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Name:I Login Alone Author:Toika
Jung Shiwoo mercilessly captured Greenland and other parts of the North Pole that had never been touched by native monsters, and for a magical period of time he literally ground monsters living in a horrible environment that had gone below minus 60 degrees.

It was only after five hours that his charge stopped. It was also because there were no more monsters left to deal with, but it was because they broke through the territory where there was a strong number of monsters guarding it.

“Found it.”

“This... Temple? ”

Suarin throws up her white breath and looks up at the structure in front of her eyes.

A small stone building with a gap that would barely fit one person. Suddenly, there was a corner that reminded me of the temple of Lya I found in Otaru, Japan.

“Oh, I see that now. This power is definitely something I've felt a lot about coming here. ”

“Isn't that right?"

“By the way...... I feel like the trail of God is really weak. Is this really a temple? If I think about it with the strength gathered here, I'm embarrassed to even call it a Saudi Temple... ”

He only shrugged his shoulders, even as Yong-seop pointed out.

“Maybe not such a strong god. Maybe his power isn't that important. ”

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

“I'm not sure yet. Come on, let's go inside. ”

No matter how cramped the temple looks, there was still room for everyone to enter the temple and Jung Siu.

Inside, it was strangely clean and there was no common denominator, but a small mirror was placed on a central altar surrounded by a stone wall. It is not a fragment of God, nor an artifact. It was just a common hand mirror.

That was it.

“What about the Guardians guarding the Temple? ”

“We just killed him. ”

“Fragments of God, things like.... ”

“If there is a fragment of a god in every temple, the gods will not have the power to keep the body. Heave-ho.”

“…… ah! ”

Yong-sae-ha suddenly regained his enlightenment as she approached the altar and saw Jung Si-woo grabbing the mirror.

“Not the god of winter, but the god of mirrors!? ”


Jung Si-woo glanced at the mirror for a moment and broke it without hesitation. At that moment, the temple began to crumble, casting a terrible magical force. However, if the building was to collapse and kill Jung Si-woo, it would not have been enough unless it was the size of the Sun.


Jung Si-woo swung the hammer and swept through the temple. Fragments of buildings that touched the hammer disappeared without leaving a trace, quickly revealing the exterior landscape. Jung Si-woo thoroughly pressed down on the remaining structures to break them down, and he vomited a deep sigh.

“I think we're done here. Then let's go to Antarctica. ”

“Is there any sign of this god in Antarctica? ”

“Maybe. The Mirror God is perfect for disguising itself. ”

A god who disguises himself in the ice sheets of winter by mimicking the power of the gods who govern the earth, the wind and the sea. With the exception of Jung Si-woo, it was a subtle difference that the body of God could only be examined by itself.

Therefore, no one is as talented as the God of Mirrors to hide in the world without revealing his identity.

“But I got caught. ”

“My brother has a very wicked look on his face. I love it!”

“Sunbae... ”

Jung Si-woo has garrisoned in the Arctic Ocean and Continent to select underwater and land monsters to secure his realm, and the rest of them have been forced to return to paradise in the deep ocean and desert through the gate.

“Okay, let's go to Antarctica. I wish there was a stronger one there. ”

“I want to see that penguin, penguin. ”

“I can't stand the feeling that I can't even find this nervous trainer. ”

Jung Si-woo fled the North Pole in harmony with Ceiraxia and Eriu. In order not to be seen by them, I could feel the camera's guise of catching them very carefully, very far away, but now I didn't care. All they can do is watch videos and eat popcorn.

“Why are they watching? You're not greedy for the Arctic and Antarctic continents. ”

“Shue, this is not a great place to live. I'm not really greedy, so you can share it with Humans. ”

“It's hard for you to live, but what about ordinary people? ”

The study of monster-based materials was so vigorous that even the laypeople did not have enough infrastructure to resist the harsh environment. However, many companies have been working on it since they started B&Y, so they thought what would happen in 50 years, and they were dumbfounded. Antarctica and Antarctica were expected to be in many ways an upgraded version of the Arctic, perhaps beyond what Jung Siu had imagined.

I was sure that if I could get even a tiny fragment of the Mirror God, Jung Si-woo would be able to do things quite easily from now on.

“All right, everybody, follow me! ”


[Representative is with us!]

[Tsu, it's cold...... Let's go a little lower.]

[But Ceiraxia is up there... It's cold.]

About two more hours later, Jung Si-woo's group was able to enter the Antarctic Sea with ease.

The currents leading across the entire Antarctic Sea, through New Age and Crescent Age, were amplified to a near natural disaster level, and the flow of water carrying such a strong Mana, as to resist intruders, allowed us to see why humanity had given up Antarctica so neatly since New Age.

