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Name:I Login Alone Author:Toika
[Enter the underwater dungeon.]

[Already cleared areas will be merged into the Earth's oceans later. Some will be integrated into your region of residence.]

[Second entry. Sections G and H have been restored by the god of the sea. Enter G-2.]


As soon as Jung Si-woo entered the underwater dungeon, he admired the small message that popped up in front of him.

In fact, the area of the dungeon was divided, and every time I cleaned up the monsters in the area, I would expect to see the power of the god in the dungeon completely dissipated. And in case you haven't noticed,

The god of the sea, perhaps Hedeaa, has brought all the animals back to Earth, except for the area where he restored them. If the Kraken had been defeated and Jung Siu Wu had stood there and dealt with more monsters, then maybe even Section G and H would have been completely Earth's territory.


“Yeah, you're lighter than ever, aren't you? ”

Of course, it was because Jung Si-woo led the group and swept the area once. In the last few months, when he didn't look for an underwater dungeon, new monsters had slowly entered the dungeon, and now in Sections A and B when he first entered the underwater dungeon... … was basically a novice zone.

“You don't have to look around every day like this. Let's get to the point. ”

“What if there's another one like Kraken? ”

“That's what I want most right now. ”

Jung Si-woo remembered Ruta's words. Many of the gods that make up Hedea...... were able to make monsters like the Kraken, but it was hard to recover their strength as well.

Even if it is true that the threat of the foreign gods is disappearing on Earth now, Hedeamann wouldn't be able to do it. If he could get a clue, he would be here. He ordered Ceiraxia to keep his thoughts in order.

“Root, wipe it out. ”


Ceiraxia roars forcefully, returning to the shape of a giant whale. Achieve unique abilities while traveling the world's oceans with your own underwater monsters! The once-in-a-generating waters of the sea did not overcome the will of Ceeraxia, creating a strong flow.


“All right, let's rock and roll! ”


The Jet Coaster is an unbeatable turbulence! It hurls Jung Siu's group forward and quickly crushes the monsters in the deep sea that were watching them breathlessly everywhere. They are making simultaneous moves and attacks.

“Root guy, he's been strong for a long time, but he's gotten really strong...! ”

“This is how much you need to recognize a loser in the sea. ”


Ceiraxia proudly laughed at Jung Siu's words. In fact, the oceans of the Earth, however, controlling the seawater at hand in an underwater dungeon where Hedea's power was spreading, was even greater than they thought.

One word Jung Si-woo said half a year ago without a thought, they would never have guessed how hard Ceiraxia had grown.

[Enter area H.]

[Enter Zone I.]

“Okay, so far, nothing much. ”

In the blink of an eye, the group's expression remained the same in Zone I, where only monsters of Level 200 and above existed.

Despite the devastating disaster of releasing only monsters from District I into the Korean English Ocean, the group's power level has now surpassed the Earth's average.

“It's a bit nice to see these kids when I look at the only enhanced ones in the God-controlled world. ”

“Even though the levels are not that different from ours. ”

It was just that they were not aware that Jung Shi Woo was growing immensely every time Jung Shi woo's level rose, even though they were frustrated with Su Arryn.

In addition to the skills they had worked so hard to help Jung Shiwoo, they were able to even look down on Marina who claimed to be the strongest on earth except Jung Shiwoo.


“Okay, then move on to the next section. Root, before you do, throw them all outside the dungeon. ”

The moment you completely clear Zone I and move into Zone J, a gap in the dungeon is revealed and an exit is created to escape from the outside. That's when Jung Shiwoo gave the order!


Ceiraxia suddenly sent all the dead underwater monsters to the exit after being swept away by the torrent she had created. It will probably be good food for sea creatures and native monsters.

[Zone I is completely cleared. It slowly enters the oceans of the earth unless it is restored by the power of God in the near future.]

[Enter J area. I feel a huge surge.]

“Hmm…? ”

And finally it came. How dare you awaken my sleep when a sinister yet massive maneuver enters a high-demand dungeon? ’I came upon them with the same nuance of pressure. As soon as I felt the momentum, Suarin was frightened and muttered.

“There really was something bigger than Kraken...!? ”

“Don't you see, the Kraken appeared strangely early. You were the middle boss after all. ”

“Ugh…… I can't help but expect a situation like ‘the difficulty of dungeons, which is a common pattern in RPGs like this, the middle boss has become stronger than the boss……. ”

Although Jung Si-woo said a few examples would come up right away, Shuarin tried to ignore them and went through the deep sea. I didn't forget to put my hands on Ceiraxia's head to enhance her unique abilities, as I learned from my previous encounter with Kraken.

