"Thank you for your kindness, for your support, for my fans and friends..."

"I'm sorry, I may have to announce something that is very important to my life. Maybe some people think I'm bullshit, but all I want to say next is from the bottom of my heart. You can think of this as an announcement. Oh, no, it's an announcement..."

"From now on, I will officially quit the piano circle. I should not play the piano in public, and I will not write any piano music in any form. I will not participate in the next piano activities or any piano recital in public. Even if I participate, I will be an audience..."

"As for the reason, well, even if you think it's a stem, it's a joke, it's In short, I really don't have any talent in piano. I Forget it. If you don't know how to use up your talent, you will be scolded to death. In a word, you can understand this meaning... "

"By the way, after announcing this event, I would like to announce another very important thing, that is, rocky is about to be released. It will be a very inspirational and touching story. This is not an advertisement, it is an announcement..."



After sending this long micro blog, Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Every word in the microblog is true feelings.

At this moment, unless he really has some natural creative ability, otherwise, he can't compose any piano music at all.

He didn't belittle himself. After all, Zhuyu was in front of him

No matter how creative Lu Yuan is, he can't make a song like symphony of destiny, right?

What is symphony of destiny?

It's something that a giant can create. Looking at the original world, there are not many such people in the whole human history.

Although Lu Yuan is really talented on the piano.

This talent may make Lu Yuan a fairly good pianist


Even if Lu Yuan tried hard and devoted himself to practice, he would not be a world-class pianist like Edward.

Not to mention world-class pianists, even if the level of pianist Lu Yuan is difficult to achieve.

What's more, Lu Yuan can't really devote himself to the piano.

Therefore, Lu Yuan decided to withdraw from the circle.

It's better to announce the exit now, rather than under the pressure of those unreasonably talented creators.


At least in the future, I won't encounter some deep knowledge on the piano. I will make a joke and cause embarrassment

After all, "destiny" officially came out, and his so-called identity as a pianist has already represented something at the national level in a sense.

Make a joke, it is not a person's business.

In short, this is Lu Yuan's idea and decision.

He thought it was sensible.


"How is Mr. Brando doing now?"

"It's much better."

"Oh, that's good."

"By the way, this is the arrangement for the second half of this year. What do you think, Mr. Edward?"

"Push away what can be pushed, and try to get rid of what can't be pushed."


"I have a plan. When autumn comes, I hope to hold a piano recital in Vienna. I have a hunch that it will be the most brilliant and brilliant moment in my life Neil, actually, autumn is a harvest season. A few days ago, I discussed with the pianists like Kennedy and jester, and they all had this idea... "

"Vienna? Wow, Mr. Edward, that's a good plan, eh? Mr. Edward, how are you packing now? Where are you going

"To China!"

"What do you do in China?"

"I'd like to ask Lu Yuan what Lu Yuan means in person. This concert at the hall level can't be without Lu Yuan. Otherwise, it will be a pity Maybe Lu Yuan will have his own new works in the Vienna palace... "

"That Mr. Edward, I don't think you need go to China. "


"I just got a very bad news..."

"What's the news?"

"Mr. Lu Yuan has announced his retirement from the piano industry..."

"What! Neil, I don't want you to make fun of me about it. It's not funny at all

"Mr. Edward, this is the news that just came out..."


"Mr. Edward, you are..."

"I want to go to Huaxia to see Lu Yuan. This time, he seems to be playing a real game. God, what kind of stimulation does he get? I can't believe it... "“……”

Edward's new assistant Neil watched Edward put on his hat in a hurry and rushed out of the room

He was in a daze.

Then his face changed.

"Mr. Edward, wait for me, your suitcase. I haven't reserved your plane ticket yet!"




Brando, who has recovered well, always felt his right eyelid jump all the time today.

At first, he thought that he was too tired, so he chose to lie in bed to rest for a period of time, but when he woke up, he still felt his eyelids jumping.

He's strange.

But I didn't think much about it. As before, I took out the newspaper and read it.

When I saw the headline in the newspaper saying "Lu Yuan officially announced his withdrawal from the piano circle"

Brando wiped his eyes.

Then he looked at the newspaper

In an instant, his face changed!

"Doctor, doctor, doctor..."

"Doctor, I have to leave the hospital. Can I leave the hospital?"


He suddenly ignored the pain in his body, and the whole person screamed wildly


"Cough, cough, come again? Er Gouzi, do you want to play the trick of running out of talent? I don't know how many times I've heard from you Well, this time it seems Really? "

"Er Gouzi Seriously? "

"My God..."

"Er Gouzi announced that he would quit the piano circle? Why, why on earth, why should we withdraw? "

"Didn't he announce that he wanted to quit the piano circle before? Later, it was not... "

"No, this time it's really different. It didn't seem so serious before. But this time, even his own micro blog announced it, and the video was shot. It seems that Er Gouzi is really serious!"

