Wang Yu took out the note and wrote to Lao Wang: Dad, what is the darkness on the Pacific Ocean?

Lao Wang: an indescribable power.

Wang Yu: how much do you want this time?

Emperor Lin's pills earned a lot, and Wang Yu also had the heart to honor Lao Wang.

Lao Wang: son, what's the relationship between us? It hurts to talk about money.

I‘m not buying it!

Wang Yu: not even you.

Lao Wang: Yes, I know, but it's too troublesome to explain. Most PhD level physicists may not be able to explain to you in the whole two or three years.

Flicker, and then flicker.

Wang Yu: let's be simple.

Lao Wang: it can't be simple. You should know that it involves too many aspects to make one thing happen. The landing of a leaf, the chirping of an insect, or a grain of dust floating on the ground may change the result.

Stop, stop, cliche.

Wang Yu: Dad, I paid for some things, and you can't deal with them. Last time, I said that I had arranged something. As a result, I went to the West with big breasts and long legs, and I haven't slept yet.

Lao Wang: you also said that your father found you such a good daughter-in-law that you were given a divorce.

You can't be impetuous or disgraceful.

Wang Yu: it has nothing to do with your taking money and not letting me sleep with big breasts and long legs.

Lao Wang: how can you blame daddy for this? The main reason is that there is not enough money. The wheel of fate has turned half way and can't move.

I‘m not buying it!

Wang Yu: as a remedy, if you tell me what the dark thing is, it will be over.

Lao Wang: darkness is normal. Daytime is abnormal. Isn't the universe black?

Well, there's some truth in that.

Wang Yu: how to avoid it.

Lao Wang: it's very simple. It's an idea to help your father make up for the incomplete part of he Dao and become a real God. The main thing is that you don't follow the script and always leave the main line.

Wang Yu's domineering response: my life is up to me, not up to heaven.

Lao Wang: go away!

You haven't made money in your life account for a long time. You should return to the right path as soon as possible.

I‘m not buying it!

You know how to cheat money. What's your business?

Wang Yu saw that Lao Wang could not say what darkness was, whether he knew it or not, but he did not say it. Instead, he asked: what is the civilization of the Qin family and where is it?

Lao Wang: don't ask me about the ruins.

This time, it's refreshing.

Wang Yu: then I want to be a complete body. Can the last step of sword body be solved by Qin civilization?

Lao Wang: too fast. According to my main line, you are still very early.

According to your main line, I don't know how much money I will charge into your account.

The old man is very bad.

Wang Yu: that's OK. I'm relieved.

Well, if he wasn't careful, Lao Wang realized that he had missed his words.

Lao Wang: if you don't listen to the old man, you'll suffer.

Don't talk nonsense. You've arranged for the new year. Why don't you have dad's throne.

That's not how you used to be.

Speaking of this, Wang Yu felt guilty. The villa of Mordor had been completed, but he didn't get a holy place for Lao Wang. The main reason was that the coffin was still in Dongjiang.

Wang Yu: I have to go to Dongjiang to move the throne.

In the future, he will live in the magic capital for a long time, and Lao Wang's spirit throne will be moved.


Back to Dongjiang, when Wang Yu's sword flew over the building, he saw the Tongtian building.

This is the tallest building in Dongjiang, a landmark.

Coincidentally, Wang Yu's mobile phone just rang, and it was Ning Mengyu.

After Binhai, the two hardly talked.

"Hello, Granny Meng Yu..."

After coming out of that ghost place by the sea, it seems that there is no such atmosphere. There is a gap between them all of a sudden, and the relationship seems to cool down suddenly.

"I saw Jian Xiu Yu Jian flying past my building. It looked like you, so I made a phone call. I didn't expect it was you."

Wang Yu was shocked. You can see how fast his sword flies.

"Ha, passing by."

Ning Mengyu said, "if you come, come in and sit down."

She came to the window and opened it.

Wang Yu originally wanted to get rid of it, but he saw that Ning Mengyu had opened the window, inviting the emperor into the urn.

Heart wonder, Ning Mengyu's perception how to become so keen, won't take the demon's gene liquid.


As long as Wang Yu turned around, his sword flew past and escaped into the office from the window opened by Ning Mengyu.

This way into the office of Ning Mengyu, Wang Yu is really a bit not adapt.

"Vice president Wang, no, it should be the governor of President Wang. You're a noble man. I'm busy with everything. You just come to knock on the window and say hello, so you can fly by?" Ning Mengyu said angrily, "how come you've been put off by fengrou and have no words to see your old friend?" It's really a good thing not to go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, Ning Mengyu actually know that they follow the wind soft things“ Ning Mengyu looked at Wang Yu and said, "if you leave, you'll be free, so you won't go out and fool around. You're afraid that Feng Rou will always find out. It's said that your legs were almost broken last time, and you won't be afraid of being beaten after eating." Wang Yu was embarrassed. Why did the outside world misunderstand him so deeply? When did fengrou want to break my leg. Even if there was, it was an accident“ Wang Yu, you are divorced. Why don't you come to me? " Wang Yu said, "it's not busy."“ I believe in you, ghost Ning Mengyu spat on his face. DILIN didn't see him show up, and the Governor General's office of East China didn't show up either. He was so busy, "Wang Yu, don't you think I've been slept by you? Are you not interested in me?"“ Yes, yes, I don't believe it Ning Mengyu stretched out her hand and gently lifted it. Then she took the Kung Fu attitude of being alone. She was relieved and gave Wang Yu a hard look. "It has a conscience." She turned and the enemy had five seconds to go. Four seconds. Three seconds“ DILIN has opened 23 shops in Dongjiang. Is that too much? "“ It's too much. "“ Chunhua South Road, Wanhe square, make room, these three places are my best performance places, you have to grab, you are not human? "“ Turn it off. I'll have them turn it off at once The game is over“ Have you seen Mr. Ning? "“ The old man, after hearing that he came back, shut up and was put together by us. He was so mad that he didn't come to pester me. " The enemy has five seconds to go. Four seconds. Three seconds“ I have cultivated a few good ones with gene liquid. You can arrange a seat for them in Dongjiang Bureau. "“ How many people? "“ Three. "“ Only one seat can be arranged. "“ Two. "“ If the number of people is not large enough, it's only right to have power. Let's set up the position of team leader. "..." The enemy has been annihilated“ I heard that you destroyed Qin Zhongtian? I'm so excited that I can't control myself... "Suddenly Ning Mengyu yelled.