Most of the power of Kendo can offset each other, but Qingdi wushua is very different from other kendo.

Wang Yu's understanding of the five failures of the Qing emperor is that he wants to strike a sword again. The result will not be to offset each other, but to destroy the heaven and earth together. It's like someone dropped a nuclear bomb, and Wang Yu dropped another one. The result will never offset the last nuclear bomb, but will only explode together.

What's more, Wang Yu's launching of the five failures of the Qing emperor was slower than that of Yuguang 8. In terms of time, it was too late for him.

"Gun master!"

Although the gun owner does not have any intelligence when chatting, he will die after a few words, but he is not bad.

Wang Yu really didn't want anything to happen to him.

"Gun master!"

The hand that seal bad suddenly lifted up, can immediately eyebrow a wrinkly, the color of a ray of pain flashed on the face.

The space skill that he comprehends with one hand also needs to pass through the space.

But the space was polluted by the five failures of the Qing emperor.

When his power was close to the past, he was attacked by the five failures of the Qing emperor.

It did him some harm.

But the power of this transmission has been greatly weakened.

He forced to hold back, this kind of injury, has passed the strength in the past, want to save the gun owner.

At the same time, the gun owner also felt the power.

Years of fighting, so that the gun owners develop a habit, will subconsciously use force to resist.

So, when this force came, the gun owner subconsciously resisted.

The power of the gun owner is great, and the power of bad sealing is greatly weakened through space. When he makes such a force, the power of bad sealing is difficult to restrain him, let alone pull people back.


The poor Feng felt that his strength had been shaken back, and he was nervous, and subconsciously took a step forward.

And the gun owner suddenly realized something.

It should be a bad attempt to save him, but it's too late.

It all happened in a flash.

If he wants to be successful again, he will be devoured by the five failures of the Qing emperor.


But the old God saw everything more clearly, and his mouth rose slightly coldly.

The gun owner's only chance to survive was also missed by himself.

Subconsciously, I straightened my chest.

Now the only one who can save the gun owner is his old God.

This truth should be understood.

And at this time, if the seal bad can put down face to beg him, he may hand.

Feng's bad eyes aimed at the old God. Of course, he knew it.

The old God has this ability.

It's not that he can't save his face. Putting down his face can save the owner of the gun. He can definitely afford to lose this man because of his bad sealing.

However, when he wanted to speak or even kneel down to beg, he gave up.

Maybe this will save the owner.

He can accept it, but some people can't.

It's not the glory of the fiefdom or anything else. It's the gun owner himself. He's a very proud man. If he knows that it's his bad fiefdom and pleads with his hometown, he would rather die.

Some people regard glory as more important than life. Gun owners are such people.


The throat of the poor seal trembled slightly, and this cry was very light, but very desperate.

"Gun owner..."

The Gunners cried out in unison.

Wang Yu also changed his face.

I saw the gun owner plunge into the breach of heaven, which had already been affected by the five failures of the Qing emperor.

He made a choice before he made a choice.

"I went in myself!"

"Beyond the broken sky, they are all infected by the five failures of the Qing emperor. Aren't they going to die?"

After Ouyang Yuexing was slightly shocked, he could not help shaking his head.

"It's stupid to live but die."

One by one, the Gunners were so angry that they stared at the woman with cannibal eyes.

What do you know!

That's my gun owner's unwillingness to give up my supreme glory and the glory of my fiefdom.

He would rather die.

If this woman had not been the woman of the old God, they would have gone up to work hard.

The gun owner died so generously that it was stupid in this woman's mouth.

Even if the seal is not good, they all clench their fists.

His heart was filled with rage.

Gun owner, once his brother, later his enemy, is now the most reliable person.

Almost a part of his body.

When the gun owner left, he felt that part of his body also left.


The old God gave a cry.

"No, it seems that they are still alive..." they look around, but they see the figure of the gun owner in the hole of the broken sky. He is suffering from the five failures of the Qing emperor“ It's really alive. " He was shocked by his bad spirit“ Gun master Everyone realized that the power of the five failures of the Qing emperor expanded beyond the sky, and its power was greatly weakened. Therefore, it failed to kill the gun owner. It's constantly hurting him. And after the gun owner suffered the destruction of this power, he was also unable to break the sky, so he was trapped in the situation. However, according to the current situation, the gun owner has been devastated by the five failures of the Qing emperor. Sooner or later, his body will fall“ Save the gun owner quickly... "The only one who can break the sky and save the gun owner is himself. He didn't want to stay out of it. But it's hard to move. The huge figure rushed over, blocking the distant sky. Yuguang 8 not only has amazing lethality, but also has a high IQ under artificial intelligence, and Yuguang's bright light is in command behind him, so he doesn't give Feng any chance at all. It just blocked the way. If you want to save people, you have to face the five failures of Qingdi issued by Yuguang 8. Bad seal is better than the gun owner, but in the face of Yuguang 8, he has no way“ Supreme... "The Gunners watched the gun owner suffer from torture in the breach of heaven, and all of them were about to cry. I want to suffer for the gun owner. However, they can't fill in their lives. It's just free. It's not that he doesn't want to go up, but that he's not sure. He is the Lord of the fiefdom. If he wants to go in again, the fiefdom is really a failure. The superior should consider the overall situation. In fact, his chances of success in rescuing others are not much better than that of ordinary gunners. His eyes gradually turned to the old God. I can't do without representing others. If there is a man on the scene who can save the gun owner, he must be an old God. A man who entered the sky much earlier than he did. Although he did not fight with the old God, his intuition told him that the old God was stronger than him. Seeing Feng's eyes looking at him, the old God raised a smile. Of course, he knew what Feng was thinking, but he was looking at the scenery“ It's over. It's dead. " This will be a very sad voice, not Wang Yu who.