153 153.

Name:I Login Alone Author:Toika
[Necromancy skill is now Lv5.]

[Heavy Strike Skill is Lv55.]

[Attack Combat is Lv4.]

Kenato looks like a stack of dozens of humans. Half of his body is crushed as the punishment of the massive drink settles in his torso, and the rest of his half burns with a flame of poison.

No matter how resistant they were, they couldn't overcome the flames completely even when they were weakened by the charge strike. Moreover, your skills have triggered a strike against a massive target and even dealt tens of percent more damage!

The most deadly attack at the most perfect timing has left him completely incapacitated. That's why Jung Si-woo liked Hammer. Just one good hit and we can definitely finish off the enemy!

“Arin, you take care of Serra. ”


As Suarin hurriedly flies to Yongseha, she narrows her hammer and attacks him. I'm familiar with his resilience. So what we need to do now is reach out from the rest of the tree trunk and suck the life out of humans.


“Yes, cry louder! ”

[Khhhhh! I'll kill you!]

He snatches at the trunks of the tree trunks and roars, burning them.

“How can you kill me now? Don't be so obvious. Ask me to save you. Maybe I'll save you. ”

[Sa, help!]


You have such a weak will! Jung Si-woo expressed his Cruel Charge and Heavy Strike with a bright smile.

The tree bark wrapped around his body was several layers thick, and the trunk was broken in no time, and the divine sanctuary, the most powerful force to strengthen him, appeared halfway into his body.

Collecting it intact would be impossible, but it would be okay if you killed him completely and collected the stone.

“I'll make it quick for you. ”

[Rrrrgh! Behind you, Dussein!]

At the moment of frenzy in his voice, a different light emanates from the sacred relics in his body than the flames of Jung Siwoo.

I could see it in Jung Siu's eyes. It was never about God's healing or strengthening, just about God's willingness to separate his mana from him.

[I admit defeat, dragon heir.]


Despite the eerie screams, her will has been clearly conveyed to Jung Siu.

[To you alone, the struggle in the lower world is meaningless. Of course, the other gods still seem to want to try...... but I'm not that stupid of a woman.]

“Declaring defeat doesn't change anything... But what, the lower world? ”

[Oh, so you thought this was an advanced world?]

The sacred relic sucks up all the Mana that was left in his body and floats into the air. Jung Siwoo tightly gripped it to prevent it from moving or escaping, but at first she seemed to be willing to give it up.

[You have not tasted many other worlds. What was it like?]

“It was over. ”


Mana? I remember tilting my head for a moment. The world that was headed for the previous quest, the world where there was a temple in Lya, and the world where Setnak's 73rd Castle was most recently…… was now a world with a very dense Mana compared to this Portuguese.

and that it could be a measure of the progress, or evolution of the world.


[Do you understand now?]

Seems like he was about to teach Jung Si-woo, but his voice was not so bad, to be honest, but Jung Si-woo thought it was worth listening more to her.

[You can't help but admit that you've grown up with an extraordinary talent in a world called Earth, which has recently changed. You're so much better than you are. Maybe never again.]

However, he let out a relaxed voice.

[This world has grown to Crescent in 40 years since it entered New Age, and has already been eaten by us at that point. Yes…… let me tell you a word that I'm familiar with.]

Jung Si-woo couldn't believe it.

[Only 3 stages out of 100 stages.]

She didn't even have to lie.

[Other things you've been through... yes. Five stages in the world of Lya, seven stages in the world of Setnakh. Oh, of course, the enemies you faced would have been the weakest children in the world.]


[The children of this world are still weak but too weak. I can't accept much of my power, and the power I've received has only evolved this way...... But you better not think that all the other worlds you're about to face will be like that.]

In Jung Siu's arms, who was stunned by the expansion of his narrow worldview, Dussein held the strength of the Legion as if it were a gift.

I was happy to pay for the entertainment he showed me. Her faithful paper died neatly the last time, but she didn't mind. Even the most powerful species in the world is nothing but dust compared to the rest of her creatures.

[I look forward to seeing you again, young Yong. But the next time you're that stubborn, you might die.]

The voice disappears. Jung Si-woo is cut off. He quickly crumpled the sacred object into his inventory and lost the power of God, including the dead, twisted creature in his inventory.

God gained power from him himself, but even so, the record he had built himself was clearly passed on to Jung Siu, who leveled him up two levels.

After a period of super-strength, the penalty came upon him, but he was now able to withstand it without rolling the floor.

He mutters in a low voice.