"Sleeping trough! This Don't scare me, er Gouzi. Don't be self willed. You are so young now. Don't worry about it... "

"It's so sudden that I can't accept it..."

"Me too. This morning, I saw the leaders of several famous universities in the world come to" remote "to invite Lu Yuan's news in person. How can we do it now..."

"Really, I feel too sudden..."


"How can it be fake? I seem to hear that most of the world's top ten pianists have come to China to look for Lu Yuan..."



The birth of destiny has caused a sensation in the whole world.

The story of the birth of destiny, the story of Brando's return from the embrace of God, and the sentence "I want to hold the throat of destiny" are being sung on both China and other countries.

There are also discussions on the Internet. Lu Yuan faces so many olive branches of colleges and universities. Which one will Lu Yuan choose? Whether to choose Huaxia or foreign countries? What kind of forms will he take to register his name and what kind of stories will appear

In short, the hot articles about Lu Yuan's next prediction have exploded all the portal media.

And then

In this case.

Lu Yuan's microblog has been updated.

Without warning, I suddenly updated a microblog that everyone couldn't believe.

This micro blog

Let the whole International Piano World blow up.


"This matter, we must find someone to talk to Xiao Lu. If Xiao Lu encounters any grievances in the international community, or if he encounters any disappointments in the circle, you should also find a way to take care of him. It is not easy for Xiaolu to be a child..."

"Chief, I understand..."

"If conditions permit, you can give him a green light to make such a decision suddenly. I think there is something that makes him feel pressure..."

"I'll go and ask myself."

"Well, Xiaolu is a treasure. I heard that several companies in Huaxia are not very friendly to Xiaolu. I think Xiaolu has done nothing out of the ordinary in addition to being a little frivolous when he was young. I think a few songs in his album are very good to listen to. Well, I personally think that some of our circles in Huaxia should be straightened out and should not unite to suppress people In this case... "

"Good, good, I understand!"


Relevant departments.

When Wang Guanghua received the above phone call, he pondered for a long time, and then quietly opened the information of entertainment companies involved after the previous storm.

He pondered for a while, then made another phone call.

……………………………………"I mean seriously, Edward, jester, Kennedy..."


"I've made it clear. This time I'm really serious."


"Yes, I have announced I can't go back on my word. In the future, I will quit the piano circle completely... "


"Talent? Do you think talent can come at will? I'm sure, I promise, I can't be any more talented! I have said, last time is last time, this time is this time! "


In the conference room.

Lu Yuan looked at the pianists who sat on their chairs one by one, and the leaders of some relevant departments in Huaxia.

In such a large conference room, no one believes in himself.

He's very upset.

Of course

Edward, sitting on the edge, had an odd expression.

Other people's talents may have run out of talent, but you

No matter how Edward looked at it, he felt that Lu Yuan was talking nonsense.

Are you sure you're not talented?

How can you hear this so familiar?

"In a word, everyone, I am very firm. Nothing in the world can change my firm determination. You should stop persuading me Let's drink tea. This is my latest purchase of Longjing in the West Lake... "



Half a day passed quickly.

Edward, Kennedy and others left the conference room.

No matter how they advised or said, Lu Yuan was always the one who formally withdrew from the circle. In the future, nothing was my business. I was just a tough attitude that I was at my best.

At the moment when they walked out of the meeting room, their hearts were empty.

"Maybe he really wants to leave the circle..."


Just as they sit on the "remote entertainment" side to rest

The door outside the house opened.

Then, an old man with a respirator in his ambulatory bed was carefully pushed in by several doctors.

Followed by Bruce

The doctor's expression was very helpless, and Bruce was also helpless.

They have no way.

The old man glared, and there seemed to be a murderous look in his eyes

After seeing the old man, everyone was shocked.


This is all right?


More than ten minutes later.

The old man was pushed away from the meeting room by the doctors again, as if he had fainted.


They saw Lu Yuan come out with an extremely complicated look.

"Edward Did you plan to have a concert in Vienna? "

"Well, Lu Yuan, are you really..."

"Oh I promise you, but I won't play the piano on stage or touch it. This is the principle... "


"That Edward, I need a better piccolo player, flute player, Oboe, trombone All in all, I need a top Symphony Orchestra... "

"Yes, no problem! Wait, is the symphony of destiny going to... "

"Well, I'll try to Well, I still need your help, or I can't make it on my own. I should... "

"What did Mr. Brando say?"

"He..." Lu Yuan closed his eyes and said, "nothing..."

In fact

Brando did not say anything.

After seeing Lu Yuan, Brando shivered and said, "where is the symphony of destiny, you can't retreat..." And then he fainted again.

In short

The old man

It's good enough.

What can Lu Yuan do?

He can't do anything but try to get the symphony of destiny out.

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