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Name:I Login Alone Author:Toika
[Unique Ability ‘Control’ is triggered.]

[Activate Active Skill ‘Training’.]

Jung Si-woo's power has turned into half-divine power for quite some time. Mana had reached a point where, when using his own unique abilities, he increased his efficiency, and Mana was unmatched in his purity and capacity, which he now determined, exerted and exerted with his dominance.

[This Mana... I see.]

Eriu, who had convinced herself of something alone, quietly accepted it. Yugo's will was castrated and the remaining power of the earth, the power of Zhongxiu to dominate and amplify it…… They all permeated her body, transforming her.

For El, it was like a baptism ritual the moment it was born as a new being. Extremely comfortable and warm. From the moment I was born, I felt like I had only regained something that was lacking.

[Unique Ability 'Domination’ is now Lv2.]

At that moment, Jung Si-woo was also undergoing a big change. Now that Ceiraxia has been fully trained to become a great being, even El, the loser on the ground, Gear has grown beyond its limits.

‘…… Ah. I knew this was it. ’

The level of unique abilities is not the same as the level of skills, nor the level of your own…… let's face it, one world is evolving to the next. In the realm of the soul, which was not visible to the naked eye and inside Jung Shiwoo, a huge explosion occurred and changed to the body.

However, the sudden growth of domination was not because Jung Si-woo realized another form of magical power. It was because Jung Si-woo decided to accept himself. More precisely, the nature of his denial.

‘Let's embrace the violence in me and the desire that arose. The world is no longer a cramped cage where I have to shrug my shoulders. ’

There was a time when I was hesitant and stopped being afraid of becoming unclean even though I had a tender fear of becoming like God someday, and had rejected them and rejected myself.

There was a reason, but retrieving God's fragments from the rest of the world may have been merely a means of escaping to see their differences and relief.

‘It was pointless after all. Even the gods have different personalities and goals, so it's foolish to try to put them into one category and find a difference from me. Is my ability important to define me? Habit and personality? No... I don't think so. ’

By the time his abilities had become too great, he would have been frightened of himself. It's funny because there are still a lot of strong people over his head.

It is a shame that you cannot focus on your own abilities. We can't waste any more time.

‘The only thing that matters is my will, that's all. The fact that I didn't like the gods who were trying to make fun of the people who were trying to make fun of the Earth. Just because they had something similar to their abilities doesn't mean they're in conflict like adolescent boys. It depends on how you use the same abilities, but I don't know what you're hesitating about, really. ’

What if the power is massive? The reaction is all he has to deal with and accept. Look at Manah, the superpower that flows through his blood, even now. It's possible.

Even though he was so sick and annoyed that he grew up like this, he ended up standing on his feet on the ground. I will in the future. Along with a lot of people who help themselves.

‘So I will rule. Those who don't know me, who don't reject me, who follow me, who like me. Until the moment you can crush everything that bothers me. ’

Though he may have tended to flee at the beginning of a half-year hunt for exotic debris, he was able to think long enough and come to a conclusion. I have a feeling that the conflicts between the Earthlings and El forced me to turn my powers around...... but I pulled the trigger at the right time.

Those who pushed him away wanted to follow him, too. Jung Siu, who was holding onto the last strap of hesitation, gained confidence in his own unique abilities.

[Unique Ability 'Domination’ is Lv3.]

As soon as Jung Si-woo's thoughts were over, the domination grew again. Your unique abilities, not your skills, level up two levels in a matter of seconds!

The ability itself was preparing to leap, but it was holding on to it with a determined will. It was natural to leap high when you ignored your hesitation.

[Ah, ah……]

El was amazed by the radiant light pouring out of Jung Shi Woo. I could not say that I was moved by the moment I was deeply connected with him.

And only then can she be transformed into a human being…… who resembles Jung Si-woo. Just as those who follow God turn out to resemble God, so do I.

[Use Training Skills to train Lv345 Eriu. Your opponent responds actively, increasing skill efficiency. Adds unique abilities to amplify the target's abilities and give it additional skills.]

[Training skill is now Lv35.]

The light completely faded and El appeared in it. A beauty who appeared on the spot of a magnificent great white tiger. Suarin, who was gazing at the scene of the myth, nodded her head as if she thought she would see the human form of El.

“I was getting ready for this. It's pretty convincing. You knew all along? ”

“Sir, the staff in your clutches is a little broken. ”

Seeing Ceiraxia reborn as a young boy unlike any other in the world, I had anticipated it. Eriu, the great born ruler of the land, will also be no joke if she takes human form! And her expectations were never off.

