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Name:I Login Alone Author:Toika
It's been a long time since I've found the deep gutter. It's been in a frenzy. It was the entry into Crescent Age.

[New recruits this way!]

[How's the engagement going? How's Ceiracia holding up?!]

[Looks like they've been fixed up there, too. Ceiraxia is also returning!]

“There's no other battlefield. ”

The number of underwater monsters that were not comparable to when Jung Si-woo first stopped in the underwater city, the home of monsters connected to the Deep Sea. Seruta the priest was there, and he noticed that his magic had become more powerful than ever.

[Unique to monsters. It's much easier to be influenced by the world and Mana than humans, so it's quick to change its appearance due to your position and your own achievements. That's why they can become powerful, but they also have the potential to collapse in vain....]

“I think I know the drill. ”

Jung Si-woo nodded at Kena's words and ventured underwater. At Chaos scale alone, it was possible to move the underwater as freely as the ground, and now with chaos wings added thereto, it was able to fly across the underwater as fast as the sky.

[Oh, that guy…….]

[God! The Second Coming of God, who has allowed us to stay here, that is him, the new God!]

Ceruta reacts swiftly. He raises his staff and spreads his arms high like a ritual offering.

[I've been waiting for you, Lord!]

“Oh, right. ”

Seruta said all the underwater monsters worshiped Jung Si-woo with a glimmer in their eyes. It had already come to a place that could not be solved.

You wouldn't believe me if I wasn't God anymore. Jung Si-woo decided to let them think what they like.

“Are you pushing a lot? ”

[No. Although this is a confusing situation, the balance of power is leaning this way! Our growth is as clear as the changes that have come to them!]

Seruta said vigorously that he didn't want to look weak. However, he then added with a small voice.

[However, if God Himself bends their role once, we will have a clear vantage point.]

“It's good to be honest.... ”

He turns away with a bitter smile. Assuming that the underwater dungeon has also occurred since the beginning of the heavens, the number of underwater dungeons that have been neglected until now will be enormous.

“Okay, I'll be right there. ”

[If Ceiraxia comes, take her. He always missed God. I'm sure you'd like to sit next to me.]

Even though the non-human whales missed themselves, they didn't know how to react, but they shrugged their shoulders.

“I wish I could, but only I, and only those who are contractually bound to me, can enter the dungeon. ”

[Then why don't you sign a contract with Ceiraxia?]

“If I could have done it so easily, I... ”

However, Jung Si-woo tilted his head.

Suarin, Yongseha, had a relationship with the players and the supporters, and Caina was tied up with the ruler and the ruler through the soul force so they could be brought together in the dungeon. Then, is there no other way to bring others to the dungeon?


As Jung Si-woo was worrying about his abilities and limitations, he heard a familiar sound somewhere. A giant whale, Ceiraxia, has returned to the city.

[Ceiraxia has returned!]

[Meet the survivors. Go heal him!]


All the underwater monsters in the city greeted the whale and cheered. It's like watching a star walk on a red carpet. However, as soon as he found Jung Si-woo, he left his comrades and ran to him.


“You……. ”

“Why does he like you so much? I hope it's not a female...? ”

When Suarin started worrying again, Ceiraxia stopped in front of Jung Siu.

When I just came into the city, I realized one truth: I thought that Yonker had entered the depths without destroying the buildings inside the city. It was a considerable reduction in size.

“Are you able to adjust to your size? Amazing.”


Ceiraxia rejoiced at Jung Shiwoo's compliment by spurting water on her back. Meanwhile, it became smaller, but eventually it was reduced to the right size for two people. Jung Si-woo stroked his head and said.

“I'm sorry, I don't have time to play. We need to get to the underwater dungeon. ”


It's been a long time since I came here and stroked my head a few times. Ceiraxia squeals and pounds her head against his waist. Jung Si-woo smiled bitterly and recalled the worry he had before.

‘Whether it's the sky, the anthill or the deep ocean, it's just a gateway to filtering out the unqualified. But as it is clear to me, this system is never absolute, just by looking at my own capabilities in the process of gaining wings. ’

In other words, it may be possible to drag an external person or external element into the dungeon in any way.

In this case, the goal is to bring the native monster Ceiraxia into the underwater dungeon, but there was no way he could do this right now.


