When Zheng Feiyue learned that the system was stripped from the Tao of heaven, he fell into silence.

Tiandao... Old rival.

On earth.

Jiang Bin's lower world is rampant. Zheng Feiyue forcibly integrates the power of nature in order to kill the enemy, which leads to tens of thousands of thunder. Killing Jiang Bin also leads to ten dead and lifeless robbery thunder.

Later, Lei Jie split an empty crack and sucked Zheng Feiyue into the wilderness to save his life.

In the wilderness.

Xu Fu acted as a blessing and a threat. Zheng Feiyue swallowed up the seven fates of heaven, which failed Xu Fu's last calculation and saved all the people in the world, but it was not allowed by heaven.

Tiandao wants to kill him again.

Finally, the cub thought of a way to live and separated from the earth when the world changed and the earth was isolated from the will of heaven and earth in the upper world.

The Tao of heaven is ruthless, but it divides the family.

In his mother's family, Zheng Feiyue is a good baby, and it's too late to take care of it. In his mother's family, Zheng Feiyue is a devil, and he wants to get rid of it and then get rid of it quickly.

The two sides were deadlocked, and Zheng Feiyue became the most special one for thousands of years: Although he was a devil, he had the image of holy virtue.

Crescent moon first proposed the idea of dark network, which is to create a network platform to summarize the host information of all parties, so as to facilitate her to monitor the world's hosts, which can also be regarded as taking over the burden left by his brother after his ascension.

The emergence of separable bodies complicates this simple plan.

Zheng Xinyue is a girl who is unwilling to be mediocre. When she was a high school student, she wanted to make T-800, not to mention the sharp rise in strength. She must make a big move.

Then we have the important discovery now.

Coincidentally, they were all born in a mother's womb. Zheng Feiyue's thinking is not much worse than his sister in some aspects.

He was thinking that the dark net is a special network invented by relying on the system, but in the earth fairy world, there are a few people who fly with the system, and most of them are pure practitioners.

If this dark net can be set up in the fairy world

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

Zheng Xinyue saw his brother's eyes turn around and knew that he wanted to do something again, from small to large.

"Sister, let me ask you a question. Since the system is the product of heaven, does it mean that your dark net can circulate not only among hosts, but also among practitioners?"

Zheng Feiyue asked.

Zheng Xinyue was so clever that he immediately realized that my brother wanted to take the dark net to the upper world.

She pondered: "theoretically speaking, it is feasible. After all, people who practice Taoism themselves are understanding the way of heaven, and then come out of their own way."

Before Zheng Feiyue was excited, the turning point came.

"However, if the dark net wants to be useful to practitioners, it still needs to meet three conditions. This is also the problem Zheng Xinyue is facing at present.

After all, the dark network is not a real Internet, and the system is not a real computer. It is impossible for her to really develop an operating system.

After all, merit can't recognize computer language.

Zheng Feiyue pondered: "conversely, if we can find the 'computer language' recognized by merit, won't we be able to make the 'operating system' of the dark network?"

Zheng Xinyue's eyes lit up.

The brother and sister looked at each other and said in the same voice, "use the skill formula to replace the computer language!"

When they finished speaking, they smiled at each other.

Tong Yan is smiling beside him. He is worthy of being a brother and sister. Indeed, he has a good heart.

After finalizing the solution, Zheng Feiyue didn't hurry to return to the fairy world, but studied the operating system of the dark net with his sister. After all, he is everyone in terms of skill formula.


The fairyland.

Gong De's golden body held two eggs, stroked its furry feathers and said, "it's so cute that you can fight and kill. Come on, eat a bamboo. I picked it for you from the depths of the forbidden mountain."

Two eggs nibble at bamboo leisurely and feel like they are in heaven.

The master has changed.

It's a complete transformation from the devil to the father.

There is no devil training in the morning, noon and evening. You can wake up naturally every day. If you are hungry, open your mouth, eat and drink and delicious pills will be automatically sent to your mouth.

Fairy like enjoyment.

The roar of powerful monsters in the distance fell into two eggs' ears and became a beautiful movement.

It squinted and crossed its legs, as if it were a carefree day when it was a child.



Paralysis is the mission of the iron rodents.


Unconsciously, half a month passed.

Zheng city base, laboratory.

Zheng Xinyue was buried on the test-bed, and a strong spiritual force emerged, controlling consciousness to carve a silver white brand.

The sign is full of various mysterious symbols.

When the last symbol was engraved, the whole brand was shocked.

"Well, try again!"

Zheng Xinyue throws the sign to Zheng Feiyue.

Zheng Feiyue is now a separated body, controlling the power of merit and virtue in his body, and disseminating it through this brand.

As the master of merit, he can see with his own eyes that after the power of merit passes through the sign, the irregular shape suddenly changes and becomes regular.

Zheng Xinyue opened a projection instrument and shone it in the air.

A magical scene appeared.

In front of them, on the empty air, rows of numbers suddenly appeared. There were only two numbers, 0 and 1.


Zheng Xinyue shouted and said, "it's successful. We've successfully turned merit into the most basic 0 and 1 of computer language. Next, it's time to really use programming."

She felt out another silver sign.

It is engraved with the program she engraved with spiritual power.

Still using C language!

Merit first emanates from the brand in Zheng Feiyue's hand, and then passes through Zheng Xinyue's brand.

Things under the projector have changed again.

The dense 0 and 1 twists and changes gradually become the form of the picture.

The picture has the size of a computer screen and is biased towards white.

On the pattern, a logo familiar to people all over the world is flickering.


At this time, the door of the laboratory was pushed open.

The huge sea came in with the prepared food. Unexpectedly, he saw the huge Baidu page in the air and couldn't help saying, "how many people are playing the projector and turning off the computer for dinner."


Get a chapter first, go out for lunch, and then just come back!