The huge sound shook the sky, and the whole world seemed to break its shell at this moment.

The fierce light is like the bursting of the rising sun.

The power of this scene is much more amazing than that of the Dragon hitting the flying saucer just now.


After all, the flying saucer still can't hold the power of the dragon.

"No, it's not!"

The moment the UFO exploded, it gave people the wrong visual sense.


"It's not like the Dragon God broke it, it's like the internal explosion of a flying saucer."


Ouyang can't see the moon, but he can hear and feel the huge movement ahead.

I also know that the Dragon God launched a devastating attack on the flying saucer just now.

Because the old God's hand was on her, she could feel what was happening in Guta mountain through the old God

But I'm not proficient after all.

"Yes, inside."

The old God is very real.

If the Dragon collides with the flying saucer, it will burst out a strong force to counteract. He can feel a little bit of movement clearly, not to mention such a huge force.

Just now, I didn't feel this kind of hedge.

On the contrary, I felt that the powerful force inside the UFO burst out, which directly destroyed the UFO.

This is a strange and powerful force.

It should not belong to the ground.

"What's the matter?"

Yuguang, bright also from the strength of the detector detected something wrong.

There was something wrong with the instrument when it exploded just now.

At that moment, the instrument broke down.

Originally, the power level of Dragon God was always displayed, and the peak value should be just before the impact, but the instrument suddenly crashed.

When it comes to their civilization, there will never be such an accident.

Therefore, the machines will never think that there is something wrong with their instruments.

Then, it was covered by the light that covered the sky.

The strength detector gave out a trickle of alarms.

It's just that the light is too dazzling. Even if they are high above the sky, their sight is limited because of the strong light.

I didn't see the word Apocalypse on the strength detector.

The Dragon God stands in the void and looks at the sudden scene in amazement.

It can't hold the flying saucer, it exploded.

What level of power does that have to be.

Is the ground as powerful as itself?

It should not exist.

But with this light straight spicy irradiation on its body, strong light with terrible destructive power, let its scales hurt, faint, some places exuded blood.

The Dragon God was suddenly surprised.

A flood of childhood memories came out.


The Dragon God lost his voice and roared angrily.

This memory, it will never forget, that bone piercing pain.


Apart from the light of the apocalypse, there is only the light of the apocalypse. Yes, there is no mistake. This is the feeling of being illuminated by the light of the Apocalypse when I was a child.

The sting is like a needle, and it's accompanied by a powerful crushing force.

The body wants to explode.

I'm a Dragon God. Powerful dragon bodies all have this feeling. How can I resist the general physical strength.

It must be the Apocalypse!

How can Apocalypse be inside the UFO.

They came so fast.

Yuguang wants to occupy the ground. Sooner or later, they have to face the apocalypse. They were expelled by the apocalypse.

Therefore, the Dragon God also made preparations.


In the huge sound of dragon chanting, the Dragon God writhes his body angrily in the light.

Full of anger!

The direction of the flying saucer was not from the ancient pagoda, but from the other side of the altar.

The light was strong.

Faintly in the sky slowly formed a huge beast form.

This form is no stranger to Yuguang.

"It's him!"

Great light, if you have a heart, has now sunk to the bottom.

The shape of this beast is the shape of Wang Yu at first, but now it is more real and detailed, and... Huge, incomparably huge.

Half the size of a city.

"He exploded?"

Wang Yu passed the customs. Did he drain the energy ore inside?

Otherwise, why doesn't he keep smoking?

At the same time, Wang Yu's eyes have been staring at his body.

He became human in the first place.

And then to the body.

The body of Apocalypse suddenly lost its physical strength. At this moment, Wang Yu was extremely nervous. He was worried that his body would not survive. When he came back, a sharp pain came. This made Wang Yu happy. As long as there is a feeling, that's a good thing. This sharp pain should be caused by radiation. There is also a sense of weakness. Still alive, still alive... Wang Yuqing is so lucky that he is afraid of death. If he really died, he would become Apocalypse completely, and he would not be allowed to live in this world. Naturally, he would float in the sky like last time. If you can't get off the ground, you can only go up high latitude. Completely left the world. In Wang Yu's opinion, it is different from death“ No, I have to hurry... "I'm very weak, and my organs are failing. If Wang Yu doesn't get treatment as soon as possible, even if he doesn't die now, he won't last long. Boom! The fierce light of Apocalypse radiated from Wang Yu's body again. Then, Wang Yu turned into a huge roar at a speed that the naked eye could not catch up with. This time, the dragon finally saw clearly. A Leng, such a huge apocalypse. Before, the Dragon God had never been in touch with the apocalypse, but none of them was as huge as Wang Yu. They're about the size of humans. Occasionally a few will be huge, because they are special. The special ones are very large. They are all from what ancestors, what ancestors, quite powerful. The dragon god suddenly clapped in his heart, but he was soon relieved. bravado. Apocalypse is good at change, which can be big or small. However, even if it becomes big, its power will not be enhanced too much. What's more, apocalypses, big or small, have one thing in common. It's all human form. There are very few different kinds. Even if there are, they rely on human beings to achieve apocalypse, and their strength is relatively weak. But the other side changes such a big thing, the volume is bigger than oneself. You're kidding. Are you really scared to be a Dragon God? After Wang Yu became a fan again, his tentacles contacted the body for the first time, and then began to absorb the radiation light on the body. Some of the physical body has been damaged by radiation, but it must not be further aggravated. As long as the radiation remaining on the body is absorbed, the body will not be damaged again. The tentacles of the giant mongoose have become very big now. Just one bite is needed. The radiation attached to the body was sucked up all at once. However, Wang Yu, who had absorbed the whole UFO ore, could not see the effect.