“This is still a level 3 stage.... ”

His mind was not surprisingly complex.

Although it is said to be a monster that absorbed the strength of the troops and was strengthened, it is hard to find a gap against him by himself. He could barely kill him with the help of Yong-seongha Strike... He is the boss of stage 3.

Jung Si-woo laughed.

“You still have 97 stages left. ”

Speaking of the current emotion, there was only one emotion left.

That is joy. The joy that there is still a lot of room to go up.

“Be stronger. ”

If we're going to break 100 stages, we need to be stronger than we are now in order to defeat this and that and all the underhanded fellows. He gladly opened his eyes, accepting even the penalty of super-strength.


Beyond that, in the sky, I can see the massive castle building very slowly.

“Yu, Sanctuary……. ”

“Oh, my God, there's a breeding ground again. Evidence that the Legion's god has withdrawn completely! ”

“Wings! Hey, you're spreading wings on your back! ”

“So are you! ”

As the army's power vanished, a nursing home was reborn, and a new group of resistance was born. If it had been a dramatic change, but the power of the other gods had risen again, the new Sanctuary would have been the same as before.

“The god of flames remains! We have to destroy them! ”

“This opportunity…… is a must-see! ”

Humans who had gained hope had the courage to shout for victory again. They no longer retreat, and the monsters who have lost the favor of the gods cannot surpass them.

Jung Siwoo was convinced that humans wouldn't be shaken by God's voice, even though she no longer held the Mana Drain, and released her skill.

His failure to dominate Kenato was essentially due to differences in specs, but also because he was a little out of focus in maintaining a broad spectrum of Mana Drains. I don't want to make excuses, but I won.

“Phew……. ”

There was still the lifeline of Pyra, the god of flames, but the more she fought, the more vigorous she would become. He cheered only in his heart to Caina and headed to Yongseha.

“How's the subordination going? ”

“A little while ago, it was dangerous enough to continue healing, but it got better as I level up. ”

After the treatment, Suarine retreated, exhaling a sigh of relief. What she said was true. I was regaining consciousness at the same time as a level up that I had just lost consciousness.

“Oh, brother. ”

When he saw Jung Si-woo, he said, "I'm not jumping up, but he smiled."

“Khh... I'm still a little numb. Better yet, did I do well? ”


Honestly, I was getting hit by a tree trunk dozens of times until I finished the charge strike, but Yongseongha struggled more than he thought, so I was able to attack neatly. As a charger and a tanker, you have the courage to insist.

“I didn't even know Yongseha was hiding. ”

“You were able to help me hide. I'm sick of being in control of the battlefield. ”

“Well done anyway. Now there's some foam coming out of the assault. ”

“Haha... Turn it off. ”

On the surface, there seems to be internal injuries that are intact but cannot be recovered solely by healing and level up. Jung Si-woo decided to postpone the reflection, and reduced the size of the dragon tax to his arms.

[Thank you for leaving me in charge, Master. I've cut off the enemy's supply here.]

At just the right time, Kana returned. He dragged the whole corpse of Pyra, who had completely changed its shape to look like a lizard and could not find any human traces, and he couldn't help but straighten it out for Kena who handed it over to him.

“You brought a whole body, not a whole supply....... No, you're a knight, but the times and cultures are different, aren't they? ”

[It's been a long time. It's been a long time since I've been able to level up.]

Kana even leveled up while neatly ignoring Jung Shiwoo's tackle!

Of course, the record and Mana that possessed Pyra's body would have been enough to enhance her personality, assuming she had acquired the body and had not been intervened by the god of flames after a long time…….

“You're leveling up too, you……. ”

[Even in the days of Desert Night, my spirit grew. It is now natural for the body and soul to be perfectly in harmony with each other by becoming antibiotics.]

Jung Siwoo removed the fragment of the god of flames from Pyra's corpse...... and half melted her stone, which was bound together into one piece, and absorbed it without hesitation into the drunken punishment.

At that moment, the poisonous attribute of Drinking's punishment grew to an A + rank. A little more aggressive, too.

“Is this the joy of enhancement? ”

“I think it will be a little different, brother.... ”

Strengthens objects made by combining the power of God with the power of God. If half of them had been imitated, it would have been bad. Jung Si-woo smiled and turned around, waving a hammer through the air.

“Then let's clean up what's left and go back to Earth. ”

After another two hours, the battle ended with the end of the Legion's deity and the annihilation of power belonging to the god of flames.

Perhaps no god will be able to play here in Porto for a while.