In fact, the time of a night is very short, so short that a dream is over.

But a lot can happen in one night.

For example, a once respected leader of an entertainment company fell into disrepute overnight. For example, the image of a once famous star singer in the circle collapsed in an instant and was reduced to a junior who was reviled by everyone, and then it was hard to turn over

Of course, for Lu Yuan, one night, he charged another thousand yuan to the magic world, and then enjoyed the killing all night. It was not until his eyelids were sour and the chickens were crowing outside that Lu Yuan realized what a ridiculous thing he had done.

In fact, he wanted to make up a copy of the plays in his mind.

But his mind was suddenly in a mess, and he didn't know which script to write. The more he forced himself to think, the more he couldn't think of it.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan chose not to think about it for the time being.

What do you want the script to do?



It's a long night and Lu Yuan doesn't want to sleep at all. Moreover, he doesn't have the habit of watching educational films of the island and then exercising

He's still waiting for his inspiration to come out earlier.


Spend an hour playing games.

So he finally chose the game he deleted and downloaded it.

At first, he just wanted to click to play for hours, but after playing for hours, he began to find something wrong.

This game seems to be more and more fun, more play more hi, and the explosion rate seems to be higher and higher, many of the best equipment were hit by him.

In the end, he became addicted to it and even spent a thousand yuan on it.

It's a sad story.

When the chicken crows in the early morning, looking at the distance through the window, it seems that there is a little white fish belly in the East in the distance. Lu Yuan is shocked in an instant!

What the hell did I do all night?

Didn't you tell me the script was not made out, but also put back a thousand yuan?

This NIMA!

Games harm people, games harm people!

No matter how upset Lu Yuan is, he can't eliminate the sense of guilt in Lu Yuan's heart. When Lu Yuan really calms down to write something, Lu Yuan finds that his brain is even more muddy than last night. As soon as he takes up his pen, he even sounds like "fireball", "thunder", "big boss" and "golden Robe"

At the thought of this sound, Lu Yuan couldn't help but want to get on the game again and fight well.

It's Day!

I can't calm down to write a script!

Lu Yuan threw the pen away, and the whole person almost cried.

Why should I go in with my hands down? I do something else is not good, but play games? Why should I promise director Li to write a script? If I don't write a script, I won't stay up late. I won't play games. If I don't play games, I won't be able to make money

It's a thousand dollars. It's his grandmother's.



Lu Yuan suddenly felt that there was something wrong with his thinking.

Does playing games by yourself have anything to do with writing scripts?

I make money by writing scripts!

After a long period of self-criticism, Lu Yuan denounced himself morally for not knowing how many times, so much less was the voice of the game in Lu Yuan's mind.

When the sun rises, the street is still gradually more people, after Lu Yuan shook his head.

Then a gust of wind blew, blowing the plastic bags on the ground.

Lu Yuan's eyes are bright!


"Director Li, you may not believe it. The script has already been written. However, when I was checking the script this morning, there was a gust of evil wind outside the window. I didn't pay attention to it. The draft was blown away by the wind. I will give you the script tomorrow."


Li you on the other end of the phone is very understanding, comforting Lu Yuan that there are many accidents in the world. Don't take it too seriously and take it slowly.

After the phone call, Lu Yuan stretched out and suddenly relaxed a lot. After looking at the time and feeling that there was plenty of time, Lu Yuan simply boarded the magic world to fight again. What moral condemnation and self-criticism just now were left aside by Lu Yuan

But when we boarded again.

Lu Yuan finds out that magic world is closed.


"The game went out of business?"

When Lu Yuan saw the farewell news on the official website, Lu Yuan's face was so angry that he cheated Lao Tzu for a thousand yuan and was forced to shut up?

This son of a bitch, half of the game is gone, how can this be?

Without a word, Lu Yuan searched through the information of the game company. When searching for the game company in soudu, Lu Yuan found that the company's mother announced its bankruptcy in the early morning of this morning

"Are you going to go bankrupt and pay me back? What do you mean Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes and finally called the company…………………………………………

"This cup, to our past youth!"

"This cup, to our lost ideals!"


"Amu, where are you going next?"


"Yes, I'm going to find a programming job in other game companies. How about you? Big Liu. "

"Find a way to pay off the company's three million debts, and then try to sell this game..."

"It's a pity that this should have been a hot game, with more than 30000 users online."

"What's the meaning of more than 30000 yuan? The money charged can't cover the rent, water and electricity, living expenses and the operating costs of the game itself..."

"Is there any way to borrow money? I think as long as we can get through this, we can make a profit. "

"Hehe, this level? What else can we do? A few of us put together five million to make this game, but five million can't guarantee the basic operating cost... "

"Do you regret it?"

"No regrets!"

