The night was dark and the street lights were psychedelic. Zhai Qing wondered if she had read it wrong, but the five bodies lying on the ground were so conspicuous. They were cold and cold with no breath. The fear of death filled the air.

Wang Yushun looked at Zhai Qing's eyes. The light of the white sword was dim, and the sky had returned to darkness. There was nothing in it. He saw the people lying on the ground and touched the breath. All of them were dead, and none of them was alive.

And everyone died very strange, no wound, breath suddenly cut off.

"You killed people?"

Zhai Qing was born again. Although she lost her memory, it was clearly written on the tree that she could become an ancient human in one step. In other words, Zhai Qing was a complete body.

It's easy to kill a few awakened people with the power of the ancient ghosts.

"You can't talk nonsense."

Zhai Qing is startled. Are you kidding? She wronged me for killing?

She wanted to say, it was a cloud of smoke in the dark.

But that's ridiculous. Can Wang Yu believe it?

Maybe she was suspected to be talking nonsense to cover up her crime.

"No, I didn't kill it."

The black smoke said that people in the dark really help themselves.

what do you mean?

"Not you?"

Wang Yu has long ignored the killing. In his opinion, it's really nothing to kill a few people.

But Zhai Qing is not the same. He is a good citizen and a good girl. He can't even think about killing people.

Wang Yu said that she was more afraid of killing than being chased.

"Of course, how can I kill people."

Wang Yu is suspicious. There is no third person nearby. Since Zhai Qing doesn't admit it, he won't go on asking.

Carefully look at the body of the dead, always can not find the cause of death.

Seeing Wang Yu turning over the corpse, Zhai Qing felt goose bumps all over her body. She timidly asked, "shall we call the police?"

It's all dead. How can we not call the police.

"When the police come, what should we do if we are suspects?"

"Yes, I am."

Zhai Qing is very worried. How can she get into such trouble.

"Come on, give me a hand. We'll bury the body."

Miss Zhai almost peed, and her eyes widened without blinking.

"Bury, bury?"

No, no, she's shaking her head like a rattle.

"Throw it on the road?"

It's even worse.

"Then let's run." Miss Zhai San did something shameless again.

Why every time she meets something, her first thought is to run away.

Has escape been carved into his bone marrow.

And said to run away, without hesitation, regardless of Wang Yu.

It's just so willful and irresponsible.

"Wait for me..."

Zhai Qing ran home, still in shock.

"What are you doing here?"

Wang Yu also followed in and sat on the sofa of her apartment.

Single apartment, clean home.

The fragrance of Zhai Qing is everywhere. It's very pleasant. Although it's very small, it's very comfortable.

"We're a team."

"Who's with you?" Zhai Qing's Willow eyebrows stand upright and stare at her eyes. She is in a bad mood now. She is in such a terrible situation.

The most irritating thing is that this guy is just like nobody.

Is this a joke?

It's not serious at all.

"Zhai Qing, I saved you just now."

Is that the case? Oh, there seems to be something like that.

"I don't remember."

Anyway, I lost my memory. I can forget whatever I want.

"Zhai Qing, when can you change your bad temper?" Wang Yu is really speechless. If he hadn't arrived, Zhou Zhen would have killed her.

How can the second lady allow a whole body to exist that threatens her own life.

In Tianan No.1 middle school, if you can kill Zhai Qing once, you can kill her a second time.

"Do I know you well?"

Three years classmate, meet almost every day, to death you are thinking of me, after death also take care of me, you say familiar“ I'm your boyfriend. Do you know me

"You stop!"

Zhai Qing stretched out her slender hand and asked Wang Yu to keep a distance from her. "You said it was my boyfriend. Do you have any evidence?"


Wang Yu said: "the best evidence between lovers is that they know each other deeply. Originally, you lost your memory. I want to take you to think about it slowly. In this case, Zhai Qing's wife, we don't want any prelude. Let's go straight."

Then Wang Yu began to take off his clothes.

"Don't pity me just because I'm a beautiful man. Just trample me like before. My kidney is ready. I'll sacrifice for you. I'll kill you four, five and six." Zhai Qing called in a private voice, picked up the pillow on the sofa and hit him, and did not dare to see Wang Yu's dirty behavior, "what are you doing, pervert?"“ Don't you want me to prove it? " Zhai Qing said angrily, "I want you to prove it, but I don't want you to be a hooligan. Since you are my boyfriend, you must know me very well. Then tell me what my characteristics are..." for example, there is a special mark on a certain part of my body. Some people have moles on their chest, and they have the world in mind. Some people are clean and hairless. Some people... "Characteristics?" In fact, Wang Yu is with Zhai Qing baby that what, but that is Zhai Qing borrowed the body of fengrou, fengrou rich woman that Wang Yu is clear, but Zhai Qing really don't know. No, I can't say I know nothing. After all, the relationship between the buttocks was determined at the beginning. It was an unforgettable sight. It's white, tender and curly. But this is too abstract to be convincing. What's more, Zhai Qing's body has been reshaped, not to mention her physical characteristics. Her appearance and size have changed a lot“ Perfect, perfect and beautiful, the most beautiful in the world. " That's too honest“ Stop, I'm just a very ordinary girl, not as good as you said. I just want to go to work quietly and be a good employee. " Working Edition: good students don't fall in love“ Zhai Qing, are you still so fond of lying“ Who lied. " Zhai Qing is not willing to listen, "you can't bring out the evidence, that's very sorry, I won't admit that you are my friend."“ Now, it's very late. Please leave my home Wang Yu also knows that it's not so easy. Zhai Qing is very difficult. I saw him sitting on the sofa again“ If you don't accept it, I won't go. "“ Your surname is Lai. This is my home. If you don't leave, I'll call security. " Zhai Qing said that she was going to make a phone call“ OK, I'll go. When the bad guys come... "Bad guys, those people just now. Zhai Qing was startled. "Will they come again?"“ How can they give up without killing you? " Zhai Qing's eyes hesitated. Wang Yu didn't look like a good man. Those outside must be bad people. Take the least of the two evils“ Well, you can stay at my house first, but I warn you that you can't go to any place except here, here and here, especially my room. " Wang Yu nodded obediently.