"So on the first day, the IP phone lost, right?"

"Well, according to the sales data, IP phones lost. According to the latest data, the Huaxia market sold about 800000 mobile phones in the whole day yesterday. The" Huayao "mobile phones alone sold 400000 mobile phones, while the IP phones were about 300000. The other market mobile phones added up, a total of 100000, including opop mobile phones, accounted for 50000 ”

"and norvia?"

"This data does not count the number of mobile phones below 2000..."


In the early hours of June 7.

When Ma Huaming saw the data, although he was prepared, he still felt unable to breathe for a while.

The amazing sales of 400000 are imprinted in Ma Huaming's mind. No matter what he does, he can't forget it.

IP phone lost.

What kind of data is this?

IP phones, together with all mobile phones outside the market, have just reached a draw with Huayao mobile phones.

Is this gap really exaggerated?


This is a very ironic number.


"Huayao" mobile phone won.

It's not hard to win.

"Congratulations! Chief king


"My God, Congratulations!"

"Wow, Congratulations, Congratulations!"


Inside the company, there were bursts of excited cheers and congratulations.

The voice rises and falls one after another.

After hearing such congratulations, Wang Bo, the person in charge, was even more shivering and incoherent, unable to say anything.

He, his eyes red, he was very clear that he was silent for such a long time, in order to wait for such a day.

Dawn, at last!

On the Internet is a jubilation, all the netizens ran to Lu Yuan's microblog, brush up all kinds of excited congratulations, eye, heat directly exploded the Chinese network.

IP phone lost!

At least, it lost in the Chinese market.

Once upon a time, everyone thought that the 4G era was the era of IP phones

In 2005, no one could stop the IP phone, which directly overturned the mobile phone giant norvia, and became the world's first. Even many experts thought that the next IP phone would sweep the list of mobile phones in China. No one could beat it. Especially in the young generation, it is definitely the mainstream and an era.

After all, some people are willing to trade their kidneys for such a mobile phone

Doesn't that mean anything?


They made a wrong prediction.

"Huayao" mobile phone suddenly appeared, all the experts' remarks and all the words were stuffed back.

Two months ago, no one knew what "Huayao" mobile phone was, but two months later

But with the speed of thunder

Famous all over the world!

What is behind all this?

There is a man named Lu Yuan!

Lu Yuan!

"Look, is there an autograph in this phone?"


On this day, countless middle-aged and old people bought mobile phones and looked forward to the packaging inside the mobile phones. Then, there was a scream.

The old people naturally know Lu Yuan. After all, they made a lot of money in line at night.

"Support Er Gouzi, support Huayao!"


On this day, the voice of young people on the Internet is endless, and the headlines are popular.

Young people know Lu Yuan. After all, since four years ago, the two dogs have brought them all kinds of news and joy every day.

"Mom, is this uncle Lu Yuan's cell phone?"

"Yes, so clever!"

"Hee hee!"

The children know Lu Yuan.

After all, when they sleep, there are Lu Yuan's fairy tales collection on the head of their bed. In their primary school Chinese course, there are Lu Yuan's poems, and in their music course, there are Lu Yuan's children's songs and piano music.

No one in the world will deny Lu Yuan's influence in China.

He is already a god like existence in China!

And the influence is all age.


China was boiling.

There was a silence in Johnson's office on the American side.

Silence was oppressive.

Look at me and I'll see you.

No one dared to speak.

Johnson repeatedly looked at the sales data of IP phones in China and repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of the data.He knew that after a burst of calls, the "Huayao" mobile phone sales in China may not be low.

However, he never dreamed that the "Huayao" mobile phone was so fierce that it turned over their IP phones directly.

This data is like a slap in the face of josson, which makes his face swell.

"What about sales outside China? Is this the information? "

"Yes, except for Huaxia, a total of one million mobile phones were sold," Huayao "mobile phones sold 450000, IP phones sold 500000, and other brands of mobile phones totaled 50000..."

"We won the market outside China?"

"Yes, after all, our IP phone advertising is not small..."

"Well, good!"

After taking a look at the sales outside China, josson finally felt a sense of comfort.

"Don't do this. It's just the first day. The real win or loss depends on the following days. Although Lu Yuan's influence in China is strong, if their mobile phones can't carry compatible software, their system will be the same as that of norvia. After all, we still have many allies in China, don't we?" Johnson looked up at everyone with a smile.


IP companies do have many allies in China.

Many game companies do not cooperate with "Huayao" hand, and "Huayao" mobile phones are not compatible with some software.


What does it matter?

IP phones are also not compatible with anything "remote.".

In the following days, IP phones and "Huayao" mobile phones have been fighting in full swing. In Huaxia, Huayao has always won, while overseas, IP has always won.

Seeing the sales volume of the overseas version, many overseas admiring netizens in Huaxia jumped out and attacked "Huayao" as bad as that. However, IP phones are good and even constantly show some new functions of IP companies, which Huayao mobile phones do not have.

They are proud!

