73 73.00.

Name:I Login Alone Author:Toika
I was angry, but I couldn't help but admit it.

“It's delicious...! ”

“Why do you look so upset? ”

Speaking bluntly, Suarin did not remove the smile from his mouth. Of course, Yong-seo, who was eating rice covered hard next to Jung Si-woo, completely ignored him.

“I've got a good track and cooking experience! ”

“I can't believe you still make monster meat so delicious. ”

“I felt it trimming, but the texture of the meat was different from the eel, from the carp, from the pork, from the beef. It was roughly halfway between the eel and the pork. ”

So it's okay to cook it with soy sauce base seasoning and put it on rice. I didn't think Suarine had such an unexpected talent for flapping her wings and tackling. It was a complete mistake.

“They have healing abilities! If it weren't for me again, it would be dangerous! ”

“Oh, yes. Healing.”

“Ugh... ”

In addition to the rice covered, I baked at least two muscles of meat, but I emptied the bowl with the strength to eat everything I could not eat in the dungeon during the time of Jung Shiwoo and Yong. Su Arryn became proud as she made it feel rewarding.

“There's plenty left, so eat more. Specifically, about 3,000 feet. ”

“I'll eat for a few years.... ”

I decided to put the rest in the fridge as much as I could. Since it was not a refrigerator in the resting place for no reason, even the spiced meat could be kept intact for several years.

“So, how was your bike? ”

“ ……. ”

Suarin pulled her own food air forward and asked her, but she kept her mouth shut side by side as Jung Si-woo had promised, who had eaten the meat of the electric eel hard. Suarin's eyes narrowed to see it.

“I've been in some kind of trouble. ”

“What an accident. Just a little……. ”

“A little?”

Yongseha smiled at the application.

“Maybe the technology development competition in each country will be a bit intense, and we have created such an opportunity……. ”

“Did you get caught? I can't believe you really got caught!? ”

This is all because transparency was solved too quickly. Fortunately, his face was undetected... but Jung Jiwoo's determination was to wear a helmet when riding in the outside world.

Suarin, who searched on his phone while committing, was surprised to see a picture of Jung Si-woo and Yong-se-ha, who had been shot at the front door. It's not just a face, but a giant flying bicycle and two men on it are on their backs.

“It burns at a human size!? ”

“I'm sorry... I just wanted to feel better about the ride. ”

“Ahh, there's already a speculative knight... ”

And, of course, it didn't seem too bad that he was also a Chinese rider, the man who cleaned up the riots in the Middle East. He would have looked so much like him and looked so much like his bike. Rather, it will be even more surprising if it turns out not to be.

Bikes would have been artifacts from the start, had been reborn into artifacts with special techniques, had been speculative about bikes, etc., and had many questions about his companions.

Moreover, governments were already asking the South Korean government about information on Chinese house riders and how to produce artifacts using modern technology. Just as there was a broadcast looking for him when the Seolac Mountain incident occurred in the past, there are still messages looking for Jung Si-woo's whereabouts everywhere now.

“Hey, this is going to be difficult for the government. Hahaha.”

“How can a smile be so refreshing without any shade? ”

Of course, grilled eel was the most important thing for Jung Shiwoo whether the government was in trouble or not. He had no idea how many people would roll in the future because of this, but he just continued eating naturally.

Not a day goes by that easily, Shuarin sighed and said to him.

“You know the dishes are for you, right? ”

“I'll do it. ”

Yong-seo stepped forward, but Su-arin ignored him lightly, then emphasized his peculiar momentum again toward Jung Si-woo.

“Siu, you know it's your turn, right? ”

“Well, yeah. ”

Jung Si-woo had to nod quietly and get up from his seat. Suarin gladly smiles as she watches him do the dishes with rubber gloves on. I felt like I knew her heart, but I didn't want to say it because if I gave it out of my mouth, I would be right.

“Whew, it's over. ”

“Now get some rest. Can I cut you a piece of fruit? ”

“Thank you.”

I didn't think so, but Suarine carved the apple well. If she's that pretty, she should have one weakness or weaknesse.That's why she's the perfect superhuman. Jung Si-woo bit the apple and fell into a strange emotion.

“Something's awkward about this constant Dungeon War relaxation. ”

“But I was much less nervous than when I cleared the dungeon myself. We may not be able to actively jump in the dungeon, but it was hard to imagine a crisis or defeat when your brother cleared the dungeon or faced monsters... ”

Yongseha also smiled bitterly and nodded. At the last moment, my heart trembled when I was dealing with the brain stem, but in the end, it was the same fight as Jung Shiwoo. No matter how weakened you are, you've only become one god in the rainforest!

Xiaolin bites at a dazed apple, recalling Jung Shiwoo practicing super-strength skills and pushing the Thunder Suppent forward like a Hulk.

“If you were an early player, the history of the planet would have changed. ”

“That's still the case. ”

“…… without hesitation, the part that insists so much is true. ”

Cool. Suarin chews and swallows apples with his words. When Yong-saeng saw him, he smiled and got hit on the head with an apple.

“Whew, it stretches……. ”

Now it was a real rest stop just like their house. Jung Si-woo enjoyed his temporary freedom while lying on his bed and rolling his grave.

He realized that the bed had grown wider. I used to roll with power and reach the other end in 0.3 seconds, but now I have to spend 2 seconds! 1, 2, 3...

