Under the guidance of sun Shangxiang, Zheng Feiyue saw the two seeds.

They are ordinary people. They poke in the crowd and look insignificant. They even look silly. However, considering the particularity of seeds, their appearance is quite disguised.

Zheng Feiyue ignored sun Shangxiang's anxious look, walked slowly through the interrogation team, inadvertently came to a seed, glanced at him and asked, "name."

"Luo Yi."

"Do you think you are very loyal?" Zheng Feiyue asked.

Luo Yi felt that the "Earth" was inexplicable, turned his eyes and said, "my name is Luo Yi, which doesn't mean I want to talk about righteousness. What logic is this!"

Sun Shangxiang came up and said gloomily, "sweet words, there's a problem at first sight. Take it back for trial!"

Luo Yi stared.

Just because my name is Luo Yi, I have to take it back for trial?


The white bearded high-level attendant was speechless, but his religious leader was still in the hands of others. He could only accompany him carefully and said, "Luo Yi is an honest child who is famous in the sect, and it will not be a residual evil."

"Did you say no!" sun Shangxiang looked gloomy, with a strange light in her eyes, which made her hair straight in her heart.

White beard said helplessly, "Lord Zheng, even if you want to arrest someone, you should give a reasonable reason. It's unreasonable to catch the child because he's called Luo Yi?"

Zheng Feiyue glanced back at sun Shangxiang and scolded, "do I use your teaching to do things?"

Sun Shangxiang opened her mouth and finally had to shut up.

Zheng Feiyue shook his head and didn't look at Luo Yi again. He turned to the next target and asked, "what's your name?"

In view of Luo Yi's lessons, the questioner hurriedly returned to: "my name is Ma Yinglong. My parents married me with this name. I hope my son will become a dragon. I hope I can achieve success in my cultivation."

"I only asked your name. Did you ask why you called it?" Zheng Feiyue asked.

Ma Yinglong: "

Zheng Feiyue waved his hand: "smooth tongue and dodgy eyes. It's not like a good man. Deacon sun, write down your name and take it back to mulberry ghost town for interrogation!"

Ma Yinglong: "ah?"

White beard: "also said you didn't catch people at random?!"

"What are you doing?" sun Shangxiang stared. Ma Yinglong was not a seed at all. The real seed was Luo Yi and a man named Zhang Shenghai.

Zheng Feiyue naturally wouldn't say that Ma Yinglong once said a wrong sentence, which annoyed his own sect leader, and then was called out as a substitute for the dead.


He snorted proudly, as if disdaining to explain to anyone, and asked the third person with his back hand: "what's your name?"

The questioner suddenly felt his back cold and trembled.


When the sun set, the disciples of flying corpse sect raised their heads and looked at the dusk in the West. They found that half a day had passed.

Thousands of disciples of flying corpse sect were screened.

Using their own methods, the members of the investigation team screened out dozens of "suspected" targets from these thousands of people, including those who were close to the house, those who volunteered to guarantee the house, those who were not like good people, and those who were picked out because of their names.

The knell tolled again.

Thousands of disciples dispersed slowly, leaving only a few dozen, and formed a small square under the high-level sign.

Liu Qingfeng stood in front of the square array with a smile on his face. The afterglow of the sunset shone on his face. He looked warm and genial.

He said with a smile: "you guys, please don't worry. Just ask you to go back to mulberry ghost town to cooperate with the investigation. After the investigation is clear, the remaining evils will be naturally killed. The innocent will not only have nothing, but also be compensated."

The man named Ma Yinglong raised his hand and said angrily, "this is nonsense. Just because my name is Ma Yinglong, am I suspected to be the remnant of tongtianmen?"

Liu Qingfeng looked back awkwardly and saw a ferocious zombie face.

He sighed and smiled more warmly. He didn't look like facing the class enemy at all. In fact, he didn't believe that these were the remaining evils in front of him. Except for a few targets who had a good relationship with the house, the reason for others to be suspected was nonsense.

But the captain gave a dead order, and the team members each chose at least five suspects. If they failed to complete the task, they would stay in the flying corpse cult and were not allowed to come out.

So there was this scene in front of us. The suspects were filled with indignation and made a lot of noise. If it hadn't been for the high-level of the flying corpse cult, it would have blown up.

Liu Qingfeng had to promise again: "everybody! Don't make a noise! Please listen to me. I guarantee as the silver deacon of the general league that you are just disgusted at present. After the investigation, you will be cleared."

The identity of silver deacon is useless here.

The "suspects" are still noisy, the neat array has long been scattered, and the high-level orders gradually lose its efficiency and warmth like the sunset in the West.

Someone is going to run away.


Suddenly, the dark shadow on the square flickered, and the sound of whistling rang from all directions.

The "suspects" were in a mess because they found themselves surrounded by a group of dogs, with fire dogs in the East, wood dogs in the west, poison dogs in the South and dogs in the north.

The flying corpse sect's eighteen array finally aimed at their own people.


The cough sounded, harsh and unpleasant, as if the vocal cords had been burned by fire, from a "earth dog."

"Tuyu" stepped forward, crossed Liu Qingfeng and faced the square array in front of him. An ugly voice sounded: "you are a suspect. Do you know what a suspect is? You have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will be used as evidence in court, so as to confirm your identity!"

The suspect glared at him.

"Tu Yu" was expressionless, and his short and restrained body looked Iron-blooded and vicious: "there are many ways of interrogation. Is it for everyone to talk and clarify things, or do I use some means to let you speak? The choice is yours."

When he finished speaking, he raised his iron claw and held a black bone spur on it.

The suspects shut up.

They all knew the bone spur and gave it a loud nickname, soul nailing cone - people who are nailed can't survive or die.

"Tu Yu" looked up at the sky, shook his head and said, "it's not early. Get ready to withdraw."

Outside the mountain gate.

The 18th array escorts the suspect team to face the sunset. The scene is like the earth's Xiangxi driving corpses, but it's people driving corpses, this is corpses driving people.

On the afternoon of the third day, the "corpse driving team" came to the gate of mulberry ghost town.

The crowd and the corpses stood together.

A golden flame emerged from the body of Tu Yu. After circling, Zheng Feiyue turned into a figure. His face was pale and his standing was unstable. Fortunately, two pairs of big hands held him, Lv Bu and Zhao Yun.

Behind Gemini, there are a group of people with good cultivation. They all took refuge in Zheng Feiyue during this period. Although they can't be trusted, they can be used as a facade.

After Zheng Feiyue left, the earth bird shook in place for a few times, then grinned at Zheng Feiyue and roared, "Zheng Feiyue! You deceive people too much!"