After hanging up the phone, Chen Mu quickly called the private detective named "panghu" according to the contact information provided by Zhang jujuan.

As soon as the man got through the phone, Chen Mu immediately reported to his family. The most important thing was to carry out the signboard of Zhang chujuan, which was said to save money.

Panghu is very straightforward. He said that he would do it according to the price of Lawyer Zhang, and then he directly began to understand the content of Chen Mu's entrustment.

"You say that man is Huang Yijun, the son of deputy Ju Chang, an Ju, worker of X city? It's a little troublesome. I need to add money. Is that ok? "

"The person you want to investigate is not Huang Yijun? Who is that? Qin? I remember that there is no leader surnamed Qin in the city. Well, I'll check it later. "

"IRS? There seems to be a deputy Ju Chang named Qin over there. I don't think it's so simple. It's OK to add money? "


Chen Mu heard several words to add money, but he couldn't help it. He half jokingly said, "I was introduced by Lawyer Zhang. You still add money. Isn't this a bit unscientific?"

Panghu laughed: "you asked me to check the son of an Ju, a worker. How difficult and dangerous this is. Even if Lawyer Zhang comes to me in person, he has to pay more."

Chen Mu asked again, "how long can we get news?"

Panghu said: "some things are easy to check. There will be news soon. Some things need to be done slowly. It may take a long time. However, if you only need the personal information of Qin, from what you have provided to me at present, the results will be available tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

That's fast

Although Chen Mu didn't even meet the fat tiger, after chatting with the other party on the phone for a while, he felt that the man was reliable and crisp. He should be efficient in doing things.

Sometimes the communication between people is particular about this first impression, Chen Mu nodded: "that line, this matter will be left to you."

Panghu asked, "how can I contact you after I get the information? Do you want to use this phone? "

"That's right. Just call me on this phone, and say you can call Chen mu."

Chen Mu answered, thought for a while, and then asked, "don't you need me to pay a deposit or something?"

Panghu said with a smile: "no, you mu Ya forestry family is big, you won't owe me this small money."

Chen Mu was surprised: "do you know me?"

Panghu said: "last time you were hacked on the Internet, or I checked."

"Oh, so it is."

Chen Mu understood. It seems that Zhang Juan introduced her own person to him. It should be no problem.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Mu sat in his seat and thought about it. He thought that he should get a satellite phone, which would make it easier for him to contact the outside world in sparsely populated areas in the future.

He asked Qin Gang before. It is said that if he is willing to spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy a complete set of access equipment, and can also use satellite broadband Internet access, it can improve the inconvenience of communication between the gas station and the outside world.

Now for him, spending a hundred or two hundred thousand is a small matter. He can only spend money to solve the problem, and he will not be reluctant to part with it.

Just like in Wangxi Province before, because he was in the forest farm of aguidam, ouzijuan couldn't contact him, so he was cheated into the wild

Although ouzijuan was lucky in the end, he found out that the other party was fake. However, if the accident happened at that time, he would not like to see any of them in a dangerous situation because they could not contact themselves. Therefore, he thought it was necessary to buy a satellite phone and give it to her We both have one.

Having made up his mind, Chen Mu left the gas station with a land cruiser of Uygur girls and rushed to X city.

Prepare to do a good job with the satellite phone and pick up the fat man and Lu Li.

The two men spent some time in Southeast province. Later, they sent Lu Li's father and mother back to their hometown. Today, they finally said they would come back.

The fat man left for more than a month and completely left the business of Moya tourism. It's really good.

These days, every time Chen Mu receives Liu Zicong's phone harassment, he wants to strangle the goods that value color but despise friends.

Although Liu Zicong is capable, he has never been in charge of the whole business of Mu Ya tourism. Now he is pushed out by the fat man and stares at him. From time to time, there will be some small problems

Liu Zicong couldn't find the fat man, so he could only find the boss Chen mu. Chen Mu wiped his buttocks several times and was as busy as a dog.

