Chapter 1352

Strong Jiaojiao's words aroused Zheng Feiyue's interest.

At first, he felt that strong Tianyang sent his daughter purely to play the trick of "proton". After all, for the demon family whose inheritance is far older than human beings, such "feudal tradition" ideas can also be understood.

But when he learned that lie Jiaojiao was the only descendant of lie Tianyang, he took the initiative to send her as a proton. The profound meaning is worth thinking about.

Zheng Feiyue thinks about it, but there are three possibilities.

First, strong Tianyang has the idea of son preference. After sending his daughter away, he plans to have another son to inherit the family property.

However, this is unlikely. The fertility of the demon family is far inferior to that of the human family. The fertility of royal families such as lie Tianyang is lower. If they could have a son, they would have been born long ago.

Second, the inheritance mechanism of the great wilderness leaders is not "father to son" or "father to daughter", but those who have the ability to live in it. At least the brother of lie Tianyang, lie XingKong, has good strength, and "brother to brother" is also possible.

In this way, the importance of lie Jiaojiao will be greatly reduced. Unless her talent is the only crown of the Dahuang royal family, it will not affect the future succession of the "throne" of the Dahuang.

In this regard, Zheng Feiyue remains skeptical.

Third, the most likely explanation that Zheng Feiyue thinks is that lie Tianyang has encountered difficulties, which makes him have to vigorously seek an alliance with Zheng Feiyue, and even hesitate to send his children out.

As for what is the dilemma, there are many possibilities. It may come from outside the wilderness or from within the royal family. In short, it is difficult to live in the fierce sun.


Books are long and no books are short.

These thoughts quickly flashed through Zheng Feiyue's mind. Originally, with his temper, even if he didn't kill these demons, he had to teach them some profound lessons, such as sending them to Wu Tian's research room to "volunteer" for a period of time.

But now, the idea has changed.

"I can let them go and even send them all back to the wilderness... But you have to answer some questions truthfully. Can you promise?" Zheng Feiyue said.

Strong Jiaojiao heard that the big demon sent to her could save her. She put down the big stone in her heart and hurriedly said, "there's no problem. As long as you can let everyone go, Jiaojiao knows everything."

Zheng Feiyue nodded, turned to Zhao Yun and others and said, "first press down these big demons, and you all retreat. I have something to say to the imperial daughter."

Knowing that the boss wanted to talk about some secret things with the Royal daughter, Zhao Yun ordered someone to escort the big demon away, leaving room for the boss and strong Jiaojiao to talk.

"Excuse me, Mr. Zheng."

With a respectful look on her face, the demon family advocates the strong. Zheng Feiyue "annihilated" more than a dozen big demons on her side with her own strength, which is far less than her father and Emperor.

Zheng Feiyue did not beat around the Bush and said bluntly, "did your father encounter difficulties?"

Strong Jiaojiao was stunned when she heard the speech, and then sighed: "to tell you the truth, since Lord Zheng visited the great wilderness last time, my father and emperor have been trying to lobby for alliance, but the effect is not ideal."

It's not ideal for people and demons to suddenly put aside their prejudices and form an alliance.

Zheng Feiyue had expected this for a long time, but looking at lie Jiaojiao's expression, he was afraid that the difficulty would exceed his estimate, so he asked, "why is it not ideal?"

Strong Jiaojiao said reluctantly, "among the royal family, except my father and uncle XingKong, almost no one agreed to form an alliance. My father lost his temper several times and even killed some people, but the situation is still not ideal."


"Many members of the royal family have a grudge. They don't dare to fight their father, so they hit me and secretly organized several assassinations."

With a frightened look on her face, strong Jiaojiao continued: "my father's idea this time also plans to let me come to the east bank to avoid disasters. By the way, I also want to ask Lord Zheng to help him."

Zheng Feiyue understood.

Strong Tianyang messed up the matter. Instead of lobbying successfully, he caused public anger and implicated his daughter. Now he can only ask for help from the outside.

The problem is inside the wilderness!

Zheng Feiyue pondered for a moment and suddenly said, "no, although brother lie and I have only one face, we also know that he is very capable... Not so passive?"

Who is good at trading in the demon family?

But from lie Jiaojiao's description, Zheng Feiyue found that lie Tianyang was really like a dry eater. It was just a mess of good lobbying and involved his daughter.

The fierce sun is not so useless. There must be another secret

Strong Jiaojiao heard the other party's implied meaning, looked embarrassed, and finally told the truth: "to tell you the truth, some time ago, because of tianluoteng, my father was worried day and night, impatient, and there was a problem in practice."


Zheng Feiyue was surprised and suddenly said, "I see. It seems that the root of the problem lies not in the alliance, but in brother lie himself... Is your father's problem serious?"

Strong Jiao Jiao's face showed a worried look: "I don't know the specific situation. My father said it's no big problem. I can adjust it for a period of time. It may also be said on purpose."

Zheng Feiyue nodded. If he made a mistake in his practice, he didn't dare to spread it casually.

This kind of thing, the fewer people know, the better. It's best to spend the "weak period" unconsciously

"In that case, your father asked me to send someone to help him suppress the royal family?" Zheng Feiyue thought and denied, "no, meddling in the affairs of the demon family will only make things worse."

Strong Jiaojiao hurriedly said, "yes, yes, my father's meaning is to let me avoid disaster on the east bank first, and then he will deal with the family affairs."

"It seems that your father has a plan, so I won't mind my own business."

Zheng Feiyue smiled and looked up and down at Li Jiaojiao.

The Royal daughter is born pretty, with a small nose and big eyes. She looks even more beautiful than the Terran woman, especially her silver hair and short hair. She is beautiful and capable.

"How old are you?"

Zheng Feiyue suddenly asked.

Lie Jiaojiao replied honestly, "I'm more than 300 years old."

He was going to say a few words of encouragement in the tone of "elders". Hearing that the other party was more than 300 years old, Zheng Feiyue coughed twice in embarrassment and said, "it's a big girl."

Strong Jiao Jiao pouted and said, "I'm just an adult."

Zheng Feiyue: "... Well, since brother lie sent you to avoid disaster, you can stay with me. No one dares to touch you on the east bank."

Strong Jiao Jiao nodded repeatedly.

After seeing the strength of Zheng Feiyue, she believed this sentence deeply.

As for the exchange of protons, I dare not mention it. The lives of more than a dozen big demons on our side are still in the hands of this man. The demons can only bow their heads under the eaves.


After finishing strong Jiaojiao, Zheng Feiyue sent a message to Lv Bu at home and asked him to bring someone to escort these big demons away. Later, they will be "repatriated" to the wilderness.

The team moved on.