"The reason why Huayao mobile phone can win is that Luyuan has a great influence in China. If you look at overseas, IP mobile phone has always won overseas, OK? What's more, Huayao mobile phone is really not good, some functions are really rubbish, tut... "

"Why do domestic mobile phones always want to compete with IP phones? Isn't the gap a little bit, OK? What rubbish

"I really don't think it's interesting. Huayao's mobile phone is so rubbish that many functions can't work!"


This kind of sound has always been there.

Although China has made progress in these years, the "banana man" has always existed.

They have been unable to stand up, even in their bones, they feel that the foreign moon is more round.

But what they don't know is that they are complacent, and their so-called pride is always transient.

Like, a flash in the pan.

After all, this is the 4G era!


Each IP phone has downloaded a minimally invasive video app and a minimally invasive live broadcast platform app.

This is the cooperation between Ma Huaming and IP mobile phone.

At the same time, some stars from China entertainment circle and Hollywood entertainment circle have also entered the micro invasive video to say hello to everyone and make live broadcast

This is a partnership between IP and Hollywood.

At first, these users felt very curious and went in to have a look. They released some small videos by the way, and made some live broadcasting addicts.

But it wasn't long before they backed out.

All of a sudden, they found that the content of the app, whether it is a minimally invasive video or a minimally invasive live broadcast platform, is very boring, and the number of users is not large.

Although many stars come here to pretend to be forced, many of the Internet celebrities they are familiar with at present are not here. This minimally invasive live broadcast, let alone compared with the "remote" live broadcast, can't even compare with Huajin's "tiger" live broadcast. Many good contents are all in the "remote" small video app and "remote" live broadcast.

The middle and lower layers are seriously broken!

Then, when they wanted to download "remote" live and "remote" videos, they suddenly found something!

That is, their phones can't be downloaded, and even if they do, they can't be compatible.

They were stunned for a moment.

At noon, the customers saw a lot of takeaway boys riding electric vehicles around.

"Hungry, try the" remote "takeaway app."

"Is the" remote "takeaway app coming out

"Yes, I just got a new one, and found that besides food, there are also food, drink and play, such as the surrounding scenic spots, amusement parks, and What's the matter with you? ""Why can't I get off the" remote "takeaway app?"

"You are stupid, how can IP mobile phone be used? Now who still uses IP phone? This function is not complete, OK?"



At night.

The users of IP mobile phones play the mobile app games with their own IP phones.

At first, they thought it was interesting, but when they found that people around them were playing a cool run game, they were immediately attracted by the game.

"What game is this?"

"This is" escape from the temple. "


"Huayao mobile phone games, you don't know?"

"Well I'll go to the next one? "

"OK, well, wait a minute. You're using an IP phone. Oh, no, and angry birds and fruit ninja. You can't get off your mobile phone. Don't be busy At present, IP phones are useless, and there are micro invasive live broadcasting inside. The contents are too single to watch the League of heroes and Warcraft live. Only some Internet celebrities who don't know their names are dancing and singing, which are for the elderly who have never seen a woman IP phones are now old age machines... "



Mobile games designed by other game companies have their own attractions.


How can't compare to "remote" game company's several games.

Time goes by day by day.

China's IP phone users suddenly found that their mobile phone is very useless.

After all

Besides being able to chat with q-dog normally, there seems to be no other use.

No way to play mainstream games, no way to watch mainstream live, and even no way to have the same ordering function as other people.

Although, their mobile phone just can't get any software about "remote".


Have you not found that "remote" has become an indispensable part of the hearts of all Chinese people?


June 15.

When Ma Huaming saw the sudden drop in sales of IP phones in China and the number of users of several mobile games produced by his company, he bowed his head.

The mood sank to the trough.

It's a nightmare.

Lingering, as if imprinted in the bones of the nightmare.

He had never felt so frustrated.

Then he thought of one thing.

He's excited!

And then!

He had a creepy feeling.

He suddenly realized that everything Lu Yuan had done was to pave the way for this day.

Whether it's a takeaway store, whether it's doing "remote" live broadcasting or entering the game world

All for this day!

"What about the overseas market?"

When Ma Huaming saw the sales of overseas IP phones, he felt more frustrated.

He understood

IP phones have lost completely.

All his operations look like jokes at the moment!


"How come all live broadcasting can't beat" remote "

"I lost the game! Why

"It's impossible for me to open a cross-border takeout shop."


"Lu Yuan is a man or a ghost. It turns out that everything is a huge plan, all of which are..."

"Can he predict the future?"



June 15.

IP phone 400000, Huayao mobile phone 500000!

Amazing numbers!

When Johnson saw the overseas sales, he fainted.

When he woke up, he suddenly yelled.


No one dares to respond to him.


When the IP phone was officially defeated by Huayao mobile phone, many people really woke up at this moment.

They realized that

A powerful business empire has been established in this world.

By the time they realized it, it was too late.

But what can they do?

In fact, many people have fought, tried, roared and resisted.


Still can't win

What do they do?

They are also very desperate!

…………………………June 16.

The cover of time magazine is Lu Yuan.

On the cover, Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes and showed a smile.

"This age!

The tide rises and falls.

Who is in charge of ups and downs?

My lord rises and falls

This is the following paragraph.

And then

Many people think of the song Lu Yuan once sang

"How lonely is invincible..."

Lu Yuan's voice seemed to reverberate in their ears


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