167 $167.

Name:I Login Alone Author:Toika
[The dungeon's risk is adjusted to 'High’. Please be careful.]

The late message, however late, tickled Jung Shiwoo's retina and disappeared. But there's nothing I can do about it. The timing of the anthill, or the celestial system, and Jung Si-woo's realization of the boss was exactly the same.

It was proven that the existence of this dungeon, or the power of the system, was not absolute.

[Noticing me... So you've already fought another god's coming.]

“Yes. Of course, I think you're stronger than that. ”

Jung Si-woo fought the Rainforest of Lya in the past, but he was somewhat outmatched by Hector's rainforest.

Although he was an elite monster, his abilities dropped in many ways due to his rapid descent, and his level was also quite low compared to armor Orcs, and the essence or environment of God's power within him was crucially different.

On the contrary, Hector now showed up on the best stage to reveal his power in the world of the Earth, using his exquisite use of Jung Siu's stage as an integrated dungeon.

“So what did you do? The integrated dungeon finally came down on its own as it was under the control of the system. It must have been too difficult……. ”

[I've seen the way the anthill dungeon was created a long time ago. What mediates the dungeon? This is the player's trail you're talking about. Now do you understand?]

That was enough. Jung Si-woo recalled a report of a ghost entering the dungeon during the creation of the dungeon, and convinced him.

Indeed, from the creation of an integrated dungeon to the descent of Hector, all this was possible because of the ghost of the player holding Hector's fragment. Of course, you don't have to ask what happened to the ghost of the player.

[My power is amplified in the temple ruled by my name. Of course, coming here is only a fraction of my strength...... but it's also true that my soul and mind are focused on this place. That's how much I appreciate you, Earth Warrior, Jung Si-woo!]

Hector reveals the full power he was hiding and pressures Jung Si-woo. A Bondi of immense stature can bend the knee to another being of low stature alone! However, Jung Si-woo's face faced such a man was quite stunning.

“You're not trying to fight me, are you? ”


The moment I realized that the blue spark fried onto the scales wrapped around his body without a crack, Hector's Mana, which wrapped around Jung Siu's body, sprang out into the air, broke.

Hector opens his eyes wide, startled, and Jung Siu lunges at him with a swift lunge.

“Let's start fighting! ”

[Right? Ha!]

Why was the active skill engraved on his soul, the divine majesty not working? Hector was obsessed with extreme doubt, but as a combat fanatic, he quickly focused on fighting as if he had reached the top of God.

It is possible to identify the cause in the future. After killing Jung Shi Woo and recovering his body, it was a long time ago!


“Tsk…! ”

The hammer, which was thrown out with the intent to crush him for good, stands between the axe and the sharp timing. Jung Si-woo realizes that the strength of the enemy he feels riding the hammer is enhanced, and bites his teeth, but he doesn't back off. Rather, I started pushing him back gradually!

Even if God is controlling the flesh, Bass is an Armored Orc. I was confident I wouldn't be pushed into melee combat unless I could fix my breathing patterns and muscle tensions!

“This isn't power, is it? ”

[You're looking at it with your own eyes, but you don't recognize it. Do you really think so?]

However, Hector was appalled at Jung Si-woo's gentle provocation.

Earth has barely reached New Age. There was a limit to the capacity of Mana that the world could embrace in the twilight, and it was because of this that intruders could not enter or enter their forests by nature.



And it was normal for humans and monsters living inside the world to have individual cars, but not for species to transcend the limits of the world.

The world, the mana it holds, the other entities that make up the world had to disallow it.

[But why?]

“As expected, the same passive skill can be treated with different efficiencies...... But you won't be able to face me with one eye forever! ”


A hammer with an unbelievable mystical power can be seen flying in an unbelievably straight trajectory. It's too fast to avoid, so we have to stop it. However, no matter how effectively we stop the attack, the strength inside is hurting Hector's body and pushing him back.

Every hundredth of a second, mechanics that change patterns and move through them struggle to mitigate damage, but that only slows down the collapse and ends the way you planned!

[Huff, huff!]

I have to admit. This was a mistake made by his uncomfortable judgment.

In recent years, Hector has been able to move his main body and take a small step into the battlefield, and when he came down, he was able to break the enemy with just his strength, so there was no need to make fun of him. The body of the Fallen Body cannot be made perfect by the naked mind, so they are toyed with by the enemy like this.

[But even so…….]

No matter how much Mana rises on Earth in real time, both life and inanimate are changing and are moving at a rapid pace towards the next step in the world.

Even so, the power this man now possessed was strangely strong. This is a power fit for a fighter on the front lines of Full Age!


[Kuhaha! … Go, wait…!]

After dozens of repeated brawls, Hector recalls what he had heard from the other gods at the moment when the pillars of the temple were pushed hard. It was that Jung Si-woo might have a unique ability.

Those who realized the origin of the land that had just enlightened Mana ignored their story thinking that the owner of their own abilities could not have appeared, but they could not deny it even after the situation had come to this.

[Unique ability……. Yes, the power of your power. You really were a candidate for a god born on this earth!]

