
After Zheng Feiyue withdrew from the trading hall, he said with a smile: "the bait has been released. It depends on how much profit it can bring us."

Zheng Xinyue pinched her chin and said, "they are the two people of Yeren. They will definitely have contact with other hosts. With them, we will have more contact with Yeren."

Zheng Feiyue said with a smile: "yes, when we find out the details of the night blade, we will pull all the night blade members to the trading platform, and then..."

Mei Mei said, "then, they will get deeper and deeper in this growing trading platform. One day, they will be firmly trapped by GM point, and it will be impossible to get away."

"At that time, the night blade or the white blade will not be easy to speak. Only the general point is the best."

Zheng Xinyue clapped: "perfect penetration plan."

"That's right."

Zheng Feiyue suddenly remembered one thing and said, "we killed black robes. Yeren won't give up. He will definitely send someone to Zheng city to look for the murderer. During this time, pay attention, try not to make a statement, let alone expose his identity."

Zheng Xinyue looked worried and said, "it's not a way to hide for a long time. We must gradually improve our strength. At least we must reach level 6 of the whole staff before we can compete with Yeren."

"Level 6, this is not a small goal," Zheng Feiyue sighed.

Zheng Xinyue: "pressure is the driving force. I will try to urge others to improve their strength. Brother, we must be careful. It's hard to have a second time with our good luck last time."


Somewhere in the Atlantic.

This is a mysterious place. It is shrouded in smoke all year round. Even satellites can't detect its existence.

This day.

A small helicopter rushed out of the smoke, with three people sitting on it.

Two men and one woman.

"Black robe is dead. Headquarters suspects that someone on the danger list has appeared, so be careful," a man whispered.

The only woman said, "what are the people on the danger list in Zheng city?"

"Those hiding in the dark don't know, and they won't take the initiative to provoke Yeren. But be careful of that couple. Don't forget the things of the previous years. If they know that we appear in Zhengshi, they will destroy us immediately!" the man said.

The woman said, "a few years ago, the couple... My God, you didn't mean the crazy couple? I didn't know they were in Zhengshi."

The man looked dignified and said, "a few days ago, the news came back from the black robe that there was a gathering of new generation hosts in Zheng city. At first, I wondered how this could happen. I didn't understand until I knew that the madmen were in Zheng city. In places like Zheng City, people with no guts really didn't dare to reach out."

Then a third man spoke.

He looked younger. With a puzzled expression on his face, he asked, "are those crazy people you said so terrible? Even the blade was afraid at night?"

"Yeren is not afraid of anyone, but there's no need to provoke those crazy people. You joined the organization late and didn't know what happened a few years ago. At that time... Forget it." the man looked like he couldn't look back.

The young man didn't ask again.

The woman took over the topic and said, "will the black robe be killed by the couple?"

"No, if they move their hands, fire man and ice woman can't live. The command of the headquarters is to enter Zheng City as low-key as possible to find the murderer. If you meet the couple, withdraw immediately!"

"I see."



At the northernmost end of Zheng City, there is a beautiful place.

It is close to Nanshan Mountain and back to the river. There is also a beautiful grassland with all kinds of flowers. Even in the cold winter, these flowers are still beautiful.

There is a big castle on the grass.

Yes, it's a castle, and it's the kind of beautiful castle that often appears in western movies and novels. It's beautiful. Even the most picky people can't hate it.

Creeper's vine climbed up the top of the castle and stretched out in the winter sun.

There are still many flowers on the top of the castle, among which a woman is wearing a hat made of flowers and stepping on the flowers happily.

Her clothes were covered with flowers. She looked like a flower fairy.

At this time, a man appeared under the castle, wearing a black tuxedo and a high black Western hat, looking like a magician on the stage.

The woman shouted, "Hi, honey?"

The man replied at the bottom of the castle, "what's the matter?"

"Come and see my newly picked flowers. They are so beautiful."

The man smiled, and the whole man soared up as if he had no weight. Finally, he landed smartly next to the woman and took her into his arms.

"The flowers are beautiful, but not as beautiful as you."

The woman smiled happily, but soon, she touched the crow's feet hidden in the corners of her eyes and said in distress, "but I'm old."

The man smiled gracefully and said, "in my eyes, you will always be eighteen."

The woman snuggled happily in her lover's arms.

They looked at the sunset in the distance and said, "honey, what a beautiful thing it would be if we could always accompany you to see this beautiful sunset."

"I also want to enjoy this beauty with you forever, but honey, three days ago, we all felt the great vibration from the western wilderness."

"Well, indeed."

"When are you going to leave?"

"Oh, I want to enjoy the world of two with you for a few more days."

"I also want to be dear, but the host that can cause such a big movement will not be lower than level 6. No one in the new generation of hosts can reach this strength."

"Are those damn bastards again? Are you the night blade? Broken star? Or the eternal cowards?"

"Whoever comes to our place must kill them!"

"You're right. We must kill them!"


"Kill one!"


"Kill a pair!"

The setting sun pulled out the two figures snuggling together for a long, long time.

They are a couple.

I have experienced the most turbulent ten years, killed many enemies, but also suffered more pain.

In the past ten years, the only thing they haven't changed is that they love each other deeply.

After ten years of turmoil, tired of killing, they came to Zheng city hand in hand, bought a grassland, built a castle, and then two devastated hearts snuggled together here.

But the hatred in my heart can never be let go.

They hated what had happened and swore that if anyone dared to disturb the last pure land, they must let each other pay the price of their lives.

In the past ten years, countless hosts have died in Zheng city.

The flowers near the castle are more and more colorful.

He is a magician, belonging to the system: lovers kill men.

She is a flower fairy, belonging to the system: lovers kill women.