Today, Wang Yu's day count, give him time, can be overwhelming, lost two chapters of film tickets is only a small degree.

Zhai Qing doesn't believe it. She has never heard of such awakening ability.

"Can you calculate?"

Wang Yu shook his head: "it's just a path."

Listen to Zhai Qing gape, this cow force blow a bit big.

It's just a small road. What's a big road.

"It's nothing to lose two tickets."

Earthly metaphysics is only a common skill, and no one can be 100% accurate. Only the real calculation of heaven and earth can change the fortune of heaven and earth.

At this time, a girl in her twenties came to the bus with a movie ticket in her hand.

The whole person is very lonely, just like lost soul.

In the end, I left the movie ticket on the floor.

And people just got on a bus and left.


Seeing this, Zhai Qing was so surprised.

Fake, fake.

Wang Yucai took no time to pick up the movie tickets.

"Movie tickets, here we are."

But then Wang Yu's expression slightly changed. The movie was starred by Xuejian.

That is to say, he can see snow in the movie.

At this time, Xuejian was still young. Although she was very popular, she had no status in her previous life.

"Is that really OK?"

Zhai Qing is still hesitating. The movie ticket belongs to someone else, but Wang Yu pulls her onto the bus.

That lovelorn, which still have mood.

It's almost ten o'clock after a movie.

If there are programs, that's what. For this reason, Zhai Qing wisely put forward: "send me home."


Tomorrow will be an exciting day. Have a good rest tonight.

After Wang Yu sent Zhai Qing back, he also went home.

Tian'an is not big. For Wang Yu now, it's a small county that can't be any smaller. He will soon return home.

Li Jiewo is watching TV on her chair. This is the point where Wang Yu came back from working, but she didn't say anything.

However, five years ago, Sister Li was a little green.

What's more, Xiao Xiao, who was just born, often feeds his children in front of Wang Yu.

He's not a man at all.

"There's still some milk in the fridge. Drink it and get it yourself."


Wang Yu got into his room and came to Lao Wang's throne. The fragrance could not be broken.

Lao Wang relied on this strength to establish contact with him.

In the past, there was no way but to accumulate a little bit of time, but now Wang Yu has gone to the apocalypse. He can easily set up a big media so that Lao Wang can contact him.

But Wang Yu didn't do it. He didn't know whether the result was good or bad.

"Lao Wang, was it because of tianpo five years ago?"

"If I want to go back, can't I go back at the present level of tianpo, and make the breach of tianpo bigger?"

Maybe, this is the calculation of Yesan.

Let Wang Yu be Lao Wang's biggest enemy.

This is indeed a very clever way, and Wang Yu also thinks this plan is very poisonous.

If Wang Yu didn't choose to hurt Lao Wang, he would be trapped here forever, and his goal was achieved.

The father and son of Wang Hengli's family have been cleaned up.

"Is Xiao Yu asleep?"

Wang Yu sat up from the bed.

"What's the matter, Sister Li?"

"I have chest pain. Please press it twice for me."


Is there another one like this?

Wang Yu thought, you really don't treat me as a man. Maybe I didn't know before, but now it's different. I came back as an adult man.

"I saw the method of lactation on the Internet, this state press a few times the best effect."

Wang Yu is a bad person.

I'm a well-developed man.

It's dangerous for you to do this.

"I came in."

Wang Yu's face turned white: "no, no... I'm not dressed."

The door was pushed open, and the lock was broken and never repaired.

Later, Wang Yu bought a lock to repair.

"What's the matter with you today? There's something wrong with you."

Of course not. You play so much.

Wang Yu's throat was a little dry. Could it be said that I was addicted to Li Jie later.

However, I don't remember this one.

"Are you hot?"

Seeing Wang Yu sweating, Sister Li couldn't help asking.

"No, no..."

At this time, Wang zhanan is like a poor little sheep.

"I'm tired of working today." Sister Li reached out and touched Wang Yu's forehead. Except for sweating, she had no body temperature, but she looked a little abnormal. "Then you should have a rest early, get up early tomorrow and press it for me, or call you later at night." Wang Yu's face was muddled. I... is this a wet nurse? Still in charge of this? The next morning, Wang Yu went out. It's not so fast for the west to come to Tian'an after all, but it should be here today“ Good morning“ Good morning By the time Wang Yu arrived, Zhai Qing had already come and was reading seriously. However, the cute little ears stand up nervously, and the hairy cold hair behind the ears can be seen. I should keep an eye on when Wang Yu can come“ It's going to be exciting today. " If you don't listen, they are good students and study hard. The streets outside have been sealed off. The people who should come will be here soon. Wang Yu looked up and saw the satellite in the sky. This is the civilization of the Zhai family. It's still a mystery whose hand the Zhai family fell into“ Oh, Wang Yu, here you are. " Zhang Da's head looked at him and Zhai Qing. The students passing by their seats also laughed quietly. They're all watching them“ Smashed, still not allowed to fall in love? " Wang Yu said. Zhai Qing's face turned red. Good students don't fall in love. She said angrily, "I'm not puppy love?"“ Do you hear me, Wang Yu? I'm so sentimental. " Wang Yu said: "we are all in high school. If we don't fall in love again, puppy love will be gone." Shameless! shame on you! Zhai Qing finds that Wang Yu is more and more insipid. When the head teacher Lao Wu came in, he also paid attention to the situation on their side. He didn't mention it. It's better not to mention it. The impact is too bad. It's mainly because Zhai Qing didn't come to him later, and there was no Zhai Qing's parents looking for him. It seems that this matter can understate the past. But what happened next scared Lao Wu so much that he almost sat on the ground: "Miss Wu, our school is surrounded by the army." The army? Lao Wu ran out to have a look. They were all in dark green uniforms, overcoats and weapons. When did you see such a battle“ So, what's going on? " The headmaster also came: "is there a Zhai Qing in your class?"“ Yes Lao Wu's heart suddenly two, Zhai Qing was forced to kiss yesterday“ It's like Zhai Qing's parents. " No, what a disaster Wang Yu caused. The woman's parents were so angry that even the army came out. That's a scary background. I didn't know Zhai Qing's family background before.