"Yes, I don't regret it. Come on, drink, drink, have a last drink and two more. This game is not dead. I will find a new investor or sell him to those game companies. Wasn't Tianxin interested in us before?"

"Tianxin company Let's sell the full version of the game to him for operation? "


"Damn it, the white eyed wolf, we won't sell it to him even if we starve to death!"


"Come on, do it."

In Yanjing, a small game company, several middle-aged people about 30 years old drink beer and smoke silently.

Around the computer loop play Luyuan's "old boy.".

They are old boys.

The old boy who failed.

Some of them scold, some are angry, some are unwilling

However, they have no way.

Because, they're broke.

They can't afford the high cost of running the game.

When they first appeared at the school meeting, they all felt that they had the talent and ability to contribute to the future of Huaxia game industry. They also felt that they could create a big company like Tianxin game.

The dream is really beautiful, but the reality is really bone feeling.

After seven or eight years of hard work, these young men with high spirits have been put into the Mediterranean Sea. The seeds of the brain are more and more bright and even reflect light, but the career is more and more dim

"Magic world" was profitable in the past few months, but because the maintenance costs were not in place, the server had a small failure, which led to virus intrusion. Thousands of players complained that their computers were hacked and suffered heavy losses. On the major game forums, even the online game swearing, so that the game instantly cool, regardless of him It's useless what kind of activities we launch

They know that these viruses may have been put by someone who wanted to, but

They have no money to defend themselves.

"The company phone is ringing!"

"Are those players calling again? Don't take it. "

"Let's take it. We'll finish the last shift anyway." The middle-aged man named da Liu shook his body and walked towards the phone to answer the phone in silence.

"Hello? Hello, this is magic world. "

"Is it true or false that your company went bankrupt on the Internet?"

"It's true. I'm sorry."

"I've just put in a thousand dollars. Did you give me a bankruptcy? Don't you know how to cheat? Is that interesting to you? "

"I'm sorry, sir."

"It's no use saying I'm sorry. I played your game all night last night and I haven't slept yet. Do you know how much I paid? I've never charged so much money on a game. You're going too far

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm really sorry. Otherwise, you can send me your card number and I'll refund you the thousand yuan."

"I don't want that one thousand dollars. Tell me when the game will be reopened."

"Our company declared bankruptcy We don't know when to open the service again. Maybe we are ready to sell the game. "

"So the magic world is over? Sold? How much are you going to sell? "

"I'm sorry, sir. It's not convenient to disclose."


Big Liu's voice is very uncomfortable.

He could tell that the call was from a loyal player.

So far, there are very few players who really charge a thousand yuan. They are basically those who charge hundreds of yuan to play.Moreover, due to the lack of funds for the production of the game, many aspects of the game have not been done very carefully. There are fatal loopholes in many things. Some players even directly brush a lot of game currency by sticking to the loopholes. As soon as they leave the novice village, they are fully equipped with supernatural equipment.

Card game currency strategy is everywhere on the post bar.

Such as this silly do not pull Ji fill 1000 yuan of conscience players are really few.

But in his heart, he really didn't want to disappoint the player.

If he can, he even wants to open his suit and give a player a set of magic clothes to dominate the whole suit. He will last three days and three nights.

But there was nothing he could do.

One minute of game opening is one minute's money.

They can't support it.

"Is your game company in Yanjing now?"


"How can you not go bankrupt? How much do you need? "

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm still busy. I'll hang up first. Thank you for your support of our game. Thank you."

"Doodle, doodle."

Big Liu thinks that the player's problem is really too stupid, you give me money, I will not go bankrupt!

Of course, it is not convenient for him to say these words.

Two seconds after I hung up, the phone rang again.


"I'm Lu Yuan. Have you seen the tramp? It's me who starred... "

"Sir, this joke is not funny at all. Are you Lu Yuan and I am jet Shen?"

"I'm not kidding. I'm really Lu Yuan. If you're free, you can come to Hengdian to find me. I want to talk to you face-to-face. As long as the amount is not abnormal, maybe I will invest in your game."



Liu shook his head and hung up the phone and pulled out the telephone line.

Are you Lu Yuan?

If you are Lu Yuan, the day will fall down!

"Who is it?"

"A liar who claims to be Lu Yuan Ah, these days It's really Who are you not good at pretending to be that one, who is busy making headlines all day and pretending to be a slap in the face, will come to play our game? "

"Forget it, cheaters don't have any skill these days A fool is a fool



In remote.

The sun shines on Lu Yuan's face, and Lu Yuan's expression is at a loss.

Lu Yuan found that he couldn't get through the phone any more.

This moment

He was speechless.

Why have no one believed me when I told the truth?

Am I such a liar?

I am full of sincerity. I want to pay to support you. How can you refuse me? , the fastest update of the webnovel!