Baimei and Changge were not able after all, which disappointed the onlookers.

There are many factions within Yeren, not just Baimei and Changge, but these two factions, one is an old strong faction and the other is a cutting-edge faction, with the greatest momentum.

The dispute inadvertently triggered by Zheng Feiyue is not so much self defeating as detonating the still accumulated contradictions between the two factions.

Array division.

Zhang Mingchen was on duty. Suddenly, a man came in a hurry. Before the man arrived, he shouted, "brother Mingchen, the big thing is bad. Go to the seclusion of elder Changge quickly."

Zhang Mingchen wondered, "what's the matter? I'm on duty now and can't leave the range of the array."

"Don't worry about the array at this time. Are you afraid that someone will kill you? Listen to me, elder Baimei and elder Changge have started to work. They say you speak ill of elder Baimei!"

Zhang Mingchen was shocked and said, "what's the situation? I didn't say that!"

"Who knows, brother Mingchen, hurry up. Something big will happen later!"

Zhang Mingchen didn't dare to be careless. He gave the token to the people below. After a few words, he followed the people.

Zheng Feiyue, hiding in the dark, sees all this in his eyes and knows that he is about to be exposed. He must seize the time to take action.

He now looks like a bald man and has run out of three changes.

Otherwise, he will look like Zhang Mingchen and get out easily.

Now, there's only one chance.

Zheng Feiyue went out of his hiding place and said to Chen's subordinates, "Hi, guys."

The subordinate slightly saluted and said, "Lord Liu, why do you remember us today?"

Zheng Feiyue made a ha ha: "it's not a nice weather. There are no clouds. In addition, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss my brothers very much. Let's see you."

Zhang Mingchen's subordinates looked at each other.

"Lord Liu, our island is a high-level prop. The weather is always the same except day and night. Why is the weather good?"

Zheng Feiyue: "

The subordinates raised their lips and secretly showed disdainful smiles.

Although Lord Liu is also a level 7 host, his position is the same as that of brother Zhang. The scope of custody is just a nominal prison, which is far from the backstage or real power.

Running here today, I'm afraid it means mostly flattery.

"Hahaha, look at everyone so tired, just have a rest. I'll order wine and vegetables and have a drink!" Zheng Feiyue laughed loudly.

"Lord Liu, don't drink during your duty. This is the iron rule!" said the subordinate.

Zheng Feiyue said with a smile: "I'm worthy of being Zhang Mingchen's subordinate. I can't refuse to obey the discipline! Compared with you, those people in my prison are simply mud and can't help up the wall, alas!"

When the compliment was said, the people immediately held their heads high.

Zheng Feiyue spoke and approached one of them quietly.

The man has a token in his hand, which can open the array. After Zhang Mingchen left, Zheng Feiyue saw him give the token to this man with his own eyes.

"This brother is tall and powerful. What's his name?" Zheng Feiyue said with a smile.

"Zhang Mingzhou!"

Zheng Feiyue touched his chin and said, "this name sounds familiar."

Zhang Mingzhou proudly said, "Zhang Mingchen is my brother."

"No wonder my brother is handsome and my brother is more handsome."

Zheng Feiyue praised and narrowed the distance between them.

Zhang Mingzhou is only a level 5 host and has no system space, so the token must be hidden.

When the distance between the two sides was enough, Zheng Feiyue stopped each other's neck and said, "brother, don't see the outside world. To tell you the truth, you and I feel like old friends at first sight. How about sworn brothers?"

Zhang Mingzhou was stunned.

Others were stunned and thought what the hell was going on with this guy.

The next second, Zhang Mingzhou felt that the token stored close to him had been touched away. His face changed greatly and shouted, "what are you doing?"

Zheng Feiyue suddenly struck a slap, and the combination of explosion + internal force was not something Zhang Mingzhou could compete with. The whole person flew out upside down, and the blood gushed out without money.

Others are still stupid.

With the sound of the Dragon singing, a big Jiao with a faint dark gold glittering around him emerged.

Compared with the previous Dajiao, Dajiao, who refined the blood of Jiaolong, was more deterrent and had a terrible momentum.

Jiaowei swept, and those who were swept burst out one after another, without any resistance.



Five minutes later, Zhang Mingchen just arrived at the closed place of elder Changge. He was stunned to see the two elders fighting and a group of onlookers nearby.

"Famous minister, come here. I have something to ask." the long song said.

Zhang Mingchen beat a drum in his heart and walked forward and said, "the famous minister has seen two elders."

"Tianlu said that he met you on the road before. You didn't speak badly, openly abused elder Baimei, and said that I said it. Is it true or false?" the long song asked.

Bai Mei narrowed her eyes and stared at Zhang Mingchen.

Zhang Mingchen was stunned and said, "there is no such thing!"


The man with long hair, also Tianlu, came out, pointed to Zhang Mingchen and said, "the big husband dare to do it, dare not admit what he has done, and are not afraid of being laughed at?"

Zhang Mingchen narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Tianlu, you have to have evidence to speak. Do you slander me for nothing and think I'm easy to bully?"

Tianlu sneered: "although I used to look at you and respect you for being a man, now it seems that I'm just a hiding rat! An hour ago, you and I clearly met in the forest path behind the confidential room. Many people around saw it. Can you deny it?"


Zhang Mingchen said angrily, "I was on duty at the array eye an hour ago. All the brothers on duty can testify for me. Don't slander people with such low intelligence!"

"You cheat ghosts?" Tianlu laughed.

Zhang Mingchen laughed angrily and said, "is this still a lie? Someone on the scene can testify for me!"


Zhang Mingchen turned to Baimei and arched his hands and said, "please prove it for me!"

The white eyebrow frowned and said, "why should I prove it to you?"

Zhang Mingchen was stunned and said, "an hour ago, it happened that elder Baimei came back from going out. I opened the array for you personally. Don't you remember?"

"Since I came back from Zheng city a few months ago, I have been closed to rest and never went out!"


Zhang Mingchen is stupid.

At this time, others don't feel quite right.

Those who watched the excitement also burst into flames.

If someone on both sides is lying, but not all of them are lying, and as a white eyebrow, they disdain to lie on this matter.

When a group of people were at a loss, people with blue hats came from afar and shouted.

"Who saw my lord Liu?! who saw my lord Liu?!"

The bald man, who was watching the crowd and eating melon seeds, saw his subordinates coming and said in surprise, "what are you doing here?"

The subordinates were stunned when they saw the bald man, and then said, "no, the prisoners in the prison were robbed and killed one of our brothers!"


In order to make everyone have a good time, all the saved manuscripts are sent out at one time!

By the way, I tell you that after today, you can't work at five o'clock a day, because the stored manuscripts are wasted and ashamed.

Starting from tomorrow, we will resume the three watch of the day, eight thirty two watch in the morning and two thirty one watch in the afternoon.

There will be occasional outbreaks during this period!

Sincerely beg you to order a subscription and add a collection.