After Zheng Feiyue left the secret room, Lv Bu followed up quietly.

"What do you think of Wang Po now?" asked Lv Bu.

Zheng Feiyue said with a smile: "some thoughts, but within the controllable range, after all, once elated, it's normal to have this reaction. I can't escape from the palm of my hand."

Lv Bu frowned: "are you really going to train him into a successful demon body?"

"It depends on him," Zheng Feiyue smiled.

Lv Bu frowned: "what do you mean?"

Zheng Feiyue smiled and didn't explain. Instead, he said, "did the deep-sea fish send back news? What's the situation of Ming wangzong recently? Is there any good news worthy of our expectation?"

"Since Lao Qi went to the tomb, Wang Zongming's face has returned to calm, but in fact the dark tide is surging. The remaining elders are roughly divided into three factions. The second and eighth are in control of the absolute right to speak with the sect leader. The third and fifth faintly stand on the side of Lao Qi and form their own sect. In addition, the fourth and sixth belong to the grass behind the wall and are more inclined to the sect leader at present."

Zheng Feiyue nodded.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lv Bu continued, "do you want to contact old three and five secretly?"

"Do you want to win them over to fight against the Ming king with us?" Zheng Feiyue smiled and shook his head. "This is unrealistic. We lack enough trust with old three and five."

Lv Bu thought for a moment and said, "what about the old four and the old six? Intelligence shows that these two people may be bought by interests. Maybe they are the object of our fight."

"How many benefits do you have to offer to buy two big friars? And it's meaningless to buy two wall grass... What's the relationship between the third and the second?"

Lv Bu didn't follow Zheng Feiyue's logical transformation. After being stunned, he said, "the relationship is bad. In the two days when Lao Qi was seriously injured, our people heard that they were arguing."

"Very good." Zheng Feiyue nodded, with an evil look in his eyes. "The good play is about to begin."


80000 miles east of sanggui City, there is a mountain range called aurora mountain range.

The aurora here is not the aurora on earth, but an extremely powerful energy, which can be understood as alternative radiation.

This kind of radiation is extremely powerful and does great harm to monks and monsters, so there has never been any trace of biological activities in the aurora mountains.

I don't know when to start. In the depths of the aurora mountains, there will be rich colorful Aurora flashes every night. Some people see people flashing in the aurora, which seems to be practicing strange secrets.

The news was taken to Dawang city by a pair of invisible hands, and then sent to Mingwang mountain.

Ming king hall.

Old eight took this information and said excitedly to big brother: "deep in the aurora mountains, it is suspected that someone is practicing. Will it have something to do with Wang Po?"

Since Lao Qi was sent to the tomb, the external work of the Ming wangzong was handed over to Lao ba. The most important thing is to pay attention to the whereabouts of Wang Po.

After Xiaocheng, the cultivation environment of the demon king body is very harsh, so the Ming wangzong has been paying attention to some special places, including the aurora mountains.

In addition, all of the Ming wangzong are self abusive maniacs, and they are also very familiar with these places.

When the Ming king heard the old eight's words, he nodded and said, "it's possible. The aurora in the depths of the aurora mountains is very powerful. Even the great friar doesn't dare to stay long. It meets the needs of the demon king's body."

This caused several brothers to think.

The second frowned and said, "old eight, is there any trace of the activities of the disciples of the magic weapon sect near the aurora mountains?"

"No." old eight shook his head.

"That's strange," the second brother rubbed his chin. "It's reasonable to say that Wang PO should have been out of the pass. Did he practice again as soon as he left the pass? Would it be too urgent?"

When he finished speaking, the second subconsciously looked at the third.

The third brother turned a blind eye to his second brother's eyes and looked straight ahead. It seemed that he had no interest in this matter related to the rise and fall of Ming Wang Zong.

The second micro groaned coldly and said, "there's something strange about this. As soon as we started looking for Wang Po, he showed his trace. It's too coincidental."

Old eight wondered, "second brother, do you mean that the people inside are not Wang Po?"

The second shook his head to deny it and said, "this can't be confirmed. Maybe it's not Wang Po, maybe it's Wang Po, but it's ill intentioned waiting for us to take the bait."

Old eight still didn't understand, but looking at the expression of other brothers, he immediately felt the impatience of insufficient IQ and said, "don't care whether it's true or not, I'll know when I go in!"


The patriarch and the second son stopped it together.

"Why?" old eight stared.

The second brother explained to the brother who was not smart: "don't forget the existence of Zheng Feiyue. I always think he is the behind the scenes behind Wang Po. Maybe the aurora mountains is the trap he set."

"Zheng Feiyue?" old eight scratched his head. "The boy dares to frame the man of Ming wangzong. He doesn't want to live?"

The second said gloomily, "the boy is very Yin. He denies his relationship with Wang Po from beginning to end. We really want to carry it in Wang Po's hand, but there is no evidence that he ordered it."

"It's really troublesome. Just call a few more brothers. Can Wang Po turn the sky again?" old eight roared. He didn't say if he went alone. He didn't have enough confidence.

The second nodded and said, "be careful. Brother four and brother six, you and brother eight go together and take care of each other in the aurora mountains."

The fourth and sixth answered.


A sinister voice remembered that the old three spoke.

Second brother: "the third brother hasn't spoken. What's his opinion now?"

There was a hint of irony in the words.

The old three were expressionless and said in the same tone: "if there is really a king in the aurora mountains, you can't send them back!"

"What do you mean?"

Old eight and old four frown together. They don't look down on people.

The third man said in a deep voice, "Wang Po's demon king body is better than that of the previous generation. I conservatively estimate that his strength is not weaker than that of the eldest brother. Do you think you can beat one of the three?"

The second is dumb.

Old four, old six and old eight are big friars, but they can't beat big brother with one piece.

There is also a big gap between the great friars.

"Then you go with the fifth brother. There's no problem with the five?" the second said, with a faint anger in his tone, as if he was very dissatisfied with the third's demolition.

The third thought and didn't want to say, "I'm not free, and the fifth brother is not free!"

"You..." the second brother was furious and turned to the first emperor of Ming Wang. "Brother, what do you think the third brother looks like? He didn't pay any attention to my second brother."

At this time, the fifth man stood up and said with a sneer, "you can't even talk quickly when you leave the eldest brother?"

"Old five, you are presumptuous!" the second angrily scolded.

The old five was happy and not afraid: "why? Without the old seven, he hit me on the head? Yes, he just sent me to the tomb. I'll accompany the old seven."


A majestic voice sounded.

Lord Ming Wang looked at the fifth and implied his anger: "I sent the seventh to the tomb. Why are you looking for me and your second brother? It has nothing to do with him!"

The fifth man bowed his head and said, "what big brother taught me is that I'll face the wall and think about it."

After speaking, the fifth left the Kaiming emperor.

The others looked at each other.