“Sleeping with God's candidates... I don't think you're looking right at them. ”

Jung Si-woo, who pushed him almost to the end of the boss room, laughed at him as much as he wanted and charged again.

Starting with his arms, his skill level had gone up, and now his half-body tattoos were glowing red and were fully activated. His momentum was almost doubled.

“I haven't been in power this long! ”


Yes, not that it matters, but until now, he has entered the boss' room and launched a surprise battle and suffered a penalty of brute force.

And now, more than half of the penalty time has resurfaced.



The moment Hector realized something was wrong and the axe that Hector hurriedly threw bounced off Jung Shiwoo's hammer, Jungwoo desperately grabbed the hammer that was about to bounce off him and hit him again!

Even if I did not think about the rebound of the heavy hits, the attack was too fast and strong, and the reason immediately appeared over Jung Si-woo's retina.

[You have mastered the method of reproducing the Mana used for Active Skills by forcing and maintaining it with unique abilities.]

[You have mastered Player Unique Skill Loop (Active). At this point, it can be limited to your active skills and can be fired repeatedly up to 1 time without consuming extra Mana.]

“Here we go! ”

“Not usually! ”

It was an awakened skill with instant flashes, but it worked wonders! Most of the machinery covering his left arm and most of the axe, which had been instinctively twisted, crumbles with a rattling sound. A machine in harmony with the flesh, in the true sense of God's coming!

“Now give me what you're hiding. Or stay put. ”

[Hehe, hehe…….]

Jung Si-woo confidently recalled Hector's fallen body, being pushed miserably out of place for the first time. Hector laughs nonsense for not expecting you to be kind to a lesser being.

[Clearly…… I am at ease and my body within my authority is weak. In fact, Armor Orcs are armored Orcs if we try to strengthen and combine them. This one was a weak Armored Orc, among them.]

He suddenly began to dismantle my subordinates! Before the battle, I thought it would be ugly to say something like that, but I didn't give in to the slothfulness and clumsiness that appeared to me, so I raised my tension and raised my voice. That's when he said.

[Admit it. As an Armored Orc, I was defeated.]

“Oh, that's a typical pattern for revealing a hidden number, brother! ”

“Thanks for the advice. I was just thinking the same thing. ”

Hector slowly rises to his feet. Truly, shocking to see fragments of the temple absorbed from the body of a broken and broken man.

However, he did not hide the expression of being expected to fix his body in front of the shocking scene of repairing his body with the temple. He asks the excitement.

“So, is this God's domain now? ”

[Good to know.]

Hecto positively extends his arms wide, covered in machinery, flesh points and stones.

That was a real start signal. I wanted to see if the energy from his body was boiling, but I started pulling and absorbing all the supplies from the boss room that were still in the shape of the temple!

“Is that Hector's true strength...? ”

“Oppa, why are you attacking...? ”

Overbearing and brutal violence that would make your teeth tremble as if you were selling your own mind and even your own flesh would be dissolved and absorbed! Jung Si-woo instinctively looked back, surrounding Suarine. It appears that Caina is protecting Yongxia as well as herself.

[Actually, I liked you quite well.]

“Sorry, I don't think I look much like you. ”

Although we are quite similar, Jung Shiwoo strikes first, and Hector laughs as if he even expected it.

[That poor human being who pretends to be so smart, pretends to notice everything first, and tries to appeal to being psychologically superior...... I really like him. That's just like me.]


You stabbed the sore spot. Even if someone else could see through Jung Shiwoo's bluster, he wouldn't normally put it out his mouth because it would be a silence to him, but he was different.

Even at this moment, I could see his damaged body being restored in real time. Filling in the blanks is not important for life or inanimate life. The power that was in it was important.

[Come. You showed me unexpected power....]

“Arin, stay back. I'm going to Kenna's. ”

“But brother.... ”

“Come on.”

Beyond the newly emerging arm, a massive new battle axe is captured. The power of Hector alone was a disposable weapon, but it came to a realm of wonder that no player on Earth could ever dream of, with its sturdiness, sharpness and power.

[In return, I will also show you the power of your unconscious realm.]

This is like starting a new boss battle. Even in the game, the boss who was devastated by the player suddenly regained all his HP and became a contributor!

Of course, the game always ends in a winner, but no one knows the reality. Beat each other to victory!


I don't think I want to avoid it. Rather, what he had been pursuing all his life was not wrong. Jung Shiwoo held the punishment of Drinking in both hands, rushing forward to crush God or God's grandfather.

By the way.

“Huff!? ”

Jung Si-woo's lunge, which seemed to be powered up indefinitely and would push him away, stopped for a moment, just like a robot that lost power.

“Huff... ”

[I can't help but admire that power.]

Hector's mouth twists viciously. An axe born of Hector's power is an evolved wonder that can absorb even the power inflicted on itself and give it back to the enemy. It cannot be opposed in the form of power present in the world.

[‘True’ power cannot be stopped by it alone!]

As soon as the axe in his hand vomited out a red and black light, the force of injustice that disproved common sense shifted all the forces acting in this room to Zhongxiu.

There was a violent upheaval that could have compressed Jung Si-woo into space and killed him!