Chapter 1238

The argument about whether someone is a virgin lasted until night faded.

They got up at the same time and their eyes fell to the East.

There was a glorious glow, and a red sun was about to burst out. Before the red light, there was a mass of purple gas winding around and moving slowly to the West. On the South Bank of fairy peak, mountains were emerald, and the purple gradually gathered and became thicker.

Purple comes from the East

Zheng Feiyue took a panoramic view of this feat and couldn't help feeling the infinite mystery between heaven and earth.

Xiao Zhou also lamented: "such a wonderful scene, like the sun, moon and stars, can be enjoyed by everyone and everyone has hope. There is nothing more fair in the world."

Clearly speaking of fairness, Zheng Feiyue heard the meaning of injustice.

He moved in his heart, but remained calm on the surface. He quietly looked at the excellent scenery and said, "you and I can stand here and enjoy the scenery because we are high above. If everyone is difficult to survive, even if the beauty is ahead, do they have the mood to enjoy it?"

Xiao Zhou suddenly looked at him and his peach eyes narrowed slightly.

Zheng Feiyue looked as usual and said faintly, "who can see the scenery on the top of the mountain? Who hasn't gone through hardships and difficulties? Do you know who likes to be fair? The weak! Because they don't pay, but want to get a return that doesn't belong to them."

Xiao Zhou clenched his fists and said, "it's not like this!"


"Not so!"

"Then tell me what it is?"

"Everyone should have the right to choose. For example, I like flowers. If I want to be a gardener in the future, I won't be looked down upon."

"Why do you despise the gardener?"

"Then I ask you, how do you choose a highly skilled gardener and a practitioner who can fight well? Don't say that you don't lack practitioners under your command. How would you choose if you put aside all objective measures?"

"I choose an immortal."

"Look, the weight is in the heart of the people. Even the overlord on the east bank is not free from vulgarity. No one will compare a gardener with an immortal. This is the biggest injustice!"

Xiao Zhou's voice is sonorous and powerful.

Zheng Feiyue was silent for a long time. The purple faded in the distance and the sunrise rose. But there was no warmth in his heart. He said in a deep voice, "do people in the mountains think like you?"

Xiao Zhou was shocked when he heard the speech. His eyes dodged and turned to go.

"Zhou Xiaozhi!"

Zheng Feiyue called out Xiao Zhou's full name for the first time. He was very serious and said, "if you can't pass today, you and I can't become true friends no matter how much we like each other!"

Xiao Zhou didn't turn around and sighed, "you set me up."

"Although I don't care about your composition, I need to know what your composition is. The two can't be confused. You know this truth." Zheng Feiyue's voice is strong.

Xiao Zhou turned slowly and looked stiff: "really?"

"It's hard for you to live with me." Zheng Feiyue's eyes are like two black vortices. "The prime minister and the old man in your mouth are people who focus on the overall situation. You and I know that no one can't sacrifice for them."

A hint of irony appeared in Xiao Zhou's eyes: "aren't you also such a person?"

"But I never sacrifice my relatives and friends!" Zheng Feiyue showed a serious expression. "There are a large number of demons on both sides of the Strait and tongtianmen is restless. This is not a good sign. I have a hunch that a big vortex is brewing. Escaping can't solve the problem. We have to face it."

Xiao Zhou looked at him in a daze and said, "the old man still underestimated you. He asked me to lobby you. As a result, I became the object of your persuasion... Don't ask. You want to know too much. I have no answer here."

His eyes were clear.

Zheng Feiyue nodded, "I believe you."

"Thank you."

"You have said thank you many times. To tell you the truth, I don't like this word very much, because it often represents the shameless act of others who have done something wrong to me but don't intend to make substantive compensation." Zheng Feiyue said in one breath.

Xiao Zhou sighed, "ask, I'll try to pick up what I can say."

"Your beauty."

"This can't be said."

"You have revealed a lot, and I have my own judgment. I don't care more or less."

"You... Well, I'll say one more word to thank you for your soul reviving wine for the brothers in the mountain." Xiao Zhou straightened his face and put away his cynical face. "Neither I nor the brothers in the mountain are practitioners."

Zheng Feiyue was shocked when he heard the speech.

He almost looked at Xiao Zhou with the eyes that others looked at him (freak). Two magic Qi rose in his eyes and launched the destructive magic power.

However, what he saw at the moment was the same as before: Xiao Zhou had accomplishments and understood his own way. He was an authentic big monk, no doubt, and very strong.

"Don't look, it's all true, but it's also false." Xiao Zhou smiled with an unspeakable bleak and desolate look. "The seed is the predecessor. You can treat me as a seed that has blossomed and fruited."

Another groundbreaking news!

Zheng Feiyue suddenly found that his mouth was dry and his hands subconsciously wanted to catch something, but he couldn't catch anything. The waves rolled in his heart.


Xiao Zhou is also a seed

Seeds... Mountain people... Evil god's bone

A vague and frightening conspiracy slowly took shape in Zheng Feiyue's mind. He almost shouted out: "Xiao Zhou, this joke can't be joked!"

Xiao Zhou said with a smile, "what's a joke about a thing I've been doing for hundreds of thousands of years? I'll tell you this. It's absolutely not allowed. I hope you can keep it a secret for me."

"Riding on a horse!" Zheng Feiyue can only use a foul word to express his mood at the moment. "Even if I say it, someone has to believe it. It's a dog in the sun!"

Xiao Zhou: "although I don't know what" riding on a horse "means, I always think it has great momentum from your mouth. I'll use it in the future."

Zheng Feiyue: "

Step on a horse

"I haven't slept all night. I want to go back to bed... I'm always sorry for the old man and the organization after I've told so many secrets. I still don't sleep and go out for a walk."

Xiao Zhou mumbled and left.

Zheng Feiyue didn't know when he returned to the city master's house until Li xiner handed over the steaming towel. He shook his mind, covered the towel on his face, and his voice came out through the hot and humid towel: "it has nothing to do with me. Just keep the east bank."

"Zheng Lang, what happened?" Li xiner said curiously.

Zheng Feiyue's tone was dull: "it's not a big deal. A group of madmen hiding in the mountains are dreaming moldy dreams and talking about teaching the sun and the moon to change the sky."

Li Xin'er couldn't understand it and said with a strong smile, "that's really crazy."

Zheng Feiyue suddenly started up, took off the towel on his face, looked at Li xiner and said, "no, I'm the landlord's old wealth. Won't I be revolutionized by these mountain people?"

Li Xin'er smiled again: "where did the wind blow Zheng Lang silly? You are the king of the east bank and control the life and death of countless people. You have always been the only one who dared to change your life. Who dares to change your life?"

Zheng Feiyue tilted his head and felt very uneasy.