They were overjoyed to see Wang Yu willing to stay.

What does this mean? It's not that Wang Yu's character is so good, it's that they have a good fate.

Now I feel at ease.

It will be OK at night.

According to their idea, Wang Yu said that it makes sense to have a good night.

You see, those ghosts come out at night.

If you come out during the day, you will be annihilated by the sun.

The day didn't go fast this time.

Four people gathered around and chatted.

The gambler is da Zhang, the one who rolls the sheets with the widow is Niu Fugui, and the last one who drinks is old deaf.

In the posture of immortality, most of Wang Yu listened quietly, and then did meaningful things.

All in all, it's very fake.

The three had a good time chatting. They were used to spending time in the mountains.

On the left and right sides of the path are cliffs with no top. It's very comfortable for the front and back ventilation.

"When I was very young, my grandfather told me that there were immortals living in the mountains of Tian'an. I didn't believe it. I didn't expect that I had a chance to become an immortal today." The gambler was very sad.

Wang Yu said, "did your grandfather tell you what immortals look like?"

"That's not true. It's said that there is a sword in the mountain. Every time the sword flies out, more than ten heads will burst into the air. These heads don't know where they came from. Then the blood will wash the sky, and the sky is full of blood."

I don't know if it's made up, but if I do see it, it's from the Apocalypse road or from high latitude.

"I also heard that my grandfather said that once he went up the mountain, some immortals talked to him and told him not to go forward any more. It was dangerous ahead." Niu Fugui said.

Niu Fugui doesn't grow very well, but he is very strong. The widow should like his strong body.

Wang Yu asked, "did your grandfather listen?"

"Listen, at that time, the voice sounded in my grandfather's ear, but there was no one around, so scared that my grandfather didn't dare to go any further."

Wang Yu was more interested in that sword, because he was the one who repaired it.

Can't Wu Chi upgrade his physical training skills?

Can he fight the sword of high latitude?

It's impossible for him to upgrade to a higher latitude.

"Da Zhang, tell me more about the sword."

Da Zhang said awkwardly: "my grandfather didn't say much. He didn't remember much when he was a child. There was an impression of immortals in his mind."

It can't be said that Da Zhang's grandfather made it up, or it's possible.

"Then you may be lucky to see it in the future."

If we really want to set foot on the apocalypse, these people go to another dimension. Everything is possible.

"I don't want to see it. My grandfather said that immortals are easy to get angry. Once they get angry, they will clean the sky with blood as they see."

That's right.

"My grandfather has seen immortals, but my grandfather said that immortals are a beautiful woman in white clothes." Good wine, said the old deaf.

"Female ghost." The other two burst out laughing.

Because of his good wine, the old deaf once fell down when he drank too much. When his head was knocked on a stone, his ears often couldn't hear him.

Big guy called him deaf, but called deaf some discrimination, in front of an old word, it seems intimate.

"The fairy washes her hair in the lake."

"His hair is black and long. My grandfather said it's like silk."

The more they said, the more excited they were.

Because they will also set foot on the road to immortality.

"Immortal, what are you looking at?"

Wang Yu's realization falls on the character of stone mound. He has been guessing what those two characters are.

Similar to hieroglyphs, the strange strokes give people an old and strange feeling.

"The words on it."

"Yes, immortal, I always want to ask, what's written on it."

"The gods must know."

Wang Yu said: "it should be soul movement."

He can't tell why he thinks these two words are soul movements, but he has a strong feeling that these two words are soul movements.

Awakening, evolution, soul movement, apocalypse

This should be the order.

But why these ordinary people can sit directly to the soul movement, because of this stone bottle!

What is the stone bottle and why is it so powerful.

"The soul moves, the soul can move?"

Zhang Sha nodded his head.


Niu Fugui asked, "immortal, what's the sky like?"

Now Wang Yu can't even guess.

The gods and men are going to collapse.

"It's a secret. I can't say it in the mortal world. You'll know when you go up."

After listening, the three nodded together, which is reasonable. Time is lost in small talk. Now and then look at the strange scenery of spring on the left and snow on the right. It's strange to say that the snowflakes are flying all over the sky, but none of them float into the path. The temperature of the trail is similar to that of the outside world after the sun comes out. After all, night fell again. After a hard day's waiting, we finally arrived at the moment to decide our fate“ Immortal, is it ok now? At this time, the sky will be dark, they are a little worried“ Can... "Four people all stood up, toward the stone bottle surrounded in the past. But at this time, outside came the call of a strange animal“ Moo“ Moo All the people showed strange expressions, especially Wang Yu. On the other side of the path, a huge animal came up with a strong body and double horns on the top of the head. It turned out to be a green cow“ Moo It seems that the cow is very hard to walk, just like when Wang Yu came up“ This... Where did you come from“ Yes This is incredible. This is a relic. How did qingniu get here. Generally, cattle are raised by people. There are many in the countryside, but they are not seen in the city. How can it appear in the mountains and wild forests. And on the trail. In particular, what puzzled them was that qingniu walked so hard that his feet were about to kneel down, but he still insisted on walking forward. Wang Yu knows where to go ahead. Can't the cow know? If so, it would be a miracle. There are spirits in all things, and so are cattle. It is often said that when slaughtering cattle in the rural new year, many cattle kneel on the ground crying and worshipping their masters. Maybe it's asking him not to kill, maybe it's not willing to let him go. All in all, I've been enslaved all my life, and finally I'll be slaughtered to eat. All that can be given is given. Wang Yu was moved. He went to the cow and pulled him with the rope“ Moo The cow cried out and walked forward with Wang Yu's strength“ What are the immortals doing? "“ Is this to make this cow immortal? " Finally, with the help of Wang Yu, qingniu comes to the stone bottle“ Moo The cow barked hard and shook its tail“ It's completely dark. Let's start. You don't have to come back this time. " The three nodded“ Then go on the road. "