“Maybe in the near future, nature will rise as a bigger enemy than monsters. ”

“Is it going to end up like the world I saw before? Ordinary people lose the capacity to sustain civilization, extinguishing more than 99%, leaving only players as residents of the world……. ”

“…… Maybe. ”

But it was a story that didn't apply to them anyway. As Ceiraxia spread her power and moved forward, the currents that surrounded and swirled the entire Antarctic continent and refused intruders seemed to resist her, causing a rift.


“It won't be completely resolved. That's enough, Root. Let's move out here! It'll get colder if you go inside, so take a deep dive if you're not confident. ”

[More here!?]

[Why are they living in such a cold place? Are you stupid?]

The fish are too cold and difficult to doubt the intelligence level of the rest of the enemy. Jung Si-woo smiled and led Ceiraxia forward.

The extreme currents that encircled the entire Antarctic Sea were creating natural seams of fog, not only on the surface of the sea and underwater, but also on certain areas of the sea. Of course, the wings of Jung Si-woo were scattered.

“Ah……. ”

“The air is completely different. This is...... different from the Arctic. ”

Yongseongha is nervous and grabs her lance tightly. Jung Si-woo also smiled at the God's trail that was quite obvious.

“Taking a big leap forward, realizing who you are. Bring it on!”


It was a really heartbreaking surprise. The moment Jung Si-woo flapped his wings and stepped forward, a monster plummeted from the air and slashed his claws towards Jung Si-woo's head!

It looks like it's in a shape I've never seen before, so if I tell you the truth, it's like a piece of mirror has been plastered all over the body of a sticky bipedestrian monster with slime.

“Really, this is [elite]? ”

Zhongxiu pierces him with a light tail. Suddenly, his appearance disappears from the air, as Jung Si-woo had expected. Suddenly, El vomited.

“When did this bastard...!? ”

[Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy! Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!]

It was true. The monster who was holding Jung Xi-woo a moment ago is now strangling El! Surprised by the ambush, El regains consciousness and grabs his neck with one hand, but just like before, his new brother melts out of thin air.

“Are you a miraculous monster? ”

“No, this is……. ”

Zhongxiu staggers for a moment instead of activating the dragon's senses. It was because there was a great disagreement between the information his eyes received and the visual information received by the dragon's sense.

“Is that why you're the God of Mirrors...? ”

I could understand it roughly. The mana of the mirrored god was mixed in the Antarctic continent, controlling all the lights of the earth, sky and sea, giving a different view to the person who saw the image than what actually existed.

“Uh... … So, sir, is this like a light moon on the BlXC? ”

“It's a bit different... but... from now on, everyone comes to me. Just do as I say. ”


“Got it!”

“You two look quite urgent, but you were very excited……. Ah, it's getting hard to tackle on your own, so why didn't she come with you? ”

The power of the Mirror God, which spread its wings wide to surround the group and expanded its senses to reveal its underwater and natural colors, was clearly powerful. It's powerful, but it doesn't change the fact that it met the wrong person. Who is Jung Si-woo? He's an immortal who abandoned his senses and developed a new and absolute realm of senses.

If you try to deceive him, it will be hard to bring God's identity. It was only with a smile that you tried to do something about him using Manaman, who resided on a planet like Crescent Age.

“Maybe this will be a good exercise. Good training to match my body with the dragon's senses... Yi! ”

Suddenly, Jung Si-woo's bare hands split the air that looked like there was nothing there. At the end, I felt a clear feeling, and the manna of the god who was staying around became dizzy, revealing the image of the beast held in Jung Si-woo's hands.

[Kihiiiiiiiiiy! Curse all of you for entering Mireta's sanctuary!]

A monster that pierced Jung Shiwoo's tail through his arm, not his torso, and had his legs torn from his neck and broken by a mess. Even the appearance revealed at the moment of impact proves to be a lie. Of course, the appearance was not false.

“Kill one first. ”


A tiny fragment of the god emerges from his corpse. It means that we cannot deceive Jung Si-woo even for a moment without taking God's fragments directly. Jung Si-woo put it in his arms first and expanded his senses.

“Some underwater monsters might. Whether it's clear autumn sky, frozen earth, or in clear water...... There's no better place to use the power of mirrors. Root, protect the children. Save your strength and save your strength. ”


“El, help me. I need to borrow the power of the earth. ”

“It's an honor."

His appearance is only the beginning. If the Mirror God was really going to reveal ambition on Earth, it would not have been this far. I was confident that I wouldn't be surprised if there were a thousand of them just now.

“I wish I could have come here alone. ”

“Don't be scared. ”

Humans are always afraid of the unknown. It was definitely not a human being.

Suarin reaches a reasonable conclusion and shakes her head, and straightens her out and begins spreading her energy in the mirrored earth.