Chapter 1013

Daliang Valley is a strange place.

In the words of the earth, the magnetic field here is extremely disordered. The normal methods used to identify the East, West, North and South are useless here, and people are very easy to get lost.

Naturally, this place has no relationship with "flying sword biography".

At first, the three main sects chose to intercept Ming wangzong here because they didn't want Ming wangzong's team to ask for help from the sect.

As a result, the ambush failed, and our own people fought with our own people.

After a fierce battle day and night, there are wounded people everywhere in Daliang valley. Those who can move and those who can't move are tired. Only the overhaul of both sides still has the power of World War I.

Kui GUI, the leader of the five ghost sect, is staring at the front with cannibal eyes.

In front of him, there were several water beetles, one of which had a smart look in his eyes and said, "Kui ghost, you and I have lost 80%. Let's have a truce. I don't intend to be an enemy with you!"

Kui ghost smiled angrily: "sneak attack, fierce battle, fighting all day and night. You told me you didn't intend to be the enemy. Are you crazy or treat me as a fool?"

Shui Yu: "I'm sorry, but my duty is to drag you in Daliang valley. You and I can't leave this valley until tongtianfeng wins!"

"Duty? Your duty?!" Kui ghost screamed, "Yin, known as the king of corpses, has become a dog of Zheng Feiyue!"

Shuiyu's eyes were in a trance and murmured, "no one has called me that for a long time, Yin... Up to now, it seems that only you still remember my last name."

"It's hard to be forgotten?" Kui ghost said with a smile. "You were hurt by the experts of the Justice League, and even the gods and souls lost seriously. But you had to turn to the forbidden art. As a result, you became such a ghost. After a long time, everyone forgot your original identity, but I remember clearly."

Yin: "of course you remember that we fought side by side. If I hadn't sacrificed my life, you would have been killed by those guys of the Justice League."

Kui ghost snorted coldly: "our dangerous situation was the same in those years. You gave up your life and forgot to die. Why did I live in a muddle? It's just that my luck is better than you... But I remember this feeling. I'm the leader of the sect. The five ghost sect and the flying corpse sect have always advanced and retreated together. I didn't guard against you. Why did you betray me?"

Yin conghuai took out a black awl, which was snatched by Zheng Feiyue. I don't know when it returned to him.

He looked at the broken God cone and said, "I didn't betray you, but I recognized the reality. In the past, our ideas were too naive. We thought that as long as we worked together, we could carry forward the sect, but what about the facts?"

Kui Ghost: "what do you want to say?"

Yin showed a self mocking smile: "the so-called strong and strong cooperation was killed by a boy who didn't know where. Is it ridiculous that he didn't dare to retaliate afterwards?"

Kui ghost snorted coldly, "know shame and then be brave. Since we know that we are incompatible with Zheng Feiyue, we should go all out to kill this Liao!"

"Then?" Yin stared at Kui ghost, with complex light flashing in his turbid eyes. "After many years, there will be Li Feiyue, Zhang Feiyue and so on. Do you want to experience the past tragedy again?"

Kui GUI: "what does this have to do with Li Feiyue and Zhang Feiyue?"

"Why don't you understand?" Yin Cao controlled the body of the water pan and planed the ground restlessly, "The so-called seven sects are just good words. Have those strong sects ever looked at us over the years? When Zheng Feiyue issued a reward and wanted notice, even the women in Xinmo Valley dared to kill our people, and the evil god sect and Mingwang sect were merciless. Why?"

Kui ghost frowned and remained silent.

Yin asked himself and replied, "why? Because we are soft persimmons, who doesn't like to pinch soft persimmons? If Zheng Feiyue was wanted for evil gods, would anyone dare to do it?"

Kui shook his head.

Yin smiled, laughing with self mockery: "our foundation is too shallow. The five ghost sect and flying corpse sect add up to less than ten cities, and there are few mineral veins and practice treasures. Can killing Zheng Feiyue solve these problems?"

Kui ghost was silent for a long time and said: "this time we sent troops, the goal is sanggui city. Our foundation is weak, so we have to take the opportunity to occupy this city..."

Before he finished, Yin interrupted him and said loudly, "one city, three families, is this your ambition? Do you know how much Zheng Feiyue promised me?"

Kui ghost was stunned and asked, "how much?"

Yin manipulated Shuiyu to raise his claws, with only three fingers on them, and all stood up: "three cities! And all rich cities! And all I have to do is stop you here, that's all."

Kui ghost was shocked by Zheng Feiyue's big pen, and then said, "don't be deceived by him. He is just the head of a city. How can you have three cities?"

Yin low said with a smile, "this plan was originally a snare set by Zheng Feiyue for Xinmo valley. Without the two of us, do you think that stupid woman in Nangong alone can beat Zheng Feiyue? After this war, many cities will change their masters. These are the chips."

"You're crazy!" Kui ghost looked at his allies and friends with pity in his eyes. "What you said requires a premise: Zheng Feiyue can win the evil god!"

Yin: "good."

Kui Ghost: "is it possible?"

Yin shook his body and said, "all I know is that if the flying corpse cult wants to get rid of the dilemma, it must become the second cult! For thousands of years, no one has dared to raise the flag against the cult. The seven sects are like staying in a pool of stagnant water for thousands of years and can't move. Now there is this person, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"You're right." Kui ghost agrees with Yin, but he doesn't agree with each other's choice. "Just, Zheng Feiyue can't overturn the ten thousand year old stagnant water. He can't muddle the water at most."

Yin shook his head and said, "Kui GUI, you are too cautious. This is both your advantage and your disadvantage. Since we can't convince each other, why don't we stop and see what happens?"

Qui ghost looked around.

After a fierce battle, only a few of the elite he brought out still have combat effectiveness.

This strength is more than self-protection, but it is extremely difficult to break through the obstruction of flying corpse sect and ask the sect for help. Moreover, the battle of tongtianfeng has been fought all day and night. It's too late to enter again at this time.

Thinking of this, Kui ghost snorted coldly: "in that case, I'll wait here to see how Zheng Feiyue turns the waves in the hands of evil gods and how you lose!"

When he finished speaking, he waved to several of his major engineers to signal a temporary truce.

Yin also ordered a truce.

The remaining monks of both sides sat down in their own places, vigilant against each other and seizing the time to restore their strength.

The scene was very quiet.

Tomorrow I'm going to the county to attend a friend's wedding. It's going to be late (we're too biased here).

The update may have an impact, but I will try to ensure one or two changes.

Let us know in advance.