This place was the old city sector, Wang Yu had lived here for so many years but he had never seen such a luxurious car drive in here.

Even when he saw Lai Qingde, he did not think about it.

After all, Wang Yu had never seen the real person before.

What was seen on the television was very different from what was seen in reality.

The reason he could recognize them was because they were talking to him on the phone with Chen Zicong the night before.

The person who explained the Lai Family had come to the East River.

If this car were to appear here, coupled with the fact that it was parked in front of his house, it would not be hard to guess that this imposing middle-aged man was from Lai Family.

However, although he was eighty to ninety percent sure, in the end, he wasn't a hundred percent sure.

What if he got it wrong?

Moreover, at the weakest and most helpless of times, Lai Family had already closed the door for him and whether or not it would open for him now, he did not care about it at all.

After the boss brought the noodles, Wang Yu started to eat.

Lai Qingde's driver asked some people at the roadside stall counter and the owner pointed at Wang Yu who was eating breakfast at the noodle shop. After the driver reported to Lai Qingde, Lai Qingde walked over to Wang Yu.

He stood beside Wang Yu and carefully sized him up.

He had chicken nests of hair, a thin white vest, and small underpants. He had a pair of plastic flip-flops beneath his feet and looked like a country kid. If he didn't have a pretty boy face, it would be really hard to see him.

"You are Wang Yu?"

Wang Yu's mouth was filled with noodles as he looked up at the middle-aged man. In his heart, he guessed who he was, to be honest, he did not feel anything, "Who are you?"

Lai Qingde sighed.

Although she was of another surname, she was still the younger sister's blood son in the end. A child of Lai Family actually lived such a life, raised in a slums, grew up in a slums, and walked with the merchants nearby. If there were no accidents, his future would be similar to those who lived such a life.

"I'm your second uncle."

Wang Yu seemed to have two uncles, and as for how he knew, it was Grandma Wang who had already died, as for how Grandma Wang knew, it was only from people, who knew if it was true or false, "Second Uncle? "Is there something you need from me?"

Lai Qingde sat down opposite of Wang Yu, "All these years, how have you been?

"Not bad."

"If I remember correctly, you will soon be attending university in your university entrance examinations."

"That's right!"

Lai Qingde asked: "What's your grade, what kind of college do you think you will get into?"

"No problem."

Seeing Wang Yu's relaxed face, Lai Qingde secretly laughed in her heart. Xia had told him before that Wang Yu's results were very ordinary, and more importantly, she did not have any money, so even if she went to university, she wouldn't be able to pay for the tuition fees.

In this society, if one did not even go to university, what kind of future prospects would there be?

Lai Qingde felt sad for her little sister. She was such a proud and outstanding girl, born in a wealthy family, with both talent and looks. Countless people looked up to the princess, but she never thought that her son would fall to such a state.


Wang Yu spat all over his face and looked at Lai Qingde with surprise: "What did you say?"

"Follow me back to the Lai Family!"

Wang Yu was sure that he did not hear wrongly, and a very strange feeling surged in his heart. Ten years ago, when he was in need of people to take care of him the most, when they cared for him, his Lai Family closed the door to his room. Now, after he had grown up, he was completely independent.

He was a little angry in his heart, but in the end, Lai Family was still his mother's family. The person in front of him was his mother's blood brother, if he could go to the Lai Family, then the mother would probably be very pleased.

"Are you joking?"

Lai Qingde shook his head and said: "I am serious, I will find you the best supplementary lessons, and I will also give you the money to go to university. In the future, when you get married, I will even prepare a house for you, but …"

Lai Qingde's words surprised him. A stream of warmth flowed through her heart, and she couldn't help but ask first: "But what?"

"However, you can't enter the Lai Family as a descendant of the Lai Family, but rather as a servant."


The trace of a ripple emerged in Wang Yu's heart, and instantly disappeared without a trace. Instead, it was replaced with a monstrous rage that seemed to surge out from his chest.

"So it turns out that you wanted me to go to the Lai Family."

Lai Qingde said, "I won't accept you in the Lai Family, so you can only enter the Lai Family as a servant. But you must remember to never tell anyone that you are the son of my sister, Li Qing Ying. Otherwise, not to mention me, other people of the Lai Family will kick you out of their family."

Wang Yu's hand that was on his leg tightened into a fist, and his entire body started to tremble.

Ten years ago, when he was only seven years old, he had no one to rely on, he did not even have food to eat, he did not even have clothes to wear, and he did not even care about Lai Family turning around and leaving. Now, he had already awoken, even Chen Zicong, a big boss like Li Changdong wanted to kneel down and lick him, how could he care about Lai Family?

But slowly, Wang Yu relaxed his fists and smiled: "Sure."


Lai Qingde accepting of entering the Lai Family was within his expectations. Although she did not have status, she had after all, entered the Lai Family, "Then clean up a bit, follow me, Jiang Dong."

"I'm done eating the noodles."

After returning home, Wang Yu packed some things, especially the small coffin in Wang. The spiritual altar had long been removed by him, and the Wang did not die, but he did not throw away the coffin. The material of the coffin couldn't help but be special, he still had another mystery that he had not solved, the connection between the small coffin and the iron coffin.

If there was no connection, it would not be the same.

After cleaning up, Wang Yu called Sister Lee: "Hehe, Sister Lee, is my uncle here to pick me up?"

"Your uncle?"

Sister Lee was stunned for a moment. Then, she recalled that Wang Yu had relatives from his mother's family, and Grandma Wang had mentioned them before. Didn't he say that their relationship was not good and that they had completely broken off their relationship? I understand, he must be seeing that Wang Yu has a future ahead of him. Although the Sister Lee does not like the looks of these powerful forces, but Wang Yu is willing, so what can she say.

As for Wang Yu going to the East River, Wang Yu still had to go to university no matter what. He couldn't help but be like a mother and a brother, so he couldn't help but say, "Un, take care of yourself then."

"Understood. Wait until I go to the East River to stabilize my position, then I'll come pick you two up."

"Mm, alright." Sister Lee felt that these words were weird … "You two can come pick me up again. I'm your outer room, okay?" Roll, roll … "Take advantage of me."

"Very quickly!"