"Mr. James, the fact is as the media said. Are you ready to sign the Chinese company?"

"Yes, Mr. Reese."

"Mr. James, you are crazy! Really, you're really crazy. What can he give you? He can't give you anything! "

"No, Mr. Reese, you don't understand."

"No, James, you don't understand. You don't know what you're doing! You have no idea how naive and ridiculous your decision is

"Mr. Reese, you don't know what I want!"

"What do you want?"

"You'll know what I want from now on!"

"James, you're really ridiculous..."

"It's a matter for me to decide. I don't think it's funny, and there's nothing ridiculous about it. You don't have the right to laugh at me, no matter when..."



April 17.

Lu Yuandi stands in front of a remote house in Hollywood, watching the workers carrying furniture.

He just stood still.

He had a myriad of thoughts, but at the same time he was in a trance and unreal.

He raised his head and looked at the "remote" sign hanging above him. Director James stepped in personally and nailed the sign on the ladder.

My own company in Hollywood is now officially established?

The sun was shining on James's face.

With a smile of satisfaction, he seemed to regard this place as the starting point of his future.

In fact.

When James saw the "remote" exclusive contract, he was very surprised

His surprise is not because Lu Yuan invited him to become a member of the company, but Lu Yuan's contract!

James has never seen such a loose sharing contract in his life. Even the whole contract has only one sentence. As long as you don't violate the interests of the company and don't make a mess of things, you can do whatever you want without any penalty

James felt a little warm after reading it.

He can feel a strong sincerity in this contract.

Then he hesitated for about ten minutes and signed it.

He believes in Lu Yuan!

He thinks this is a magical Chinese!

Remembering from knowing Lu Yuan to now, he felt that he could see his dream, his future and, of course, the freedom he yearned for. This freedom was much better than that when he was bound by rules and regulations in paramount.

You say it's a stupid choice?

Now Lu Yuan has no foundation in Hollywood?

Does it matter?

Did Lu Yuan once have no foundation in China?

Do you think Lu Yuan is facing the blockade and targeting of almost all Hollywood companies?

But what does it matter?

If Lu Yuan really wants to kill the whole company in Hollywood, can it really happen?

Don't forget, Lu Yuan has other identities!


It's not just actors!

As long as he doesn't violate some laws and regulations at the top of the country, Lu Yuan has no problem at all.


James learned that Lu Yuan acquired a Hollywood cinema, and now it is in the process of equipment replacement and renovation.

James knew that Lu Yuan was setting up a terrible situation.

He carefully studied Lu Yuan's experience and decision-making from his debut to now.

He felt appalled, but reasonable.

Looking at the road of Lu Yuan's rise, Lu Yuan will lay the foundation for every decision he makes!

And this courtyard is the foundation of foreshadowing!

Although Lu Yuan didn't say anything, James felt a crazy and suffocating ambition from this series of things!

Lu Yuan is a hunter. He wants to hunt Hollywood!

Of course, it's a gamble!

If you win the bet, the whole pattern of Hollywood will change in the future, and maybe the ninth largest company will come

It's a hidden gamble.

James is very interested.


It's late at night.

In the hotel, Lu Yuan looks at the distance silently.

He closed his eyes.

Standing high and looking down, you can see a series of bright lights and the world below.

Hollywood is, in a way, attractive.

He spread out his hands.

All right!

After two years of hard work, Chao returned to the pre liberation period

Migao's line is better than Lu Yuan imagined.The rent of the courtyard is about to expire. The equipment needs to be replaced. The facade, including everything inside, needs to be decorated. At the same time, the messy things have to be integrated

Together, these things are equivalent to Lu Yuan's spending money to build the entire Miguel line again.

It's a shame!

When Lu Yuan saw that Wang Jinxue put a thick decoration report and other things in his hands, he immediately felt a sense of being unable to breathe.

Acquisition and reconstruction have completely exceeded the budget. The budget of RMB 1 billion directly exceeds the budget of RMB 1.1 billion, which directly empties all the assets of Luyuan.

The wind is rustling, the water is cold, the strong man

Should I not be bankrupt directly?

When he thought of this, Lu Yuan suddenly threw all the unrealistic ideas out of his mind.

