The league can't wait.

I don't know what switch was pressed there. It was as urgent as a hot pot ant. In just half a day, he sent three secret orders to mulberry ghost town.

The last secret order was specially given to Liu Qingfeng. Everyone else didn't know the content. He only saw that after receiving the order, he was like beating chicken blood, holding his head high and shouting at the blue sky and the day: "Qingfeng will spare no effort and live up to his mission!"

Well, I can't hold it.

Liu Qingfeng found Zheng Feiyue and stared like a eunuch trying to force the palace. He said, "the general League urgently ordered that the team rush to the flying corpse cult. There must be no mistake!"


Zheng Feiyue nodded and roared, echoing inside and outside the city master's house: "assemble all! All personnel, within ten seconds, assemble and set out!"

Lian Hao, Kong Dashan, Chigui, Qian wangsun, Li Wanqing, Tie Yi, all present.

Zheng Feiyue stood in front of the crowd, with two silver deacons Liu Qingfeng and sun Shangxiang standing on the left and right behind him, and Gemini standing guard behind him.

But what he said did not match the momentum.

"I don't need to tell you what to do. The general League is in a hurry. We can't escape the task of searching the flying corpse cult. We're all ready and hard necked."

The effect of such encouragement is "wonderful."

Several members looked at each other and their morale was like an exposed ball.

Search for a sect that has been handed down for hundreds of thousands of years. The people who put forward this plan are either crazy or stupid. Thanks to the fact that several people present come out of a large number of doors, their horizons and pattern are not low, so they can stand.

Other people would have been scared to death.

Liu Qingfeng stared anxiously in the back. Zheng Feiyue didn't know it. He said to himself, "let's talk about the code of action. Don't break in, fight or kill. To say search is actually to ask people to do things. You're polite. If you're tired of living, you can show your fearlessness. The premise is to stay away from me and don't drag everyone down."

Qian wangsun raised his hand and muttered, "I have a request."


Qian wangsun showed his extraordinary boldness: "can we act separately? You sent the house Qi to the general League, and we followed you to the door, which is the party involved."

Zheng Feiyue scowled and scolded, "nonsense! The house was sent up by deacon Liu. The confession and documents are clear. What does it have to do with me?"

Qian wangsun and his little friends were stunned.

Do you want to be so shameless?

Piansheng Liu Qingfeng really stood up and took this talisman: "yes, everything is my idea. The flying corpse cult wants to find trouble, but it also wants me Liu Qingfeng!"

Zheng Feiyue thumbs up and upholds justice secretly.

The red ghost and others looked at each other and secretly said that there was something wrong with his cultivation? Abnormal brain?

Liu Qingfeng smiled without fear. It seems that the secret order gave him infinite power: "flying corpse cult is a great religion handed down from generation to generation, so I understand captain Zheng and your scruples.

But I am not afraid. Standing behind me is a powerful general alliance that controls thousands of miles of territory. All sects and forces must survive under the protection of the general alliance.

And this is my amulet! "

With his impassioned declaration, unswerving will and indomitable determination, he is really an indomitable man.

If you put such a figure on the other side of the extreme evil sea, you really call it a hero. The fairy who comes to propose marriage is afraid to break the threshold of the family. Maybe even Heisha and Hou xiaorou should look at it differently.

But this is the east bank. People here don't advocate heroes. People here live on ruthlessness and become king with cunning!

So it was cold.

The scene was once very embarrassing.

Li xiner dragged a bucket of water past. Looking at the embarrassing scene, crisp Sheng asked, "which gentleman can help me carry the water. It's so heavy."

Liu Qingfeng said "Oh" and hurried to help carry the water.

He felt embarrassed, too.

Like everyone else, Zheng Feiyue rolled his eyes and waved, "let's go!"

The army is out.

Mulberry ghost town is neither near nor far from the Mountain Gate of flying corpse sect. During this period, it has to pass through two cities.

Zheng Feiyue asked Liu Qingfeng to lead two people to explore the way in front, not to prevent someone from intercepting, but to find something to do for this energetic guy.

Then he sent the red ghost, who could barely deliver a message to the flying corpse cult, to the destination, deliver the post and explore the way.

After arranging everything, Zheng Feiyue and sun Shangxiang fell behind and hurried slowly. The Gemini scattered for ten miles, doing the guard work.

"What has the prime minister considered?" he asked.

Sun Shangxiang took out a note and said, "this is the list of our personnel. Don't think about it. It's impossible to give you all. These are the limits."

Zheng Feiyue looked at the list. There were more than a dozen names on it, which was barely justifiable.

He whistled.

There was smoke rising in the rear. Lv Bu galloped to take Zheng Feiyue's list, and then quickly disappeared into the smoke.

Sun Shangxiang took out the second list and said, "the people above, find a way to bring them out of each sect. The prime minister said that you have always had a way and won't let us down."

Zheng Feiyue looked at the above names and found that he didn't know any of them. He frowned and said, "these people are not famous. They should all be pawns. Do you need outsiders to help transfer them with your ability?"

"They are not our people," sun Shangxiang said.

Zheng Feiyue suddenly turned around and looked at sun Shangxiang with an unhappy expression: "what's the matter? I'll hide it for me at this time. Do you really want your seeds to die?"

Sun Shangxiang pursed her mouth until they had gone thousands of meters before saying, "I said that the prime minister has always been safe. The only way to protect them is that they don't even know their identity."

Zheng Feiyue stopped and slapped on the forehead.

got it.

He finally understood!

Why did the powerful tongtianmen ask for help and even take out the list of intelligence personnel?

These people on the list are the same as the house. They don't know their identity. Even if tongtianmen wants to transfer them, they have to be approved by others.

Unless the prime minister directly led people to rush to the Mountain Gate of the seven zongmen, it was almost impossible.

On the other side of the general alliance, we should also see the clue from the house Qi, so we were anxious to open the door to the sky and were caught off guard.

This is a dead end.

Zheng Feiyue, the captain of the action team, became the only means to break the game.

I see it all at once.

Zheng Feiyue smiled and shook his head: "smart was mistaken by smart. The prime minister planned strategies all his life. I probably didn't expect that he would lift a stone and hit his feet?"

Sun Shangxiang said angrily, "if it weren't for you, would there be these junk things?"

Zheng Feiyue was dumb and speechless.

They continued to move forward. Zhao Yun, ten miles ahead, left marks along the way from time to time. Everything was normal.

Zheng Feiyue's mood can't be calmed for a long time.

He was thinking: "if these people are not the so-called seeds, I will screw off my head and kick the prime minister as a ball!"