“Okay, let's go to the dungeon. ”

“This is the end of the break!? ”

Jung Si-woo jumped out of bed with a face that was not a fool. Suarin turns her head to the other side, unable to see him throwing off his shirt and wearing his armor.

“It's been less than a day! ”

“Just like this. Former job, relaxing enough tension between the brain and the body in this world. If you go any further, you'll be too lazy to make a mistake. ”

“That's the opposite of what the players think……. ”

Players have a long break to recharge as they consume too much fatigue into a single dungeon entry. Once a month, once every two months, it was their average perception of entering the dungeon.

Although the Rising Rising Storm Guild members were raised to be elite in Korea, they were also limiting the entry into the dungeon for about once a full day.

“That way, the muscles sag so deeply that they forget the dungeon, and then they go into the dungeon and make mistakes often. ”

“It's strange, the Rising Storm Guild has given players rest based on very reasonable calculations, but it feels like we were making a huge mistake when we listened to you……. ”

Jung Si-woo's logic was merely a fundamentalist theory, but there was a part of him that could convince himself to see him moving vigorously.

“One level up and your body will be perfectly restored, fatigue and fatigue. They don't know because they don't get hit so hard. ”

“Iron Man……. ”

Jung Si-woo, who probably suffered more than anyone else, was fine, but there was no reason for Su-arin or Yong-seoha not to follow him. They soon return to their mini-size size as they search the rest area with their regrettable eyes. I feel more familiar with this side now.

“At level 200, I think I can maintain my human size outside. ”

“Okay, so let's just run around until we get to level 200 for you. ”

“Look at me, brother. I was wrong.”

“Sir, what do you want to do? Would you mind stepping outside? ”

“No, there's no need to bother. …… and I actually don't want to go outside right now. ”

Even if you can't see your face, walking around on a bike will give you 100% attention! Of course, Jung Si-woo was going to visit the dungeon using the door of the resting place.

Even though it was a hassle to wander around in search engines, I was confident that I wouldn't be swallowed up by any player now that I had finished my job, defeated the Brain Body, and grown to level 97.

The Anthill Dungeon is basically a dungeon created by players who were playing the corresponding dungeon in the sky. If most players pretend to be lower than Jung Shiwoo, the dungeon they spin is no big deal to Jung Shiwoo.

“Well, if you think about it, it's a ridiculous elixir. That's exciting. ”

“Okay, let's go quickly, while this excites me. ”

The beads stored in the resting place are now taken for granted. I decided to keep all the beads I got from the dungeons I was visiting for a while because I had enough weapons anyway.

“Save nothing! I need armor.It's a mess to get my brother's level up so fast. Weapon luck is strange, so you won't have to touch it for a while.... ”

“Weapons, armor... Huh. ”

I just had an idea that went through my head. When Jung Shi Woo tilted his head, Su Arryn also tilted her head. He looked so cute, but it didn't help him remember.

“Is it because of your broken armor? I'm almost at the top of my head. ”

He looked at the half-torn leather jacket and said in a disdainful voice. A sudden lightning bolt struck Jung Si-woo's brain, thinking it was vintage fashion.

“That's right, Kena! ”

“The title is more familiar than me……. ”

Jung Shiwoo urgently opened his inventory and took out Durahan's headache, Caina's malice. As soon as I got back to the resting place, I was thinking of putting it in the drawer, but I completely forgot because of the Eel Cover rice. He wants to apologize politely to his head... ….

“ ……. ”

The three of them were silent side by side. Durahan's head was not supposed to speak. The group is stunned by his appearance.

“No…… ”

“I didn't know it was a woman. ”

“Actually, I was doing a little bit of forecasting, because it's Kyna. ”

Yes. Durahan, who had broken his helmet and appeared alive, was actually a woman. Long silver-haired with dark, dull eyes, pale skin and impressive beauty!

Since it is undead, it may be natural for the skin to be pale, but it is also unavoidable for the group to be silent because of their appearance that is too aromatic.

“Okay, let's revive the helm first. ”

At the end of the silence, Shuarin narrowed her eyes.

“Brother, I just felt guilty. You can't do that. Depending on your appearance or gender. Whatever your gender, whatever your appearance is, it suits you just fine. ”

“I don't care if I get caught on camera throwing a pretty girl's head, I'm sure I'll be treated like a monster. Helmets are better than helmets. ”

“Oh, right. ”

Suarin admitted it refreshingly. However, Jung Si-woo suddenly screamed, checking the information before putting the beauty's head in the drawer.


“What, what! What!?"

“Perhaps the helmet will be destroyed and the undead will suddenly rise again!" ”

Jung Si-woo put it out quietly. Suarin grips the corpse's head slightly, thinking it's a little creepy. In front of her eyes was the same message that came to mind in Jung Shiwoo's retina.

[Essence of Durahan Kena]

[Rank – B + +]

[The soul and Mana of the knight named Durahan are concentrated and remain in his head after disappearing as the undead. The helmet that bound her to the armor disappeared, intensively exposed to the power of God, succeeding in reclaiming the record of her life and pure Mana. If there is a higher power of God, a new body, and a soul to settle in.... Special Processing Material.]

“ ……. ”

Is that a coincidence? The mark of the soul collection engraved on the back of Jung Shiwoo's left hand is illuminating. as if he had finally realized how to harness power. But that's not why Jung Si-woo's sad. Suarin sighs deeply.

“You can't throw it anymore! ”

“I knew it. ”

It was a moment when Jung Si-woo became the central ingredient of something unknown, a fraudulent weapon that helped sweep away the temple of the brain.