As the incoming light rushes into the vortex.

The whole vortex trembled.

Bursts of vibration seemed to connect the world, stirring the hearts and minds of every host.

The three hosts stared at the air tightly, as if they had seen their immortality.


A thunderbolt emerged from the vortex, as if to illuminate the whole world.

Everyone was dazzled.

When it returns to normal, the vortex in the air disappears.

The thunder disappeared.

Just when everyone was stunned, an advanced host similar to the eagle eye system pointed to the sky and said, "look, it seems that a person has fallen from the sky."

The crowd looked.

Sure enough, at a high altitude, there was a faint figure falling down.


The shadow fell quickly, and the blink of an eye appeared in everyone's sight.

It was a man in silver armor.

As like as two peas in Zheng Feiyue's dream.

The three masters looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

This is... From the fairy world!

Zheng Feiyue's heart sank suddenly and said, "be careful. It's not good stubble."


The figure falling from the sky fell to the ground, and the powerful momentum carried by the falling directly flattened the resort on the ground.

Unparalleled turbid wave array rises from the ground, which can block the shock wave and protect the underground base from disaster.

Zheng Feiyue's face is a little ugly.

His uncle's.

Just come down and tear down his house!

The smoke lifted several feet high.

It was five minutes before the smoke dispersed.

They saw a man in silver armor kneeling on one knee and lowering his head.

Looking at his silver armor, it seems that it is broken and there are still blood stains on it.

But his power was stronger than everyone present.

Next second.

The man raised his eyes.

Single eyelid, big and long face, with a cunning smile at the corners of his mouth.

Zheng Feiyue is finally convinced.

The man is the one who often appears in his dreams.

The three masters looked at each other, knelt down to the man and shouted, "join the immortal!"

The man raised his head, looked at everyone around, looked up at the sky, and suddenly burst into a wild laugh.

"Hahaha, unexpectedly, I came to the lower world. It's good to escape!"

The eternal old monster trembled and said, "Bai Hongsheng, the host of the lower world, participates in the Lord Shangxian. I don't know what to call the Lord Shangxian?"

The man grinned and said, "I'm Jiang Bin. I haven't come down for 500 years. What's the direction and generation now?"

"It's the year AD..." Bai Hongsheng explained briefly.

After listening, Jiang Bin nodded and stretched out his hand.

A crack appeared in the air.

Jiang Bin pulled out two knives from the crack and said faintly, "the Ming Dynasty has perished. Hey, you can't see an acquaintance on the earth now."

"That's not necessarily!"

A voice came.

Zhang Xianzhong's demonic incarnation stood up, stared at Jiang Bin's double knives, and said in a frozen voice, "where did you get these two knives?"

Jiang Bin looked at Zhang Xianzhong and narrowed his eyes: "I didn't expect to see the existence of the avatar in the lower world. What's your noumenon? Who's the younger generation? Report your name."

"I'm Zhang Xianzhong. Where did you get these two knives?"

Zhang Xianzhong roared.

"Zhang Xianzhong? Never heard of it!"

Jiang Bin put two knives on his shoulder, but he didn't answer Zhang Xianzhong's question.

Zhang Xianzhong said coldly, "you don't know me, but I know you. Jiang Bin, from Xuanfu in beizhili, was a border General of the Ming Dynasty. He fought with Tatars with the army and later became the adopted son of the Ming Wuzong. His surname was Zhu and he was granted the commander of Xuanfu, Datong, Liaodong and Yansui."

"Oh? Do you know what happened to me in the lower bound?"

Jiang Bin is interested.

Zhang Xianzhong sneered: "I'm also from the Ming Dynasty. Half a year later, I didn't expect you to rise to the upper world as a person who takes bribes, cultivates private parties and flatters."

"I said, it's from the same Dynasty. No wonder you're interested in these two knives. You know Qin Liangyu's two double knives. Don't you know her lover?"

Jiang Bin smiled.

Zhang Xianzhong took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Qin Liangyu is a rare famous general. His white pole soldiers are invincible all over the world. You are just a treacherous minister and a rough man from the border army. You deserve to say that about her?"

Jiang Bin's face sank, raised his knife to Zhang Xianzhong and said, "do you want to die?"

"You can try."

Zhang Xianzhong carried his hands, and the imperial spirit broke out. The Chixiao sword surrounded the devil's body with a frightening momentum.

Jiang Bin disdained to smile: "it's just a mole ant in the lower world. Killing you is like killing a dog without the baptism of fortune. Let your real body come out and see me cut it!"

At this time, Bai Hongsheng, who was listening nearby, suddenly opened his mouth.

"The immortal, please calm down. I see that the immortal armor is broken and stained with blood. I'm afraid it's just after a battle. At this time, I'd better rest first and talk about other things."

Jiang Bin said with a smile, "well, I'm not interested in killing an avatar. You're a funny guy and your strength is careless. Are you the strongest here?"

Bai Hongsheng nodded quickly.

Liang Xin and others behind him looked complex.

They had never seen their ancestors like this.

It's like... A dog!

Jiang Bin, carrying a pair of knives, glanced around the crowd and said, "they are like mole ants. It's no use keeping them. We'll kill a batch first to make up for the injury."


Jiang Bin suddenly inserts the double knives into the ground.


The ground trembled, and countless pairs of big black hands came out and caught many advanced hosts.

Those people were shocked and wanted to escape, but they found that they couldn't break free at all.

Zheng Feiyue's side, Jiao Ba is also entangled.

"Boss, help me!"

Jiao Ba looked frightened.

In an instant, he felt his vitality being sucked away.

Zheng Feiyue roared, and the shadow sword roared away and cut heavily on the ghost hands.


The ghost hands are still.

"So hard?"

Zheng Feiyue was surprised and called out the purification bottle that was specially used to overcome evil ways, and the purification force exploded on the ghost's hand.

Thousands of props melted and emitted a purifying light of thigh thickness, but it was just enough to shake the ghost hands.

And that's the blink of an eye.

Jiao BA's breath quickly faded, and there were signs of being sucked into the body.

Zheng Feiyue made a fierce attack, directly melted 5000 props and went up.


The ghost hand is finally disconnected.

Jiao Ba fell to the ground.

Zheng Feiyue took out recovery props and photographed him without money.

After a while, Jiao BA was powerless and said, "enough, I can't die. Boss, this guy is too terrible. We can't fight at all."

Zheng Feiyue looked gloomy and looked up.

At least dozens of ghost hands appeared just now. Except jiaoba, all the other captured hosts were sucked into human hands.

If Zheng Feiyue didn't have the power of purification, Jiao BA would die.

All three forces were killed in battle.

This time, the field looks like a hornet's nest stabbed.

The animal spirit held Bai Mei's shriveled body, looked at the dark night and said sadly, "my Lord, Bai Mei is dead."

Bai Mei, who had been hostile to Zheng Feiyue for many times and whose reputation awed the north and the south, died in this way.

Dead... Loser!

Dark night, small face gloomy.

She finally understood Zheng Feiyue's words.

This opportunity is not hope, but disaster.