Although Gao Yongzhi was laughing, he clenched his fists tightly, trembled violently, and his eyes were full of panic.

It can be seen that his inner tension has reached the extreme.

But what he hoped didn't happen. Except for his clothes, Luo Dongchuan's body was intact.

He couldn't laugh any more. What he was afraid of happened.

According to Gao Yongzhi's many years of experience in high positions, the most important and highly expected ones are those who are first summoned by the superiors.

In other words, luodongchuan has a bigger chance than him.

His gaowu society started from the head of state, and his grandparents and grandchildren worked hard for the emperor's blood. In the end, if they were cheap to others, how could you tell him to be willing, and how could you tell him not to be afraid at this moment.

The smile stiffened on his face and turned into endless fear.

His face was hard to see.

At the moment, everyone is watching Luo Dongchuan, including Wang Yu, who is paralyzed on the ground.

What did Wang Yu do to open the mystery of treasure?

Is it just to help the Wang family out?

Of course not. It's the gaowu society.

Gaowu society is domineering and even affects the second game. If Wang family and Wang Yu want to have a number, gaowu society must be destroyed.

The first step, of course, is to invite the emperor into the urn.

Wang Yu finished this step.

The second step is to let the experts of gaowuhui be destroyed by the emperor's tomb.

But even if gaowu will die, gaowu will not die.

The giant's family has a deep foundation, which at most undermines his strength.

Therefore, in the third step, Wang Yu wanted to gain the power of emperor himself.

Only in this way can gaowuhui be uprooted.

Every step can't go wrong.

But things changed, and DIGE suddenly closed down. Except for Bai Qiubai, a master of gaowu society, who came to die from thousands of miles, he was badly hurt by the boss. Since then, after he was with Tiechuang, there was no second casualty.

The third step is ahead of time.

What is Wang Yu's goal now?

Of course, it's the emperor's blood!

If luodongchuan gets the emperor's blood, it will certainly be powerful. In Dongchuan, only gaowu society has left the Wang family no living space. Plus Luochuan new army with Emperor's blood, two elephants fight, and the living space of the Wang family ant will be squeezed clean.

Therefore, Wang Yu didn't want luodongchuan to get emperor's blood.

"What's that?"

Everyone saw that a bottle of bright red water was hanging around the great emperor's huge neck.

"It's the blood of the emperor."

The great emperor knew that his body might not be able to withstand the urge of time, so he took the lead in taking out some of his blood.

From the traces of history, there are some materials that are immortal and can exist forever.

This water bottle is probably an indestructible substance.

If it is made into a weapon, you can imagine how strong its defense is.

"He's going to take the emperor's blood."

Luo Dongchuan worships the emperor deeply, and then gets up to take blood.

The emperor's blood should be injected into the human spine.

However, these people can even bear the pain of awakening, let alone inject blood.

The blood red bottle seemed to feel luodongchuan and slowly emerged.

"No, no, no..." Gao Yongzhi straightened his eyes, and his pupils contracted.

"Thank you for your trust."

The floating blood bottle falls into the hands of Luo Dongchuan.

When Gao Yongzhi saw this scene, he felt as if he had been drained of all his strength. After shaking his body twice, he collapsed on the ground, still looking at the hall in disbelief.

"No, no..."

Wang Yu is a strange smile, it seems that everyone has forgotten a kind of ability.

Suddenly, the blood bottle that falls into Luo Dongchuan's hand swish.

Fly out of the hall like you have wings.

"Mind control."

This scene is too sudden for everyone to expect.

However, those present immediately responded.

Some people use their mental power to rob the emperor of his blood.

Luodongchuan was careless.

However, it's been a year for everyone. Is this man looking for death.

Don't you understand the truth of being guilty?

Not afraid of being besieged?

Everyone's eyes swept away quickly, but the man in gaowuhui's clothes was the idiot who was just wearing the sword.

There are many people who practice sword when they wake up.

Because this is the standard configuration of Royal sword flying.

"Don't touch it!" Luodongchuan cried out. His emotion had never been so excited.

Although the blood bottle is controlled by Wang Yu, the speed is amazing.

But some people are faster.

Lin Tingwei, who was not far away from Wang Yu, flashed and rushed to the blood bottle.

He didn't expect to be so lucky. Lin Tingwei is close to Wang Yu because he is attracted by his shoes. Seeing Lin Tingwei's passing by, Wang Yu scolded him lightly: "idiot." Hearing this voice, Lin Tingwei trembled. It was too young, and he knew it was Wang Yu's voice. Before he could react, he held the blood bottle subconsciously. Emperor blood inheritance, according to the emperor's hegemony, how to allow others to be strong, unless you really have the emperor's personality. But Lin Tingwei didn't understand. And just as his hand grasped the emperor's blood, his body seemed to be fast forward. In an instant, he spent hundreds of years, with hair falling off, skin sunken, dried, destroyed, and finally turned into vermicelli. He died on the spot. Wang Yu sneered, "you don't have to use brute force to kill people."“ Take the blood of the emperor. " Other members of the gaowu society came flying“ Don't touch. Kill first At this moment, Gao Yongzhi is extremely calm. Those people immediately understood that without the call of the great emperor, if they rashly touched the blood bottle, they would end up like Lin Tingwei. Unless, you have tiger. Gao Yongzhi thinks that apart from him, none of the so-called strong men of the gaowu society present has any imperial personality. For a moment, the ability of all over the sky attacked Wang Yu from all directions. The strongest and the weakest of the gaowuhui are evolutionists. Wang Yu had no chance of winning one-on-one, not to mention that twenty or thirty people besieged him. Emperor's blood or life is important... Of course, life. Wang Yu has only one way to escape, which is the main hall. However, in the eyes of the strong, the hall is also a dead end, more terrible than them. But Wang Yu still ran to the main hall“ Looking for death? " But unexpectedly, Wang Yu rushed into the hall, but he was safe. When the emperor's blood comes out, the sword will disappear? This idea flashed, La shisan and others rushed in without hesitation. But... A group of people just like bumping into the invisible border, immediately flew out upside down. Lashan, who is known as jianxiukexing, vomited blood on the spot. He fell heavily on the ground. Others were even more miserable. They rushed fiercely, and their bodies were cut into several sections on the spot. Wails and screams resounded in front of the hall. At the moment, everyone has a big question mark in their mind. What's going on? Why is he alone. The next chapter is 12 o'clock.