“Ahh… shh. Oh, the human vocal chords! Am I human? Isn't that right, Shoe? ”

“Yes, a human being. You can go back to your original body as long as you want. ”

“But I like you better. Hmm, hmm. Yes, we can speak naturally now! ”

As soon as Jung Si-woo was reborn as a human being, he smiled bitterly as he saw El speaking proficiently in Korean. No, actually, the reason for the bitter smile was not only that.

‘If El had been standing in front of people like this from the start, maybe the whole chemical weapon thing wouldn't have come out the first time. ’

Ceiraxia was an incredibly small boy who was an incredibly large whale, and Eriu was reborn as an incredibly tall, attractive adult woman, even though she was a model.

I was able to meet jeong Siu, an accessory among men, so the dizzy one could not help but shrink against the human form of El. Of course, as Ceeraxia did, she was also fortunately wearing a striped dress that originated in her own leather.

“You claim to be a white tiger with your whole body. White skin, silver hair...... and shiny gold. ”

“Hehe, did you notice the power of my eyes? My gold prevents unnecessary combat. Look, the craziest things will be back before they even get here, right? ”

El says so, bringing his face a little closer to Jung Shiwoo. Her golden essence, clearly resplendent, holds a mysterious power and is able to convince the opposition of her rage at once.

“Oh, yeah. Obviously, yes. ”

“Hmm? What's the matter, Shue? ”

“Queek……. ”

Of course, it was only miraculously and beautifully reflected on Jung Siu, who was far superior to her. Jung Si-woo stepped back a little. You can see the look on Suarin's face.

“Hmm... But the human body is a little strange. I've been thinking it's weird ever since I saw that human woman. Why is there such a thing as unnecessary fighting? ”

“Eh……. ”

The trail of her being a giant tiger doesn't just leave her tall. The specific part of the body line that made me think of cats or leopards as a whole, the peculiar part of my body that was fluffy and slim, was big breasts.

“Yeah, and you're too fragile. We won't be able to get hit... but I think we can make it hard if we give it strength. Hmm, umm... ”

El…… Of course not deliberately, but he's tilting his old head, looking at the giant chest with his own little hands. I had to take another step away from her in a sexually delusional way.

In the end, El raised his head brightly, saying whether he decided to accept his chest as a positive side.

“I certainly don't like it in terms of combat, but this much breeding won't be a problem. Shue, as you can see, I am a healthy woman who has no reason to fail even by human standards. I don't mean to imply anything, but just know this. ”

“ ……. ”

The form became human, but the accident was still an animal. Where should I start training? Suarin muttered, beside Jung Siu Wu, who was in agony.

“I've never been pushed anywhere before, but I wish that was... dead. ”

“Sunbae, murder takes shape.... ”

“If only my brother had killed everything I was throwing at him.... ”

Perhaps Elle as the White Tiger was very beautiful. As it was reborn as a human, it focused on the points of glamour that a human woman could have…… I think we can come to some sort of conclusion.

I clapped my hands, holding his gaze tightly off El's chest as it seemed to burst out. The gaze of everyone who was excited by this foolish commotion focused on him.

“As I said before, even if I wanted to rule you, I don't think I'd be willing to swing the monsters you rule. But you can be a little hard on yourself, so be prepared. ”

“I'm so happy for you. I think I can become strong with Shoe in the future. ”

Why does El play the boy cartoon character every day? That's why I can't talk anymore. Jungwoo shrugged his shoulders and said.

“All that's left is the world stage debut. Don't you think we should ever, ever interfere with the realms that you and the humans rule again? ”

“Will the matter be resolved without a fight? ”

El asked a very stupid question. Jung Si-woo just answered the question, smiling and answering.

“You said it yourself. Your gold allows you to conquer things without fighting. ”

“But it seems that humans are more foolish than the Beast. ”

“You're absolutely right, but you just have to show me more. No matter how stupid you are, you have to understand. ”

And as it turned out, he had already shown his "golden rule." Even if the whole world is united, they have already demonstrated the force that makes them never come to their senses. Now all I have to do is get on stage and see what happens.

“Let's set a date and place. Looking forward to it, El. ”

“My brother's demonstration instinct is.... ”

Suarin sighs but finally smiles. I don't really know how, but I think things are going well.

Three days after that, El's social debut came.