Chapter 1124

In a secret room.

Zheng Feiyue called a deep-sea overhaul and said faintly, "in my name, issue the highest level secret order to order the fish lurking in the deep-sea of the evil god sect to find out the current situation of Wang Xiaohua at all costs!"


Overhaul ordered to leave.

The chamber of Secrets fell into silence again.

Zheng Feiyue sat on his favorite recliner, bent his fingers and tapped his knees, muttering in a low voice: "go or not? Go, life and death are unpredictable, don't go, the difficulty of black yarn has countless ties with me..."

"Go if you want to go, or don't go if you don't want to go." the voice of the system sounded.

Zheng Feiyue sighed: "either give me some constructive advice, or hold your breath. Other people's system can solve all problems. Look at you again!"

"What's the matter with me?"

The system clamored and was very dissatisfied.

Zheng Feiyue: "I won't mention anything else. Can you change your red hair for me and swing your head in my head with a broom all day? I'm bored to death!"

"It's OK to insult my personality, but it can't insult my taste!" the system jumped around against the head of Matt. "Do you understand aesthetics? Can't I get a little gratitude from you for your unworthy son, who has been weathered and worked hard all these years?"

Zheng Feiyue sighed and said, "can't you grow up?"

The system was elated: "I lived the same life as the Tao of heaven. When Lao Tzu came out, human ancestors were still single celled creatures. Tell me about maturity?"

"Your uncle!"

Zheng Feiyue covered his head and wanted to die. "I'm not in the mood to quarrel with you. I'm very upset now. Do you understand?"

The system said leisurely, "what's the trouble? It's just a woman. Do you lack women? There's another woman in the inner yard who is planning to marry you."

Zheng Feiyue smiled bitterly.

When the system heard the speech, the soul of gossip lit up: "what? Do you want to repent?"

"Of course not. I will do what I promise!" Zheng Feiyue put on a serious face and turned to a bitter smile. "Just suddenly there was a black yarn. I was uneasy and didn't really want to get married."

The system said, "I don't like to hear that. When you went to fight evil gods, how did you promise others? As long as you get through this robbery, you will marry others. Now you repent. Is this what people do?"

"I'm not going to go back." Zheng Feiyue argued in a low voice.

System: "don't go back. What are you doing when you move your favorite recliner to the secret room? These days, you are in this dark secret room. You can't go out day and night. Who are you hiding from?"

Zheng Feiyue blushed and didn't know what to say.

The system hummed, put on the appearance of "I have seen through all this" and said: "admit it, you are a pre marital phobia. Even if there is no black veil, you will find other reasons to escape."

Zheng Feiyue was a little anxious and said, "do you think you know me well?"

"Hey, you're really right!" the red hair on the top of the system floats in the wind and looks like a villain. "If you don't believe it, we'll talk about the black yarn."

"OK, let's talk. I'll see what you think of your stupid system." Zheng Feiyue said.

The system cleared his throat and said, "you're tangled now because your heart is confused by various external illusions. In fact, I saw it earlier. You'll go!"

Zheng Feiyue said: "I admit that black yarn has a certain position in my heart, and that woman is really unforgettable, but it's unreasonable for me to give up everything and save this woman?"


The system laughed: "I followed you from the earth. We started together. You broke your fingers and calculated. Which of the women who met you escaped?"

"Where is this?"

System: "you're so familiar. Who doesn't know who? Outsiders say you're ambitious and have the ambition to plot the world. In fact, you're just a goods who has no ambition and wants to eat and die all day. Along the way, if Mom earth and I hadn't pushed you behind, what would you achieve today?"

Without waiting for Zheng Feiyue to refute, the system continued: "if you want to know you best, count your sister. I remember she once said that her dream is to build a palace for her brother, invite all her sister-in-law in, and then invite a photography team to shoot the real original harem fight drama!"

Zheng Feiyue frowned: "do you say this has anything to do with the black yarn?"

The system cocked up its mouth and said, "of course it does matter. Fame and wealth are not what you think. Beauty is one of the few driving forces that can drive you."


The system didn't care. It seemed to number the pulse of the host: "admit it, what causes and consequences, what lovesickness unforgettable, are empty. You are cheap and greedy for others' black gauze body!"

Zheng Feiyue stared.

After a long time, he finally reacted!

Bullshit psychoanalysis, this bastard has been doing it for a long time, just trying to disgust himself!

"Your uncle!"

The system laughs wildly with unspeakable pride: "look, look, I'm right. I'm angry. You just can't control the things in your crotch. It's shameless to send guns thousands of miles to the West Bank!"

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Zheng Feiyue roared.

The laughter continued for a long time.

I have to say that in this world, no, to be exact, on the east bank, the system is the only one who is completely not afraid of Zheng Feiyue's existence, and the other party can't help it.

The laughter lasted for a long time. Until the system found that Zheng Feiyue was really angry, it waved its hand and said, "OK, OK, I'm not kidding. Let's get down to business."

"What's going on in your broken head?"

The system said, "I'm the system, and my main responsibility is to solve problems for the host. The change in the West Bank is definitely for you. Whether to take risks or protect yourself is all in your mind."

Zheng Feiyue was silent.

System: "in fact, you had a hunch that if the prime minister wanted to calculate you, he would transfer you from the east bank. Later, Lv Bu concealed the brocade bag. You whipped the six brothers and took the opportunity to transfer them from mulberry ghost city. It was obvious that you had made some preparations. How do you explain this?"

"I don't know. I subconsciously did that," Zheng Feiyue murmured.

"In fact, it's very simple. You've been waiting for the prime minister to calculate you. When the crisis comes, you won't be afraid, but excited!" the system smiled, with an indescribable smell: "I said before that you had no ambition and only thought by your lower body. Most of you were joking. Although you are lazy and need someone to urge you behind, there is one thing that is engraved in your bones and can never be changed!"

Zheng Feiyue asked, "what?"

The system said categorically: "adventure! You are eager to take risks! It is the same all the way from the earth to the earth fairyland! This is nature and can not be changed. In addition, the beauty on the West Bank is ill tempered, and there is an urging person on the east bank. You are ready to cross the west, but you hesitate and can't make up your mind when you are stirred by Lv Bu!"