Liu Zicong also tried to lose a tourist when he went to L City. He didn't know where the man had gone. In the end, Chen Mu called Sadik and asked Sadik to take his men to rescue the site. Finally, he found the man back.

One by one, Chen Mu wrote down all these things in a small book, and prepared to wait for the fat man to come back and settle the matter. He would definitely kill the goods.

All the way, there were no cars on the road. It was quite smooth.

But after walking for more than two hours, I don't know why. There are more and more cars on the road. They are blocked and can't move.Misty grass

Traffic jams in places like this?

This is the first time Chen Mu has encountered this situation.

He looked in front of him. The car was not long, and he didn't know what happened.

According to his guess, there may be a traffic accident ahead, so the road is blocked.

Looking around again, he couldn't help shaking his head.

There are guardrails on both sides of the road, so you can't get the car off the road.

Otherwise, with the land cruiser he was driving, he would simply drive into the desert on both sides and go straight around this section and drive ahead.

It took about ten or twenty minutes.

Chelong did not move, and he did not know when he would be the leader.

Many drivers got out of the car and watched, talking about what happened ahead.

Chen Mu also got out of the car. After thinking about it, he simply trotted forward to see the situation.

After running for five or six minutes, I finally saw the source of the traffic jam

To his surprise, his eyes almost fell off. The scene came: on the road at the end of the car dragon, a group of camels, about 30 or 40 heads, were lying in the middle of the road, making it impossible for the car to pass.

The drivers of many cars honked their horns to drive away the camels, but they were useless. The camels were lying on the road and felt as if they were asleep.

Before Chen Mu went on, he saw several drivers shouting around an old Uygur man: "what's the matter? How did your camel come to the road? Hurry away. I'm in a hurry."

"Let's get your camels up and let us pass by. What do you want to do to block all the roads?"

"If you don't drive your camels away, I will call the police..."

When I heard that the police were going to be called, the old Uighur man grimaced and said, "don't call the police. Don't call the police. I can't help it. I don't know what's going on. What can I do if they don't leave."

"How could it be so Why do you want to drive the camels to the road? Now that you can't help it, what do you mean? I think you are deliberately blocking the traffic... "

Seeing the more excited the several people said, the saliva sprayed on the old man. Chen Mu quickly walked over and pulled the Uygur old man over.

Chen Mu opened his wallet and showed a certificate in it at a speed that was hard for the naked eye to see. He said with great momentum: "don't make any noise. I'll ask about the situation."

To tell you the truth, those people didn't see Chen Mu's identity card clearly, and they didn't know what his identity was. However, they felt that Chen Mu was very arrogant. He was suppressed for a while and did not dare to say anything more.

Chen Mu took back his eyes and stuffed his wallet back into his pocket.

Turning his head, he asked the Uygur old man, "uncle, what's going on? Why don't the camels leave? Tell me about it."

The old man of the Uygur nationality looked at Chen Mu and felt that the young man's manner of speaking was quite friendly. He said, "I don't know. I didn't watch him for a moment just now, so the camels came to the road. I chased them all the way, but I didn't know how to stop them. I didn't move here. I couldn't drive them away."

After a slight pause, he waved his hand worried and said, "I really didn't mean to. I didn't mean to jam the traffic. I didn't really."

Chen Mu nodded and said, "uncle, don't worry. Take me to see your camel and see what's going on."

Chen Mu is more kind-hearted, unlike the previous several people who scolded him. The Uygur old man is still willing to believe Chen mu. After listening to Chen Mu's words, he immediately led Chen Mu forward.

The camels were lying on the ground, half squinting their eyes. When Chen Mu and the Uygur old man passed by, they did not move. At most, they just turned their heads to have a look.

"That's the leading camel."

In front of all the camels, a camel is very tall, with a bell on its neck, which is the so-called camel bell.