Ceiraxia asked him more actively if he knew what Jung Si-woo was thinking. I'm not used to being loved like this, but I don't like it when I scatter my favorite ones so politely.

He reaches out to play with him a little more. Then, something twisted deep inside Jung Si-woo's body.

[Additional conditions are achieved to liberate the second unique ability.]

Jung Si-woo did nothing aggressive. The moment Manah of Ceiraxia interacted with Mana of Jung Shiwoo, a jolt of excitement flowed through his body, just like reclaiming the senses he had forgotten.

Ability to elicit more reactions from oneself but to others I thought that the second unique ability inherent in him might require someone else, but it's quite different from the one inherent in extortion, which eventually converges on him.

[Convenience of unique abilities can be handled with skills. You have mastered your own unique skill training (Active). Giving your Mana to someone else grows the target in a direction that resembles you, and it belongs to you. As there is no coercion, the skill is cancelled as soon as either is desired.]

Crystal was an active skill that stemmed from the convenience of unique abilities. At the moment of acquiring the skill, he was able to uncover the identity of his unique ability, which flowed like an engraving through his whole body and roughly chewed through the passing Mana Flow.

[Boooooo! Boooooooo!]

Ceiraxia's cry echoed through the city. Those who were wounded in battle, those who were just preparing for the battlefield, those who were just born, and those who had no strength to fight all looked up at Ceiraxia.

[Train Lv335 Ceiraxia with a Training Skill. Your opponent is actively responding and has successfully demonstrated a low skill level.]

[Training Skill is now Lv8.]

As soon as Jung Shi Woo acquired the skill, communication between Jung Shi Woo and Ceiraxia had already begun. Though not so many sheep, the moment Jung Shiwoo's Mana touched his huge body, it immediately drenched his whole body like ink falling into the water.


As a result of what happened, Mana and Jung Siu's Mana burst out of their bodies and were gently blending together to reduce their weight even more in a swarm of emitted light!

[Phew... Phew... Phew?]

The light slowly fades, revealing a completely different picture of Ceiraxia in it. Jung Si-woo saw what the description following his training skills meant and realized it completely.


Ceiraxia was no longer a whale. He looked like a little boy with blue eyes and blue hair like water. A cute little boy dressed in a similar material as whale hide who is blindfolded in daze.

“Ugh, cute. ”

Even Suarin, who had an unreasonable misconception that Ceiraxia was possessing darkness on Jung Shi Woo, said that inadvertently. Ceiraxia wants to touch her completely transformed body, but she moves skillfully underwater as she was when she was a whale and approached Jung Si-woo.


“He's only human yet. His vocal organs are mysteriously intact. ”


A thin stream of water rose from his head. Strange thing was the shape that insisted that it wasn't just the vocal organs. Jung Si-woo laughed at it and stroked Ceiraxia.

“Thanks to you, I have found a way to express my hidden power. ”


He didn't know what Jung Si-woo was talking about, nodded dazed and became more charming to him, but soon he was caught in the light again and returned to the form of a whale.

It was much more uncomfortable than it looked because Jung Shiwoo's training skills were not yet high and he was not familiar with the human form either.

“Oh, that was cute.... ”

“We can take him to the dungeon anyway. The connection is weak compared to the supporter relationship or the dependency of the soul…… but the root will do as long as it wants to follow me. ”

More specifically, it was due to the choice of training skills that made it possible for Ceiraxia to grow in a direction resembling Zhongxiu, and to deceive Ceiraxia as part of Zhongxiu when entering the dungeon.

Ceiraxia's will, and most of all, Jung Siu's ability to control his mana, is impossible, but it's not that difficult now.

“Yes, will you follow me to the dungeon? ”


Ceiraxia, who returned to the size of a slightly larger dolphin, wept happily at Jung Si-woo's suggestion. Suarin, who had just found out that he was a male through humanization, was willing to accept him as a party.

[Knng, this is how much I used to be the only outsider position... ….]

“You're starting to want to fight, I see. ”

Jung Si-woo handed over a working phantom bike to Kena, who climbed onto the back of Ceiraxia. All the monsters in the underwater city were looking in awe as they watched Ceiraxia turn into a human and return to a whale.

“I'll straighten up and be back soon, so don't overdo it and wait. ”


However, at that time, Jungwoo still did not know.

Seruta says the underwater dungeon is the enemy's main land...