"Help, help..." someone escaped from the temple.

"Come on, somebody."

"There's man-made reaction, there's man-made reaction..."

The sound of panic spread far away in the fiefdom, and the distant clouds were filled with black clouds of terror.

The holy judge on the steps went all the way to the main hall to kill the general.

The spears of the guards were thrown like raindrops.

The sound of killing is loud and the sky is stained with blood.

There are three legions in the temple: Sheng Cai, Tian Yu and Li gun.

The garrison is the plough gun.

But the plough spear was outside the hall, and what remained in the fiefdom temple was only symbolic power. The real power was at the border, suppressing all countries and vassals.

The plough spear was almost like cabbage when it was against the holy judge.

The power of the holy clothes is explosive. If you cut it with one knife, you can directly cut it with your gun and armor, and the blood splashes.

The people outside the temple were all dumbfounded.

It never occurred to me that there would be a man-made rebellion in the temple in an attempt to overthrow the present supreme.

Isn't it true that such a thing will only happen in places like the imperial court?

At this time, the empress who had just been escorted outside the hall was stunned.

Then there was ecstasy in my eyes.

There's a man-made reaction. That's great. That's great.

She is absolutely not dare to disobey bad seal, can someone take the lead is not the same, so there is a chance of victory, otherwise, disobedience on behalf of death.

"Let's go!"

The empress looked coldly at the people around her.

"Still going?"

"Didn't you hear that?"

The detainee said, "so what if I hear you?"

"There's a man-made reaction."

Who can believe that in the temple, someone can rebel successfully.

Bad seal is not the general master, nor is it waste material, but the real first strong seal, breaking the sky strong.

If you can't win, it's almost divine.

"So what?"

The crown of the empress has been taken off. She is disheartened.

But now her eyes returned to their sharpness.

"It's over. He's going to die."

How is it possible, as a feudal people, to believe that their supreme will die?

No one in the world can kill the supreme.

There was a loud bang.

The wooden prison car exploded on the spot.

It has to be said that the superior of the fiefdom was very confident. The cells and the prison cars were all built up of such unbearable wood.

Ordinary practitioners can break a piece of rags, not to mention the empress.

Among the sawdust in the sky, the empress flew away.

Instead of running away, she headed for the temple.

Of course, she didn't want to rush to save Feng Badu because of her husband and wife's old love. Instead, she wanted to kill Feng Badu together with the rebels.

Ask, the control of the fiefdom, in addition to the high bad seal, which can be compared with her.

Even if she takes a step back, she can compete with the new owner.

And when he got to the steps leading to the temple, he saw that the magistrate had already guessed who had rebelled when he slaughtered the plough guns.

The emperor has a long seal on Shaoqi.

He is the only one who is likely to rebel.

Feng Shaoqi was cold and proud, but he once looked at himself with fiery eyes.

Maybe the lost crown can be brought back to the head.

It doesn't matter who is the supreme. Anyway, she wants to be the supreme lady.


A stream of heat blows, and Feng Shaoqi with flame holy clothes flies out upside down.

Stand up to the sky.

Then the natural light of Tao shines on the image of Qinghua emperor, like the sky.

"Feng Shaoqi, you don't know how to repent."

Feng Shaoqi looked coldly at the Qinghua emperor.

He who breaks the sky is really strong.

Depending on the holy clothes, he can be invincible, but he can't win.

"Qinghua emperor, I will be the new Lord of the fiefdom. Why don't you have a problem with me?"

"You? "New master?"

Feng Shaoqi said: "it's not good to seal. His body is full of holes."

Qinghua emperor is very puzzled, as the supreme of the broken sky level, how can he be poisoned?

"It's just poison. It won't kill him."

Feng Shaoqi said: "it's not an ordinary poison. He's too lecherous. It's a kind of poison. It enters her blood through the combination of yin and Yang, and then begins to reproduce, destroying his vitality silently."

"You can't save him."

Qinghua emperor did not deny that the bad seal suffered a heavy blow, and it was unlikely to survive.

"You are the one who killed your father. Even if the Lord is dead, it's not your turn."

Feng Shaoqi said, "it's not up to me. Should his other son be allowed to inherit it? Do you think those people can hold down all kinds of emperors, all kinds of Lords and all kinds of princes? "

"In time, the fiefdom will only fall apart." This is the last thing the fiefdom wants to see. Feng Shaoqi was very strong. For his age, the Qinghua emperor had to admit that wearing holy clothes could break the sky. If he inherited his father's holy clothes, he might be able to go up a bit. It does have the ability to frighten all sides. However, this wolf is ambitious and does not have the right position. If all these people can become the supreme, everyone will follow suit in the future“ Those who punish evil will be punished. "“ As for fiefdoms, or fiefdoms. " Qinghua emperor has made up his mind that even if the fiefdom will fall apart in the future, he will clean up the rebellious son“ Hum Feng Shaoqi snorted coldly. He had expected the emperor's ignorance of current affairs“ No one can stop me. " If a bad seal does not die, he must also ascend to the supreme. Since Qinghua emperor wants to stop him, he will die“ You can't get past me. " Although his light can't break the defense of the holy clothes, it's the big problem that the bad seal can't win him“ How about another me? " While talking, a noble woman with yellow clothes came from below. It's no one else. It's the empress. Feng Shaoqi was very surprised. Unexpectedly, the empress would help her. But he soon figured it out. It's no longer good to be poisoned by the bad seal. The seal is destined to change its owner. Why should she hold on to the old owner. To be the empress is not to be the empress. The important thing is that she has always been the queen“ The emperor's robe. " The crown of the supreme female emperor was removed, but it was still in the temple. Because it was used by her for a long time, she did not recognize the Lord, but she had a tacit understanding. The bright white armor appeared on her body. The picture of the alien version of the saint fighter. Two top-level holy garments, coupled with two strong men, the eyes of Qinghua emperor became dignified. One on one, he's still working, but two on one, he probably can't stand it. What's more, the holy clothes will give the owner a strong physical strength. It is said that the holy clothes of the supreme level can be worn for three years. In the temple, the seal is still spitting out. My eyes are full of fear. He didn't know what kind of poison he planted and why. He wanted to ask for help, but his son, his woman, had already run away without fighting. Only that son of rubbish, still stand there foolishly. It's stupid. You run or not. If you don't escape, come and help me escape together.