Mutant school.

Professor X gave the whole school a holiday in the name of the president.

Zheng Feiyue temporarily requisitioned here.

Not only that, the mutants and all the top leaders of the strange alliance are detained here.

President's Office.

Zheng Feiyue and Professor X sat opposite each other and discussed matters related to the opening of the platform.

As the defeated side, the professor had to agree to help Zheng Feiyue promote his two platforms.

When the platform is promoted nationwide, Zheng Feiyue will be released.

The specific discussion time did not take much time. Zheng Feiyue has done similar things many times, from Asia to Europe and then to North America.

A set of processes has been formed!

Business is over.

A low-level power sent two cups of tea.

Zheng Feiyue took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Professor, you have also used my platform these days. To be honest, how about it?"

Professor X pondered for a moment and said, "the platform is great, which I must admit. But I also admit that as the master of the platform, you are equivalent to mastering the lifeline of the host of the United States, which is very fatal."

Zheng Feiyue shrugged and said, "there are gains and losses. This is also the reason why I have swept all the way and many obstacles."

Professor X was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "Zheng Feiyue, you are very different from the Chinese people in my impression. Your boldness and madness are inferior to the Americans who advocate adventure and freedom. This is your advantage, but it is also your disadvantage.

There is a Chinese saying that a big tree catches the wind, and the wind will destroy it. Now you have stood on the world, seemingly getting a lot, but also provoking the most hostility.

These hostility can't be seen at ordinary times, but when you are frustrated, all hostility will hit you and break you into a place of eternal doom. The above is my last kind reminder to you as a former headmaster. "

When Zheng Feiyue heard the speech, he formally expressed his thanks to the professor.

"You're right. Now I seem to be sitting on the whole world, but I also bear the hostility of the whole world. However, since it is the road I choose, I will go on unswervingly."

Professor X said, "your courage surprised me."

Zheng Feiyue laughed.

In the eyes of foreigners, this is courage.

But in Zheng Feiyue's view, it's not a kind of helplessness.

The host circle of China has always been dominated by three.

The newborn host either submit to them, or can only hide and wait for the search and hunting from the advanced host.

In such a harsh host environment, if Zheng Feiyue wants to protect himself and the people around him, he must seize all opportunities and expand himself by any means.

What about being the enemy of the world?

Zhang Xianzhong once said that Zheng Feiyue very much agreed: the world regards me as a god of killing, so I will continue to kill and let the whole world live in fear of me.

Zheng Feiyue is not bloodthirsty, but he has his own way of behavior.

He will stick to his own path and let the whole world live under his influence. He can only press hostility at the bottom of his heart.

The atmosphere in the meeting room was a little serious.

Professor X changed the subject with ease.

"Wolverine asked me yesterday when he could let him out and look for the butcher's body. I told him that the butcher's body had been found and buried."

Zheng Feiyue said, "after I died that night, only the teacher was willing to work hard for me. With this alone, I had no face to see him again in the face of a butcher. Thank you for hiding it for me and keeping a good impression in his heart."

"I will also let several other insiders keep their secrets. From now on, the butcher is a student of heroic sacrifice in the mutant school, and Zheng Feiyue is a devil from the East."

Zheng Feiyue nodded and turned to say, "after I leave, you will also bother to help me supervise Mr. wolf. What he promised me is that he will no longer live in hatred and memories, but take the initiative to pursue a new life."

"But why did you let him pursue the black widow?" Professor X looked strange. "In the place of detention, the child has fought several times with the alliance because he promised to pursue the black widow."

Zheng Feiyue laughed.

At that time, it was just his "dying" nonsense, but Wolverine unswervingly implemented it.

That's good.

Have a goal, maybe in the pursuit of love over time.

And if two people are together, it is a good thing for him, for her, for the alliance and for the mutant.

Only Eric and others may have to hold back.

But there is only one black widow and she will always get married. For them, this is an inevitable green light.

Next, Zheng Feiyue stayed in the United States for nearly three months.

Stay from midsummer to late autumn.

The reason why it took so long is not only to accept the hosts from the United States, but also many hosts from all over the world.

Zheng Feiyue conquered the United States this time. Although the means he used were not glorious, most people did not know except the high-level powers in New York.

The result announced by Professor X is that the United States has taken the initiative to reach cooperation with Zheng Feiyue.

This is also to protect America's face.

After all, as the second largest country in the world and the output of American film culture, the strange alliance and mutant forces enjoy a high reputation all over the world.

As a result, the top leaders of the two major forces were captured by a Chinese undercover and a Chinese team. It's really not pleasant to hear.

Zheng Feiyue is also happy to hide the truth this time.

The reason is simple. This behavior can greatly improve his image.

Even the United States, the world's second-largest power, talked about cooperation with Zheng Feiyue. What would those regional hosts that the Chinese army has not yet set foot in think?

They must think that Zheng Feiyue's platform has such great magic!

This is the case.

After accepting Zheng Feiyue's platform, the majority of uninformed hosts in the United States lamented that this thing is really very useful.

Under such strong word-of-mouth publicity, the world is aware of a problem: regardless of Zheng Feiyue, his platform is really easy to use.

Senior hosts in Africa, Australia, South America and many other countries began to frequently contact Zheng Feiyue of the United States.

Zheng Xinyue happened to be in the United States and assumed the responsibility of liaison.

In this way, Zheng Feiyue's brother and sister stayed in the United States and met with friends from all over the world.

After the meeting, hosts from various countries began to flock to New York to accept Zheng Feiyue's "gift."

This is a milestone for hosts all over the world.

Zheng Feiyue also became the first person to be remembered by the world.

Some people cursed him for his malice and called him the great devil.

Some people praised his greatness and built a statue for him.

Others judge his merits and demerits from an objective point of view, and finally come to the conclusion that his merits outweigh his demerits. He is a figure worthy of being recorded in world history.

Zheng Feiyue's contribution is far more than that.