If the mutiny in the army is ignited, the problem will not be solved.

That is to say, no one can dissuade you if you don't pay.

Wang Yu didn't think that the gaffe would subside quickly. He had better make it to Tianjia and have to change Shi Kaiping.

In Tianhu, Tian's family was also surprised to hear the news, and the whole spine was cold.

Mutiny in the west, critical.

It's really critical. Once populism gets up, it can't be suppressed. Now the west is bright on the surface, but it has begun to rot inside.

"Wang Yu, what does Shi Kaiping eat?"

It's a rare curse from the Tians.

It's true that a wave has not been leveled, a wave has started again, the nuclear explosion has not been solved, and there is such a big event.

"Do you want them to go back to Beijing and report on their work immediately?"

Tianjia thought for a second or two and still shook his head.

"Give them a little more time."

If we call people back at this time, the West will be more chaotic.

Even if you want to know the situation, he has to run west in person.

"Does Tianjia want to give them a chance?"

Tianjia didn't speak. He wanted to use both of them.

"What do you say about Jinwei?"

Tianjia guards have been in the West. Besides these people, there are also some dark guards.

"This matter is likely to be the sequela of Chu Xing Lin Hai's forcing Wang Yu to step down?" One of the think tanks said.

Tianjia frowns slightly.

"Lin Hai has faded out long ago, and the sudden attack on Wang Yu must have happened for a reason. Tianjia has asked the guards to investigate, and there are already some signs. Behind them are Shi Kaiping and Han Zheng."

The Tian family sighed helplessly, and the whole person looked very tired.

It was an infighting.

This kind of situation is very common in officialdom, but it's unprecedented for such a bold man to make things so fierce.

"Wang Yu is a bold master."

Tianjia doesn't blame Shi Kaiping and Han Zhengxian for attacking Wang Yu. Instead, they blame Wang Yu for making things worse.

To some extent, Wang Yu broke the rules of officialdom.

It's not like that.

When the west is finished, Shi Kaiping, Wang Yu and Han Zheng will all be held accountable. Wang Yu has a second inning, and the other two may be destroyed. The Tianjia family can see through Wang Yu's intention at once.

"What happened in the second inning?"

"Wang Yu's reputation is very high now, and his income is two. The 50 swordsmen of the Wang family occupy an important position. The brand of Wang Yu in the second round is more and more obvious."

With the continuous suppression of runs, Wang Yu grew up at a visible speed.

A lot of people were convinced in the second inning.

In particular, Wang Yu did not ask about qualifications but only about age, which made the second inning a new look. The scene became the fastest springboard for promotion, and many people wanted to go in.

It can be said that the second set was on a different track.

It would be very troublesome for Tianjia to start the second game. The second game would be chaotic again. This is not what Tianjia wants.

In order to punish Wang Yu, the Tianjia would not make the second game a mess. The second game was the second game of the Chinese dynasty, and it was also his second game.

In order to rectify the situation, the officials reorganized all the departments. Isn't this self defeating martial arts?

I can only write it down in a small book. I will deal with Wang Yu when I have a chance.

"The most urgent thing is to calm down the storm as soon as possible."

"The longer you drag on, the greater the damage to the West."

The problem is money.

"What are the incentives?"

"Some troops have been paid, others have not."

We should not suffer from poverty, but from inequality.

"Shi Kaiping is stupid!"

This time, the Tian family finally scolded Shi Kaiping.

The Tian family has been in officialdom for so many years. Shi Kaiping's little trick is easy for him to understand.

Pull high pressure and low pressure, eliminate dissidents.


Tianjia slapped the table hard.


As for the mutiny, the military governor's office still had nothing to do and allowed it to develop.

Shi Kaiping can only call Tianhu with his eyebrows together.

He remembers the last time he did something wrong, he was pointed to the nose by the Tian family and scolded severely for ten minutes.

I thought it would be worse this time. As a result, Tianjia just let out a cry.

If you are willing to scold you, you should be your own person, or you should do things well.

That day, when the family was faced with such a serious matter, it was just a faint hum.

It means that... You may be abandoned.

In an instant, Shi Kaiping's back was cold, and the whole person couldn't stand.

Fear flooded him.

Shi Kaiping asked the mutinous officers, but the military governor's office refused to cooperate, so Tianhu had to call Wang Yu.

"Heaven's home!" Wang Yu expected to receive this call.

"Summon the mutiny leaders and tell them that the money will be released soon. Besides, they will not be held responsible and will never settle accounts in the future."

The Tian family finished and hung up. Simple and powerful, they solved the problem and relieved their worries. I have to say that Tianjia is still spicy“ Inform Chudong that the military governor's office will issue money, not count the mutineers, and not settle accounts after autumn. " The money was sent directly to the financial secretary by the Chinese government. But Wang Yu said that the military governor's office would pay. If money doesn't come to the governor's office, no one will come. Originally, the financial secretary sent the money to the officers, and Shi Kaiping could still recover some reputation. However, if the military governor's office sent the money, it would appear that the military governor's office was a high-ranking financial secretary. In fact, this is the case, but he shikaiping passed, and now he is beaten by Wang Yu. Therefore, Wang Yu called the people together, Shi Kaiping was present, and Wang Yu personally paid the money on the spot. Tianjia has no choice. This money must be given. Tianhu has no money to use, so it can only print or borrow money. But Shi's reputation in the West has plummeted. If Tianjia wants to calm down the storm, it depends on who can solve the problem, instead of worrying about Shi Kaiping. Shi Kaiping also feels abandoned by that phone call. Although the transfer has not come yet, Shi Kaiping is finished in the West. That night, Wang Yu also held a banquet to entertain the mutinous officers. But Shi Kaiping left in ashes“ Chief, there is a fortune teller outside to see you“ A fortune teller? " Wang Yuxin said, fortune teller wants to see me, you also come to report? Is Ye Chengmin stupid. Too much“ That's Yeda. " As soon as Wang Yu's expression changed, the first Shensuan was also known as the person who came from the broken temple“ Call him to the room Wang Yu went to the room and asked someone to make some tea and wine. Then I saw an old man dressed as a practitioner come in. As soon as he came in, he looked at Wang Yu impolitely“ Strange, strange... "Wang Yu didn't think it was any good for him to come here“ It's said that Mr. Yeda, xuanshu is amazing. Which xuanshu do you study? " Yeda was slightly surprised that Wang Yu knew the classification of xuanshu“ "The magic calculation of the iron plate!" It is said that after seeing another person, he can write down all the big and small things about a person's life from birth to death in half a year to more than a year. And put it in your hands“ Sir, do you want to do the math? " Yeda said: "I passed by the military governor's office, but I saw the dragon's air rushing into the sky. You have the emperor's appearance." Wang Yu's eyes suddenly contracted. He wanted to kill me. To say that he has the appearance of an emperor is not to rebel? The old man really wanted to hurt him.