One night I could not sleep well. I was always worried about the seedlings in the field and wanted to know what was going on with them. Therefore, aguidam woke up before dawn.

The wind and sand outside the house has become smaller and will stop completely soon.

aoduodu picked up the hot kettle and poured some water to drink. There was a fishy smell of dirt in the water. He looked at the glass. There was a thin layer of dirt on the cup. It was when he just poured water to drink that he forgot to wipe the cup first.

Although it seems that the house has been blocked from the wind and sand outside, the fine dust still penetrates through the imperceptible cracks and fills the whole house.

Therefore, living here, we have to deal with the dust every day. We have to wipe all the things in our house every few days. How can we clean them up.

Some people will suffer from upper respiratory diseases, even lung cancer, so those who can move away have moved away early and are unwilling to stay in such places.

Only such people as akudamu, or people who want to beg for food in the desert, such as Nai Jen Tai, will stay in the village.

Aguidam smashed his mouth, raised his glass and drank the water in one breath. There was nothing left.

Although there is soil in the water, what does it matter? Anyway, drinking can not kill people.

Water is the most precious thing here. It can't be wasted.

After drinking the water, although the sandstorm outside the house had not completely subsided, aguidam could not help it. He put on his clothes, put on his work fellow shi'er, and put on a basket on his back. He opened the door and quickly walked out to his own field.

The dust is still in the air, but compared with yesterday, it is nothing.

In akudamu's impression, the situation like today is almost every two or three days. If he does not go out because of this degree of dust, there will be no time to go out this year.

Along the way, agudamu has been worried.

After such a big sandstorm, some trees near the village have been blown to pieces. The situation of the seedlings just planted in his field can be imagined.

now his only hope is that the saplings in the field can survive a little. As in the past, all the trees are not uprooted by the wind and sand, and there is no left. That is very good.

After walking for more than an hour, I finally came to my contracted land.

Agudamu's contracted land is not close to the village. If you walk on your legs alone, you will spend two and a half hours on the road every day.

However, Kurban River and Ilya have already said that they have ordered a small tractor for aguidam by Muya forestry, which is being sent over. It can be regarded as a loan from the company to aguidam for free.

Although agudamu still doesn't understand why the Muya forestry company subsidizes him to plant trees in this way, he has more or less trust in Muya forestry after contacting the two people of korban River and Ilya, and thinks that the people of this company are not cheaters.

Maybe people have other people's consideration. Anyway, he just plants trees. Even if he suffers a little loss, what is it?

What's more, he didn't suffer any loss at all, and he still got his salary every month, which was real gold and silver.

When you enter your own contracted land, the wind and sand become smaller, and the light outside can penetrate more, making the surrounding scene clear.

Akudamu was surprised to see that the seedlings planted in the field were still intact. They stood on the sand so that he had the illusion of his own eyes.

I couldn't help rubbing my eyes, and then I looked --

"it's true!"

Aguidam grinned. First he laughed, then he burst out laughing. Finally, he danced like a madman.

At this time, I was glad that there was no one on the sandy land around him. Otherwise, someone would send someone to send him to a mental hospital if he saw what he was like.

After laughing for a long time, aguidam finally got tired and sat on the ground, panting.

"How could that happen? How could it be? "

Akudamu saw that there were no Haloxylon seedlings after such a severe sandstorm. The more he calmed down, the more surprised he was.

We should know that Haloxylon ammodendron can be different from Salix psammophila. Compared with the two, Haloxylon ammodendron is basically fully rolled. It has a long life span, strong drought tolerance, strong reproduction, strong cold tolerance, and basically all attributes are stronger than Salix psammophila.

At the beginning of planting, Salix psammophila can directly insert its long branches into the ground with irrigation and flushing method, reaching nearly one meter under the ground, so as to ensure that the wind and sand can not pull it up.

Moreover, even if the wind and sand bury it, it will not die. As long as there is water, it can grow again. Therefore, there is a saying of "five immortality": drought, gnawing, chopping, flooding and burying.

Haloxylon ammodendron can take root and germinate quickly. As long as the seeds see water, they can take root and germinate in two to three hours. However, in the early stage of planting, it is very difficult to eat. It is easy to be blown up by wind and sand, or buried in the ground.Originally, aguidam didn't have grass checkers in his own field. This time when the sandstorm came, he felt that the seedlings of Haloxylon ammodendron planted would suffer. Unexpectedly, the result was like this. All his seedlings were living well and nothing happened.

"That's what they said. It's very good. If you do what they say, you can survive."

Akudamu recalled what Chen mu, kuerbanjiang and Elia had said. Although he had listened to the words before, he had never thought of it. But at this moment, he was convinced that the seedlings of other people's Moya forestry were really different from ordinary ones. No wonder he had to send someone to teach them how to plant them.

"I want to call back and thank you..."

Aguidam approached his own Haloxylon seedlings and looked at them one by one, thinking while looking at him.

Looking at the seedlings, he suddenly thought of Cistanche deserticola planted at the bottom. He recalled that the Cistanche deserticola should be born in a year later, which made him feel eager: "if this is true Then maybe the pastoral forestry can really change our village back to its original appearance... "

As long as the saplings can withstand the wind and sand and do not die easily, it can change the appearance of the desert little by little.

Akudamu doesn't mind using his own efforts to slowly change the place back to its original appearance. In comparison, he is more afraid that his efforts will become futile, which will make people extremely desperate.

So, now everything is full of hope. , the fastest update of the webnovel!