Watching the huge fireball hit, the soldiers took up their guns and shot.

"I can't find it."

The fireball was pierced directly by fierce light.

"I can't fight it!"

All of them changed their faces. Ning Zhengfei's eyes were burning and there was no way out.

The night flash in his hand, oblique cut, horizontal split, straight stab.

There's a sword coming out all the time.

"Against the trend, the wind blows."

Within a radius of more than ten meters, the light of the sword was vertical and horizontal, and the fierce wind suddenly came out, whistling towards the fireball.

The wind collided with the fire.

"It's interesting."

The night flash is trembling, with an incredible high frequency. Each sword light contains hundreds of tremors.

There is a huge resonance force in the wind, otherwise it is not enough to block the fireball.

"You'd rather not be a Kendo genius."

The constant impact of wind and fire, heat rolling away.

"In the way?"

Ning Zhengfei even blocked the whole strength. Bai Xue, Ning Mengyu and Zhai Erye were all surprised.

How is that possible?

One is an evolutionary body, and the other is a complete body. What's the difference between them?

How he did it.

Ning Zhengfei's sword power did not weaken at all. The light of the sword was shining and the wind of the sword was sweeping out.

But the heat is still pouring in.

"Hold on."

"No, if it goes on like this, he will be consumed alive."


Ning Zhengfei spat out a mouthful of blood before his voice fell. After all, his strength is not as strong as Lin Yuanyuan. His skill can make up for a moment, but it can't be completely reversed.

Boom, the wind is collapsing.

At the same time, the fireball burst open and turned into a fire all over the sky.


Ning Zhengfei yelled, and all of them ran to the back of the wall.

The most powerful power of fireball has been disintegrated by Ning Zhengfei.

As long as there is shelter, we can't live.

The fire passed through like a flood, directly engulfing most of the roof.

The fire was raging.


The floor of the roof is full of holes. These are all from the gunfire. This will become the exit to save lives. Jump down regardless of everything.

Bang, the fierce Lin Yuanyuan's demon body directly bumped in from outside the building.

Ning Zhengfei, who was still falling, was surprised, and the sword light cut him off immediately.

"Ning Zhengfei, it's time for you to die."

The demonized Lin Yuantu spoke clearly.

If Wang Yu is here, he will be shocked. Can the demon speak?

All along, Wang Yu and most people are the same. They think that human is a group of genes, and demon is a group of genes, which do not affect each other.

In fact, this is not the case.

Two people together for a long time will affect each other, let alone with a body.

Countless times of gene switching, of course, should be gene interaction.

This is a kind of progress in the eyes of demons, but what human beings see first is that the beast nature of demons affects human character.

A lot of demons get out of control.

Ning Zhengfei suffered a lot from this.

He is also an important reason for deciding that genes can no longer be developed.

Ding Ding Ding.

Ning Zhengfei's night flash keeps flashing. He is crazy and reckless.

"Forty years ago, you died."

Lin Yuantu sneers.

The sword light cuts on him, he uses both arms to block, the sharp sword can't cut the skin of his arm.

But powerful power also makes him feel pain.

It's very painful and uncomfortable to be knocked on by someone with a stick.

"Have you ever been to the temple of heaven?"

"Yes, how could I forget it."

Ning Zhengfei's eyes ponder, the night flash on the hand is faster.

All over the sky is the light of broken sword.

"Go to hell!"

Lin Yuantu resisted the sharp pain of the sword cutting on his body and forced his fist to blow.

Bang, Ning Zhengfei flew out directly.

Jump and jump

Along the way, Ning Zhengfei hit through three walls.

Lin Yuantu's pursuit speed is faster. After all, it has wings. The wall in front of him is like bean curd dregs, which can't hinder his speed.

In an instant, I caught up with Ning Zhengfei.

The flames around his neck kept falling down, burning in the air and on the ground.

From afar, like a devil from hell.

"It's over, Ning Zhengfei..."

Forty years ago, you were a member of the guard, and at that time, you died.

"Evil animal, don't hurt people."

Seeing Lin Yuantu raise his claw to tear Ning Zhengfei to pieces, a golden light explodes between them. A thin figure did not know when to appear between them. Not Buddha like dust and water, he withstood Lin Yuantu's huge blow with one hand. He's spewing out spells. Boom! He saw Lin Yuantu's body sunken forward, the evil spirit surging behind him, and the White Emperor put his feet in his reserve. Front and back“ Roar Lin Yuantu uttered a cry of pain. Ning Zhengfei saw this and cut it with a backhand sword. The power of this sword will be doubled. With a puff, the sword opened its skin and shed a touch of blood. It's broken. Lin Yuantu's return is a fist. Seeing this, the White Emperor's feet suddenly use magic power, and Buddha rushes forward. Three men and one demon, the faster the Vietnam War. The crowd around them could not see their movements clearly at all, so they saw the figure flashing“ So strong. " Zhai Er ye could not help but be moved. However, it was also their bad luck. Both Buddha rushen and white Emperor were injured. Looking back, Lin Yuantu has been snoring on Huang Chang in Binhai, which shows that Lin Yuantu is not as good as Huang Chang. Huang Chang killed them all, but now it's so hard to pick up Lin Yuantu. But it was Wang Yu who really killed huang shang. The guy turned into a monster. Originally, at this critical moment, Buddha Ruchen should be allowed to untie Wang Yu's soul nail, but Buddha shook his head and soul lamp went deep into his soul“ Everyone is hiding. " Zhai Er Ye was suspended in the void, and he went forward and sank behind the wall. Whether we can survive depends on the duel. Just now that medium-sized demon, Buddha like dust and white Emperor cleaned up“ Hold on Lin Yuantu's physical strength is absolutely superior to that of Buddha Ruchen, but they are all tired. They are already injured, and their physical strength is already exhausted. If we go on like this, I'm afraid we will lose“ Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo. It's the medium demon just now“ No good Hoo!! A gust of wind in the hotel, like a typhoon transit, finally, the hotel collapsed. Zhai Er Ye's face changed greatly and his figure rushed out. Other people are running crazy, too. Only three people and one demon fighting in the building, none of them can escape. Whoever escapes will be pursued. In the end, I can only watch them buried inside. Seeing the hotel completely destroyed, the demons cheered the winner. In terms of physical strength, Lin Yuantu could not die even if he was under pressure. But Buddha is like dust, white Emperor, Ning Zhengfei is not the same, they are human, the body is not so strong. Zhai Erye and others were as pale as ashes. In the end, they lost the match. The end of failure is death“ It's over. "