

YangGuo sighed helplessly and said, "it's mainly the Chinese people who are stirring up the situation. Their Bayer company is competing with us for the list of fierce people. Although their rice varieties are not as good as ours, their land transformation cost is 81 mu, which is much lower than our price."

Eight thousand to ten thousand

Although the difference is only two thousand, but if we zoom to thousands of mu of land to compare, there is a big gap.

Yang Guo gently asked the Uyghur girl, "do you know Bayer company?"

"Yes, it's the company that made aspirin and heroin."

"Yes, their international giants have businesses all over the world. Polymers, medicine and health care, chemical industry and agriculture are their four pillar industries Well, you may not know, they just acquired Monsanto from the United States. "

"Bair bought Monsanto?"

"Yes, they also have certain advantages in hybrid rice. Compared with our sea rice, their rice varieties are still a little insufficient, but in recent years, in order to suppress us, they do not hesitate to occupy the market with very low prices. This is what happened this time."

Yang Guo shook his head and said, "we are already losing money in 10000 mu. However, in order to win this list, we can continue to do business with them in the future. In fact, it is no problem to lose at all. However, the price offered by Bayer is too low, and people of different colors are attracted by their low price, which leads to the dispute

The Uyghur girl thought for a moment and asked, "haven't the people of different colors always attached great importance to the development of agriculture? Although I don't know how their rice varieties are, they should be able to see the advantages of sea rice. They What do you think? "

Yang Guo replied: "in fact, we can't blame them. We didn't understand the situation at first, but after sitting down for several times, we gradually understood their worries."

With a slight cough, she went on: "frankly speaking, people of different colors feel that they are enemies on all sides and are very unsafe. Therefore, they don't want to invest too much in the transformation of cultivated land. Otherwise, in case of war, these investments will probably be reduced to ashes. For them, the lower the cost of farmland improvement, the better. "

"That's right..."

The Uygur girl suddenly understood, looked at Yang Guo and said, "fruit, what do you mean?"

Chen mu, who had no expression in front of the audience, could not help rolling his eyes when he heard the Uyghur girl's "Guo Er".

These two people have known each other for two days. They are just like one person.

One called another "Guo'er", the other called this "Nana". It was so hot and strong that people could not stand it.

Sister Tao's dialogue continued. Yang Guo said, "Nana, this is your opportunity. We can't get along with the fierce people because of the cost of farmland transformation. But I remember you said before that your farmland transformation cost is 3000 mu?"

At this moment, even Chen Mu understood that YangGuo wanted them to try to grab an order from a strange person.

The Uyghur girl pondered for a while and said, "but our rice promotion has just started, and the first season has not been planted yet. Well, we have no successful experience at all. How can we grab the orders of fierce people?"

"What's the matter? You have begun to plant on a large scale. If the first season is planted, it will be known in three months. People with fierce color should have patience to wait for you."After a slight pause, YangGuo continued: "the key is that your new rice variety is suitable for growing in the desert, and the cost of cultivated land transformation is really low. Not only can we not compete with you in Haihai rice, but also there is no room for Bayer even if they want to reduce the price, right?"

The Uyghur girl had never thought of such a thing before. She had no psychological preparation at all. After thinking about it, she said, "our company is so small that it is impossible to undertake such a large list Well, after all, we're not ready. I'm afraid we're going to grab the list, and we can't do it well. "

"You don't have to worry about these things. As long as you speak well today, you can attract the attention of people of different colors, and we will talk about it later."

Yang Guo restrained his smile and said seriously, "Nana, this matter is related to Xia's foreign policy and is the national interest. As long as you can grab the list, the country will support you and do it well."

What is this?

Is it a promise?

When the Uygur girl heard Yang Guo say this, she couldn't help but look at Chen mu.

It's still him who is in charge. He has to make up his mind about it.

YangGuo is also aware of this, and also put his eyes on Chen mu.

Chen Mu pondered for a while and said with a smile, "anyway, speak well of your speech, and talk about other things later."

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