"Wait a minute." A hand pressed Xiao Zhengliang's hand, but Fu Dongming said, "it's not necessary to celebrate the new year. Forget it."

"Dongming, how can you..."

Fu Dongming has seen the weight of natural punishment for one or two times. Although Xiao Zhengliang has awakened five times, he is not a power type. He may not be able to hold it.

At that time, the news that the imperial college students could not hold it came out. It was a shame.

Xiao Zhengliang is not afraid to make a fool of himself, but the emperor can't afford to lose his face.

"Don't you want to guard the rules of the imperial capital?"

Fu Dongming frowned. Why didn't he find Xiao Zhengliang so stupid before? Is it not obvious that Song Yi reminded him and reminded him again?

And the old God Wang Yu on the seat is there.

"Teacher, this is Wang Yu from the southeast branch of the Second Bureau. Because he went to Wang Dan's wedding, he passed by our school and sat here for a rest." Fu Dongming shows Wang Yu's identity without any trace.

Wang Yu?

Maybe in the past, the Imperial University didn't care about such a person at all, but the Southeast Bureau didn't accept the ban of Imperial University students. As soon as the ban came out, no one in the whole Imperial University didn't know who Wang Yu was.

If the Southeast Bureau does not accept the Imperial College Students' ban, it will affect not only the imperial capital's absence of a governor, but also the prestige of the whole imperial capital.

It's not a small feud.

"It was the throne." The old man and Xiao Zhengliang's face suddenly changed.

The old man looked up and down at Wang Yu again. Before, he thought Wang Yu was a little strange, but he couldn't tell. At this time, when he learned his identity, Wang Yu's other temperament became more obvious.

"It's said that Wangju seat used to be a member of the imperial family." Xiao Zhengliang's face showed a disdainful expression. "Later, in order to get a promotion and get rich, he decided to sell his family's interests. Finally, he came out of his family. I don't know whether it's true or not?"

Wang Yu's eyes coldly went on: "do you still take the sword?"

It's said that the man in front of him is Wang Yu. Xiao Zhengliang is a little vague. This is Jianxiu, who was awakened eight times in Southeast Bureau.

Although it is said that his killing Zombie King is fake, the eight awakenings are real.

"Zhengliang, if the throne asks you to take the sword, you take it." The old man spoke.

Song Yi people, Fu Dongming and others all changed color when they heard the words.


With the support of the old man, Xiao Zhengliang's heart suddenly has the confidence.

If you don't go to heaven, there's no way to hell.

Wang Yu, you deserve to have bad luck today.

Xiao Zhengliang's hand was suddenly grasped, and his whole body was full of gas, and the air was surging wildly.

"What a heavy sword."

The winter grass on the ground is all pressed on the ground by the wind, exposing the bare soil.

But the body of the sword didn't move, and there was even a tendency to sink.


Xiao Zhengliang also grasped the other hand, and his Qi burst out layer by layer.

But the sword in his hand was like ten thousand jin. Not only could he not pull it out, but also he sank.

The muscles on Xiao Zhengliang's handsome face began to tremble, and his eyes were unbelievable.

I've never heard of anyone whose sword is so heavy.

I can't even take such a heavy sword. How can I use it?


On the back of the hand, on the arm, all the way up, to the neck, cheek, the veins emerge, the muscles burst out.

He roared angrily.

Instead of pulling out the sword, the body of the sword kept sinking, deeper and deeper.

"How can that be? How heavy is the sword?"

All the people present turned pale.

Wang Yu looked up at the sky in boredom. He didn't bother to look at Xiao Zhengliang. This punishment, let alone Xiao Zhengliang, is that all the students in the Imperial University can't take it.

You know, even when he wakes up to perfection, he takes pains.

In front of the situation is also greatly beyond the old man's expectation, the drooping eyelids suddenly opened, eyes flashing a certain force.

For this kind of power, Wang Yu is too familiar with it.

Ning Zhengfei and he are all kinds of experts.

The downward trend of natural punishment suddenly stopped.


Wang Yu's heart moved, and the world said that the emperor's capital was crouching tiger, hidden dragon. He didn't believe it, but today he saw it.

To shake the power of heaven's punishment with the idea is a little shocking.

The old man may have a stronger mind than Ning Zhengfei.

However, it's a pity that Wang Yu's duty is not to let go of the abnormal mentality.

His mental power immediately surged out, heavily pressing on the punishment of heaven.

I saw the old man move forward in a hurry.

If it wasn't for this step, it would have fallen.

But the body is unable to control the forward tilt, look also become unnatural.

And the talent on the grass began to sink.

The body of the sword suddenly increased, and Xiao Zhengliang's strength almost collapsed. He yelled, "ah!", Once again, the air burst out recklessly. All the students present were the best of nature. Of course, they saw the way. They all got nervous. It became a real fight. The old man's face is more and more ugly, forehead, face, bean big sweat overflow, that pair of originally turbid eyes at the moment with all the strength of staring, ferocious distortion of terrible. On the other hand, Wang Yu's eyes have been watching the birds in the sky. It seems that everything around him has nothing to do with him“ Hum Wang Yucai used only one tenth of his mental power, and did not mention more than 100 million. 100 million mindfulness is the first of nine awakenings. Wang Yu is afraid of one billion. The old man should have been awakened and in the stage of evolution, but his mental power did not reach the upper line. That's tens of millions. There is no skill in the contest of ideas. Hard to hard, who is strong, who wins“ Teacher The old man's body twitched abnormally, and his face twisted painfully“ Let go Poof! All the people cried out in silence. Xiao Zhengliang suddenly opened his mouth and spewed blood crazily. This blood has already accumulated in his chest, but he has been forced to bear, this will collapse, congestion all spray out. The grass was covered with blood. But the old man was dizzy. If it wasn't for the help of the students, he couldn't even stand, so he quickly took a tranquilizing pill. Calm returned in the field and no one knew what to say. On the surface, it seems that Xiao Zhengliang lost, but in fact, the old man lost, and their capital lost. And it's hard to lose“ Can't the great genius of the imperial capital even take up the sword? " Wang Yu's indifferent voice rang out. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it would be like this. The Song Yi people clenched their red lips hard, and their complexion was not good. Can't you sell my emperor a little face and make us lose face? Heaven's punishment flew up and fell into Wang Yu's hands as light as a feather“ It's not that I don't keep the sword, it's that you can't carry it. "