Chapter 1170

As Qin Liangyu slowly finished telling the story at that time, Mingyue fell into meditation. After a long time, she asked, "that is to say, except you, no one else saw the dark shadow, let alone his appearance?"

Qin Liangyu hurriedly said, "tell the palace leader that the disciples have never seen the appearance of the dark shadow."

The moon nodded slowly and asked, "do you think it will be him?"

Qin Liangyu subconsciously wanted to shake his head. Suddenly, he woke up with a start. He said secretly, since I haven't read the letter, how can I know who he is in Mingyue's mouth?

The old woman is talking!

In an instant, Qin Liangyu was sweating on her back. Fortunately, she was a professional intelligence officer. She couldn't show her inner emotions. Instead, she looked puzzled: "who does the palace master mean?"

The moon nodded slowly and said, "it's none of your business here. Go down."

Qin Liangyu quits.

The bright moon's eyes swept over the elders, still holding the letter in her hands, and said faintly, "gentlemen, the devil has come back and asked me to meet in luofenglin three days later."

The elders present, except Tianfeng, did not know about the magic knife and the infinite curse of heaven and earth. So when they learned that Zheng Feiyue ran away and came back, and sent a letter to the mountain gate, they immediately regarded it as a provocation!

"Bold evil, do you really think my cold Star Palace is empty?"

"If it weren't for the outbreak of animal tide, the beheading platform would be the burial place of the devil!"

"Palace leader, if the devil dares to come back, don't want to escape again. Issue a wanted notice immediately. You can teach him that there is no way to heaven and no way to earth!"

The bright moon looked at the talkative elders and said, "that's why I called you here. The devil appeared and provoked my cold Star Palace. Naturally, he wanted to crack down on his arrogance! However, it's not easy to make a statement, and there's no need for a wanted notice. We should seize this opportunity privately!"


"The palace leader wants to..."

"I see, Xianyuan!"

The elders were not fools. They soon found out the intention of Mingyue. The elders who shouted to issue a wanted notice also shut up.

Don't you let out the ducks that fly into your mouth when you issue a wanted notice?

Seeing that these people understood, Mingyue directly began to issue an order: "the devil asked me to meet in luofenglin in three days, and what we have to do is to find the trace of the devil within three days, and then arrest him secretly!"

"What the palace leader said is very true," elder Tianfeng was the first to respond and added, "in order to prevent information leakage, the fewer people know about it, the better. The following disciples don't have to tell."

The moon nodded and said, "good."

The elders also agreed that there are many people with mixed mouths. If more people know, there will be more risk of leakage.

"The search direction of others is still around the forbidden mountain and away from the forbidden mountain. After all, the devil wants to escape. These places may be large, but they don't know that the devil is back. This is our advantage!"

Speaking of this, the bright moon smiled: "now, the forbidden mountain is full of people, and the devil is unlikely to hide in it. In the next three days, I'll bother you elders and focus on investigating the surrounding cities. The devil is likely to hide in it."

An analysis is reasonable.

The elders are also gearing up and can't wait.

Just at this time, the bright moon threw out an attractive condition: "everyone, if anyone finds the trace of the devil first, he can enjoy the fairy fate first when he is arrested!"

For a moment, the elders were breathing rapidly.

Among the high-level leaders of the major gates, Xianyuan is no longer a secret, so everyone covets Zheng Feiyue, but not everyone can benefit from more monks and fewer monks.

What the palace leader said today is to give everyone a chance to compete fairly.

Mingyue was very satisfied with everyone's response and smiled and waved: "it's no time to delay. Let's go."

The elders looked at each other and hurried away.

Finally, Mingyue and Tianfeng were left in the palace.

Tianfeng didn't seize the fairy fate like other elders, because she was pregnant with something to be cursed. The palace master gave her a death order and would never allow her to step out of the sect!

"Zheng Feiyue asked me to meet in luofenglin in three days. What's the purpose?"

The moon asked faintly, playing with the envelope in her hand.

Tianfeng said, "I want to exchange a token with a magic knife."

"But he's weak. Aren't you afraid I'll kill him after I get the magic knife?" Mingyue put forward her doubts.

Tianfeng was silent for a moment and said, "we won't reveal his whereabouts when he is sure. It's impossible to send too many people on the trading day, so he is unscrupulous. In addition..."

Speaking of this, Tianfeng hesitated.

The bright moon looked at her, and the latter clenched her teeth and said, "luofenglin is not necessarily a place for trading. Don't forget that a few years ago, he led the three main doors around the forbidden mountain..."

When the old story was mentioned again, the moon sat up straight with anger in her eyes: "if he dares to repeat his old skills, I'll fight with the magic knife and destroy the token first!"

This is angry words, but it also proves that what happened that year was a great blow to the bright moon.

Tianfeng hurriedly said, "in those days, the devil had hostages in his hand, and only three major doors threw rodent repellents could he lose one after another. Now, unlike in the past, we hold his handle in our hands, and I think he dare not play tricks."

"Dare not? There are really things he dare not do in this world?" Mingyue expressed doubt.

Tianfeng said, "up to now, the safest way is to catch the devil within three days and force him to hand over the magic knife!"

Mingyue didn't have much hope and said, "Qin Liangyu only saw a dark shadow, which can't prove that it was the devil. Besides, he's not a fool. Dare he send a letter to the cold star palace alone?"

"Try it." Tianfeng sighed.

Her views are similar to those of the palace leader. Zheng Feiyue is unlikely to take risks. The dark shadow Qin Liangyu saw today is not necessarily Zheng Feiyue himself, but she always has to try. What if it is true?


Subdue the devil hall.

The hall, once heavily forbidden and tightly guarded, has long returned to its usual gloomy appearance.

Our female disciples passed by the deserted gate of the main hall and couldn't help accelerating their pace, as if the main hall was a man eating beast, which might swallow them at any time.

However, soon, an elder of Hanxing palace with a slightly mean face came to the lonely demon subduing hall. Before he entered the door, he shouted: "sister demon subduing, Qingfeng asks to see you."

A creak.

The door of the hall opened slowly.

When Qingfeng entered the hall, he saw the subdued elder sitting cross legged in the place where he had imprisoned the black gauze. His breath was decaying, and the wrinkles on his face were deep into his bones. He sighed: "sister, the past has passed. Why should you punish yourself?"

"When I came back from the demon killing platform, other elders avoided the hall. For fear of being unlucky, why don't you Qingfeng come to the door in person?" the demon subduing elder closed his eyes and didn't look at her.

"Elder sister, I can't bear to see you sitting here day and night. I specially came to tell you a good news." a sly look flashed in elder Qingfeng's eyes. "There's news about the devil. He didn't escape, but hid in an unknown city. I think your black gauze disciple is also among them."

"What are you talking about?"

The demon subduing elder suddenly opened his eyes and changed his look!