The kidnapper suggested that they meet up with a hotel nearby instead of Zhengda.

His name was the Small Building Hotel.

Zheng Feiyue drove around Zheng Da for a few laps, but could not find the so called Small House Hotel. Just as he was thinking if it was the robbers reporting the fake direction, the co-pilot's sister suddenly raised her hand and pointed ahead.


Zheng Feiyue immediately looked over, and the result was that he froze for a moment.

This so-called small hotel was not the big hotel that he had imagined at all, but the kind that was the most common around the university. The first floor was the small hotel where the dining rooms on the second floor were for lodging.

In the pouring rain, Zheng Feiyue could vaguely see the hotel's electronic signboard.

"Small building hotel, lodging 60, room 30pm."

At the back of the seats, Zhu Lan's expression began to turn unnatural.

Placing the meeting place in such a place would really ruin the tense atmosphere.

"Let's go in first. Since the other party chose this place, it means that he has no intention of harming your brother." Zheng Feiyue said calmly.

Zhu Lan nodded urgently, then the three of them got off the car and ran into the hotel.

There was no one at the reception desk, so it was unknown what had happened.

The hotel was poorly lit and dimly lit. The bathroom at the end of the corridor smelled faintly of blood, and the sound seemed to be coming from a broken tap. From time to time, the sound of dripping water could be heard.

Suddenly, a room at the end of the corridor was opened. A hand reached out and waved in front of them.

Zhu Lan subconsciously grabbed Zheng Feiyue's sleeves.

"Let's go take a look. New Moon, don't go in. Wait in the car." Zheng Feiyue said, his tone was not flustered, but instead a little excited.

That night, Yellow Hair brought three henchmen to kill him. Perhaps it was that battle that had awakened the hidden violence within him, but he missed that feeling of desperation.

Zheng Feiyue had a big spanner stuck on his waist that was taken out of the trunk of the car.

With such a small room in the hotel, how many people could be stuffed inside? He himself had a weapon in hand, so he was somewhat confident in being able to protect Zhu Lan as he retreated.

Of course, he could only think of one at most.

"Brother, be careful. If I don't shout at you, I'll kill my way in and get you out!" Zheng Xinyue said calmly as she held a wrench in her hand.

At this moment, the siblings activated their Straight-a System s at the same time.

Zhu Lan looked at the siblings in shock.

Shouldn't they try to redeem him now? What's with your expression of wanting to go all out?

Without thinking too much, Zheng Feiyue kicked the door open.

The room was very quiet.

However, four pairs of eyes looked at Zheng Feiyue and Zhu Lan who were at the door in unison.

The Straight-a System made Zheng Feiyue immediately analyze the situation in the room.

There were four people in the room. The hostage was on the bed, and his hands were tied up. His facial features were similar to that of Teacher Zhu, and there were no signs of him being beaten up.

The other three were probably robbers. Two of them were masked, and were tall and sturdy. They stood with steel rods in a very standard fighter stance. The last unsurprisingly, was the mastermind … Wait, why is this guy not masked? And such an image at that?

Zheng Feiyue looked at the mastermind in shock.

It was a man in his forties, short and thin, with sparse, greasy hair that hung limply over his forehead.

It was hard to associate such an image with the bandit leader.

However, of the four people present, only he was sitting, looking relaxed and relaxed.


Seeing his brother tied up and thrown on the bed, Zhu Lan's heart hurt. Ignoring the fact that there were so many people around, he ran over to pick his brother up and inspect him.

"Are you alright? Did they hit you? "

When Zhu Xiaofeng saw his loved ones, all of his previous worry turned into tears. With a teary voice, he said, "They didn't finish the battle, but I'm very scared."

"It's fine, big sister is here, everything is fine." Zhu Lan tried her best to comfort her brother.

At this moment, the middle-aged man who was sitting down stood up and said, "Your younger brother is still here unharmed. Elder sister, please help him return the money."

When Zhu Lan saw that his brother was fine, she let go of the stone that was always hanging in her heart, and upon hearing this, she shouted angrily, "This is kidnapping, I can call the police and capture you!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man laughed. He looked 'special', and when he laughed, it was very special. He raised his head and laughed out loud, just like those brainless villains in the movies.

After he finished laughing, the middle-aged man coldly snorted and said, "It's only right and proper that you call the police. Beautiful lady, if you don't want to cause trouble, then obediently take the money in the end. "

Zhu Lan wanted to say more, but her brother stopped her: "Sis, we cannot afford to offend this person."

"Who is he?" Zhu Lan asked.

Zhu Xiaofeng said dejectedly: "He's the boss of Longhu Gang, he has a lot of subordinates. I really thought that Longhu Gang Boss had some prestige back then, that's why I borrowed money from him. "

Zhu Lan, "... "Are you crazy? How dare you touch such a person?"

This person's appearance was ordinary, but he was actually the boss of a gang. As a commoner, how could he possibly provoke such a person? Did he think his life wasn't long enough?

Zhu Xiaofeng knew that he was in the wrong, and lowered his head not daring to speak.

Zheng Feiyue, who was listening at the side, was extremely surprised.

This person is the boss of Longhu Gang? The Brother Loong that Yellow Hair was talking about?

You must be joking!

How did he get into the position of boss with this weak looking appearance?

Putting aside the image issue, the target was still a powerless student. Was he going to need his boss to personally lead a group of people to deal with him?

Then what did they still need Yellow Hair, Brother Tiger and their brothers to do?

Or was it because of him? Yellow Hair and the rest were lying in ambush outside, waiting for Brother Loong's order to charge in and cut them into pieces?

But now that he had entered, what about the sabremen?

In short, this Brother Loong gave Zheng Feiyue a very strange feeling. Therefore, he did not act rashly, planning to observe and see what the Brother Loong was up to!

On the other hand, when Zhu Lan found out about the identity of the Brother Loong, she could only blame his bad luck.

She asked her brother, "How much did you borrow?"

Zhu Xiaofeng whispered: "Ten thousand."

Zhu Lan heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this. Ten thousand was not a lot, although she had just graduated not long ago, she could still take it out.

With her mind set, Zhu Xiaofeng said with a bitter face: "Sis, 10,000 is the capital, and there is also the interest, adding up all of the principal and interest, it added up to more than 400,000 yuan."

"What?!" Zhu Lan cried out in alarm, "Even if I have to borrow 10,000 to pay off 400,000 people, a usury shouldn't have such a high interest, right?!"

Zhu Xiaofeng laughed bitterly: "I was tricked by them, I originally borrowed ten thousand yuan, when I was about to return the money, they found me again and recommended me to borrow another money to repay the debt. I didn't have that much money at the time, so I agreed. "Who knew that after borrowing a few times, I already had 400 thousand in promissory notes!"

Zhu Lan's face was ashen. After a while, she squeezed out two words from between her teeth.