Generally speaking, camel bells are divided into "Ding Ling" and "Dong Ling".

The sound of Jingling is "jingling, jingling".

This kind of camel bell will be tied to the last camel of the team by the owner of the camel team.

As long as you hear the sound of jingling, even if you don't have to look back, you can know that the camel is not lost, especially in the dark with poor vision.

The sound of Dong Ling is "Dong Da, Dong Da".

Because the volume of Dong Ling is relatively large and the sound is relatively dull, it is mainly fixed on the goods, which are usually tied to the most valuable goods of the camel team.

As long as the owner of the camel team hears the sound of the bell, he will know that the goods are still there and not lost.

Now, the role of the camel team is getting smaller and smaller.

Usually, the owner of the camel team will only tie a bell on the leading camel to let the other camels get used to listening to the bell and walk behind the leading camel, so that the camel is not easy to lose.

The tall camel's neck is tied with a Golden Camel Bell. The coat color is also the best. It seems that the camel has been carefully taken care of by its owner at ordinary times. It is very powerful.Chen Mu went to the camel, touched its head with his hand, and asked, "why don't you go?"

The old man of the Uygur nationality has been following Chen mu all the time. When he saw Chen Mu trying to touch the head of a camel with his hand, he also wanted to say something to stop him. He was worried that Chen Mu did not understand how to touch the camel and that the camel would be bitten.

But when he saw Chen Mu's action, he couldn't say anything to his mouth.

This young man looks like an old hand to touch the camel. His skill is extremely old and dexterous. After the leader camel was touched by him, he even squinted his eyes very comfortably. It was clear that he felt comfortable to be touched.

While touching the camel, Chen Mu went to the side of the camel, patted the camel's body, and said, "come on, big guy, get up and lead your guys out of here. Don't get in the way."

The camel didn't move, just grinning and staring at Chen mu.

After thinking about it, Chen Mu asked the Uygur old man, "how long have they been running into the highway?"

The old man of the Uygur nationality replied, "I've been running for a long time since I broke in Well, there are railings on the road, and they can't get down. They won't go when they run. "

Chen Mu looked at the old man of the Uygur nationality and asked, "uncle, how many years have you raised a camel?"

"It's been three or four years," said the old Uighur

"Never raised a camel before?"

"No, I used to roast mutton kebabs with my wife in Muqi city. When I got old and couldn't do anything, I came back to raise camels and help my family look after my little grandson."

"Oh, no wonder."

Chen Mu nodded and said, "uncle, do you have any long strips that you don't need? Let me use it. It should be longer. "

The Uygur old man didn't know what Chen Mu wanted to do, but now he trusted Chen Mu very much. Especially after Chen Mu had just exposed his hand and touched the camel dragon's hand, he had already seen that Chen Mu was a master of camel raising. So when he heard Chen Mu's request, he immediately nodded and said, "yes, Li, you wait a moment."

He quickly ran to the back of a camel carrying a small bag. He found a long cloth and took it back to Chen Mu: "do you think this is OK?"


Chen Mu took the long cloth, looked at it, folded it a little, then patted the head of the leading camel: "don't be afraid, brother, help you cover your eyes, you can follow me."

The camel turned to look at him, still motionless.

Chen Mu laughed, and slowly put the long cloth strip on the head of the leading camel, covered its head, tied it up and tied a knot.

At first, the leading camel still wanted to move its head and break the cloth strip away. But Chen Mu touched it with his hand and said, "don't be afraid, be good." his words seemed like magic, which made the camel quiet down quickly and stopped moving.

After Chen Mu did this, he turned to the Uygur old man and said, "uncle, do you have anything to eat? Give it something to eat, and, well, some water. "

The Uygur old man didn't know what Chen Mu was going to do, but Chen Mu's series of operations seemed like performing magic to him. The next moment is probably to witness the miracle.

He was extremely obedient to find beans and water, in Chen Mu's sign, to the leading camel to feed up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!