After all, the idea is too scary.

He is now on a train that can only move forward.

Unless we get to the end, otherwise

He can't turn back.


Now that James is following himself, he can't hang him all the time, can't he?

He's going to make a movie.

Making movies, pulling investment?

Do I really want to invest?

Lu Yuan silently looked at the bank card after the last 20 million yuan, he bit his teeth!

I'm an investor myself, so what kind of investment do I pull!

Since you want to gamble, just gamble to the end!

What is a screenplay?

Keep going!



Didn't you think of a movie before?

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes, then turned on the light of the hotel and slowly took out a book from his backpack.

After a little hesitation, he quietly knocked down the six words of the "chain saw thriller series".


Four o'clock in the morning.

James was suddenly woken up by the phone.

He picked up his mobile phone vaguely. When he heard Lu Yuan's voice, he immediately became sober.


"Mr. James I'm sorry to disturb you so early... "

"Tell me what you want, boss."

"Well, I wrote a script, and now it's sent to your email. If you have time, you can have a look and estimate how much investment will come out. If it is within the acceptable range, we'll start immediately."

"Oh, oh, yes."

When James heard the script, the whole person got up from the bed and came to the computer.

When he opened the mailbox and saw the name of the script, he was a bit stunned.


Then he looked at the script carefully.

Then the more he looked, the more excited he was. At the same time, he had a feeling that he was afraid to think carefully!

This is a film that challenges the psychological limit, but with endless new ideas.

It took less than half an hour, and when he had finished reading the script, he was relieved.

Then he called Lu Yuan back.

"Boss I read the script. It's very good! "

"How much will it cost?"

"A million dollars will do!"

"How long?"

"A month!"


"Boss, aren't you going to make" the pianist at sea "

"The pianist at sea was prepared by me, but this one is for you! Including the angle selection, including shooting, including the control of the general direction, all are given to you... "

"Ah James was suddenly excited.

"Mr. James! Come on, I don't know how to say those words to boost morale, but I hope the future can be in my own hands Next, we may be slandered, questioned, or even as relaxed as when you were making movies, but I believe we can. "

"Sure James took a deep breath and then nodded his head.

He is nearly forty years old.

However, he felt that Lu Yuan's words were strange.

This moment

He felt his heart begin to burn.

This blazing feeling burns the blood in his body and makes him feel the longing of youth.

Is this the bugle of counterattack?

He watched the short darkness in the distance and the coming dawn.

He clenched his fist!


"Did his company really set up and really poached James?"

"Yes, James did go."

"This Chinese is crazy.""Yes, Mr. Allen, this man is in China. I don't deny that he really has some skills, but in Hollywood, he is really nothing. He is no different from us in doing so..."

"Is the PR department ready?"


"Good! Wait

"What's the matter?"

"No public relations department is allowed to report James's job hopping to this Huaxia company. Besides, you should communicate with several media closely related to the company. Similarly, don't let them report anything. I checked the resume of this Chinese, and the Chinese is good at all kinds of hype As long as someone cooperates with him, he can make waves through various angles We don't have to cooperate with him! "

"Well, do you want to warn him?"

"No, just ignore him!"

"Well, what about his new movie?"

"The pianist on the sea can't help it. These theaters can only stop it by shouting slogans for a while In fact, no one can realize that this movie is a movie that no one knows He is a man, ha ha, I have to say, he is really not very simple... "

"Then we can only watch? He finished the film? "

"What else do you think you can do? Even if the piano player on the sea is really shot, the box office will not be very high. This is Hollywood. Remember, we are from Hollywood, and he, after all, is Chinese and a complete loser. "

"I see."


April 18.

When Lu Yuan was looking at the headlines, he found the headlines very strange.

Hollywood entertainment media and entertainment channels suddenly seemed to have made an appointment. No one reported any news about James or himself.

Everything was a little scary and quiet.

Lu Yuan felt strange at first, but then he was calm.

There was no better news, just as I was able to start shooting the movie "pianist at sea".

However, just after Lu Yuan arranged some things, Lu Yuan heard a surprise news from Huaxia.

That's Zhao Xiaohan's first album "it's me" is exploding!

The first day's daily sales exceeded 3 million!

www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!