As we get deeper and deeper into the realm, Hedea's power in all directions rejects them and tries to push them away. Ceiraxia did her best to build her own realm on the enemy ground, helping her with her own extortion. Their cohesion to each other seemed to see magic.

[It's you.]

After cutting through the darker currents, a voice came into their ears. It was an old man's voice, but Jungwoo had already given up his judgment of the opponent.

“How are you feeling? ”

[Don't give me that disgusting smile. You're the one who killed the Kraken.]

A giant tentacle flew out of the realm that Zhongxiu and Ceiracia had secured. However, the tentacle, which seemed to be going through Jung Shi Woo's body, burst into pieces as soon as Jung Shi Woo touched his hand lightly. It was a number of days to show that the power that Jung Si-woo dealt with had grown to an unprecedented extent.

“That's even grosser than a kraken. ”

[... Are you here to take away my power after the Kraken?]

His voice is more alert to Jung Siu's ability to grow than when he fought the Kraken. Jung Si-woo frankly insisted.

“That too, but I have a question about what's happening on Earth these days. ”

[What a ridiculous thing to say when you should be killing each other right now. No, is it too much to think of ourselves as human already...?]

He mutters nervously, then falls silent for a moment. However, when the group concludes that conversations with tentacles are meaningless as well, it seems that something slowly rises from deeper than suddenly.

[I would have ignored you half a year ago...... but for you now, looking beyond the bounds of the mortal with your mortal body, you'd have the least respect.]


Suarin, who understood the reality of what was rising in the darkness, groaned inexplicably. I thought it was a tentacle body after attacking them with tentacles, of course, but the figure that appeared in front of them was more…… than she thought…….

[I am Argos, a follower of the incarnation... of Hedea's family.]

“…… This is what Hedeaan's family looks like? ”

[Are you judging me by human emotion? I see. Is the notion still tied to that of man?]

“I'm going to take what I don't have to throw away. If I look at you now, I think your notion is too simple. ”

Just to cut it off, it was in a shape that was indistinguishable from front to back and from top to bottom.

When Jung Si-woo gained the sense of the dragon, did he become able to sense things with his whole body? He can do that without the dragon's sense. because his eyes, nose and ears were all around him, covering 360 degrees in all directions. I can think of a reason why it was named Argos.

He's got hundreds of thousands of tentacles up there replacing his arms and legs, showing off his ugly appearance to make the Kraken look cute.

“You're not going to insist that it's a union between Manawa and the flesh, are you? ”

[Senses derived from the body, senses derived from Mana...] It is the most efficient way to match the two. As such, the movement of the body and Manawa may also be consistent.]

Oh, my God, he was completely lost. Jung Si-woo sighed, thinking he was lucky that he didn't become like this.

However, the difficulty is that even if it has been accumulated in the wrong way, this monster's magical and physical abilities are certainly terribly strong. At the very least, you could lose a colleague.

“Okay, we'll see if we can fight on which side is right. ”

Jung Si-woo raised his magic whenever he was preparing to become a Giant. The dragon's senses are now half assimilated with his flesh, sharpened and extremely activated the moment he thinks he should be alert. I could count the number of fluffy hairs on Suarin's skin without looking.

[I don't want to fight, nor do I want to risk my life...... But first, I will answer your question.]


[Aren't you curious about what's happening on Earth? I know enough about what you're questioning. That's why I'm going to answer.]

“…… Hmm? ”

However, Jung Si-woo, who was raising his mind, calmed down. I never thought I'd be able to hear the answer to that question so easily! Argos explains to him, bewildered.

[This is a very unsatisfactory situation, but knowing this will also help Hedea... Listen to me. Now, many gods are ‘holding’ their hands on the Earth.]


Jung Si-woo, who was stunned, opened his mouth unexpectedly. Argos continues.

[That's all your ball. Since the signs of divine power and troops are being exterminated by you as they go... the gods have declared a ceasefire on Earth who have decided that the war on Earth is meaningless right now.]

“A truce... How much?" ”

Argos answered without hesitation. As soon as he heard the answer, Jungwoo firmly realized that he was still obsessed with ‘the notion of man.’

5,000 years.]