Chapter 1029: Fist to kill the elder of the Wei family

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Chu Yunfan stretched out his slap, as if he was about to cover the entire world, the big slap with jade light flashing up against the knife. Young doctor

The terrifying explosion sounded in an instant, and countless air was directly collapsed. The aftermath of that terrifying explosion directly revived the enchantment above Tuoshan City, but even after the recovery, it still continued to shake and end. The surface of the world is constantly shaking like the surface of water waves.

One can imagine how terrible this blow was.

The residents of the city shivered, but they did not dare to get up. They were restrained by the horrible aura of both sides, and they could not get up.

Only the masters of the supernatural power realm jumped directly into the air, and did not dare to approach as far as they could hide, for fear that they would be killed by the aftermath of the battle between the two sides. Leiwu

This is not a joke, they can feel from the previous blow that if they don't dodge a little faster, they might really be killed, that's terrible.

In the distance, Lin Hongfeng's face was also very ugly. The horror of the Wei family's elder was far beyond his imagination, and the degree of horror was really just a slap to shatter his body.

In the entire body of the Wei family elder, the magic power has almost materialized and turned into a strip of Rui Cai flying in the air. He can say that he has done his best without any reservation. Leiwu

However, it was precisely because of his fear of Chu Yunfan that he made a decision that he would do his best to make a shot.

Otherwise, with his strength, in the Holy Land, there are not many people who are enough to give him his full strength, that is, those few people.

What was even more shocking to him was that Chu Yunfan's slap in the slap actually smashed the light of the sword that fell him in the sky. Although in the aftermath of the explosion, everyone could not see clearly, even the masters of the supernatural power realm would not. There are any exceptions.

But he saw clearly, he could even feel the horror scene when the blade light was directly smashed to pieces.

And Chu Yunfan hadn't even used any supernatural powers. He had achieved this level only by relying on his physical body, which showed that Chu Yunfan was even more terrifying than he had previously expected. Bailian Ascension Record

"The Wei family is so famous in the Holy Land. Even I have heard of it in the Federation. Does it stop here? It seems that the Wei family is not worthy of its name!"

Chu Yunfan's clear voice came, as if he didn't care about the Wei family.

The masters of the supernatural power realm in the distance were all in an uproar, and those who dared to ignore and even despise the Wei Family, the first family of the Holy Land, were probably the top masters in front of them.

"You are too mad!"

The elder Wei yelled, the mana in his whole body was still sublimating, and in an instant, he used the secret technique. The world's first principal

The strength of the whole body is still growing!

Chu Yunfan was delighted to see the hunt and saw the great elders of the Wei family doing their best. Chu Yunfan didn't show any fear at all. On the contrary, a look of surprise and eagerness appeared on his face instead.

Since he broke through to the sixth level of the Divine Power Realm, he has not tried his best. Even the president of the Azure Dragon Society, the leader of the Heaven Splitting Sect, and the first female of the Heavenly Girl Sect cannot stop him a few times. .

But compared with these three people, being a parent is obviously too strong, enough for him to flex his muscles. Leiwu

"Saving the world with a knife!"

The elder of the Wei family screamed. In an instant, the whole world seemed to be frozen, still, and even the air didn't flow anymore, everything was frozen under his aura.

Even Chu Yunfan felt it here, this stagnant aura was also acting on him, but with his cultivation base, even if he didn't use his magical powers, he just took a step forward with his physical body, and he broke open directly. The envelope of this momentum.

On the contrary, Chu Yunfan's own aura has also risen to the extreme, echoing the aura of the Wei family elder, without losing the wind, even more tyrannical than the Wei family elder who has used the secret method to sublimate now.

At this time, the Wei family's elder looked ashen, and he felt the difficulty. After sublimating all his skills, he was finally able to use such a trick.

He felt the difficulty, and even his body began to tear. This move was too burdensome, and he had to make a quick battle and defeat Chu Yunfan.

There was a fierce killing intent in his eyes. Chu Yunfan was definitely not allowed to stay. Not to mention that his strength and intelligence did not match. He believed that his intelligence was correct. Then there was only one possibility. In a short period of time, Chu Yunfan's strength has gone even further.

What is even more frightening is that he is only in his twenties. What realm did he cultivate until he was in his twenties? At that time, he had just stepped into the innate realm not long before, and he was already the best among his peers.

But compared with Chu Yunfan, it was like shit, and he was a dog at his age, and it was of no use at all.


The sword light suddenly rose up and then rose up against the wind, turned into a terrifying sword gesture, and cut it down.

"Good job!"

Chu Yunfan laughed loudly, then squeezed his fist with his five fingers, directly squeezed his fist with his five fingers, and then blasted out with one punch.

In an instant, Chu Yunfan turned into a huge golden-winged great eagle eagle, and then swept out violently. His fist directly hit the blade, tearing it apart.

This sword light fell on Chu Yunfan's body, but it didn't hurt him at all.

"Why is this? Fight it!"

At this moment, the elder of the Wei family had just realized that there was no way for him to attack Chu Yunfan. On the contrary, he was too fragile in front of Chu Yunfan and was easily torn apart.

Chu Yunfan's combat power was obviously much stronger than him.

He was puzzled and unthinkable, why Chu Yunfan was only at this age and his cultivation level was so tyrannical.

However, he had no choice, and the backhand was another sword light.




The elder of the Wei family desperately cut out a series of sword lights, trying to block Chu Yunfan's offensive, at this time the offensive and defensive momentum has completely changed.

However, Chu Yunfan became more vigorous as he fought and sent these blades to Hongcheng fragments with one punch and one punch.

For Chu Yunfan, this was an ordinary attack, but for Elder Wei Family, every time he was overdrawing his vitality and fighting hard.

And every time he drew a lot of blood from his body, he finally couldn't hold on. After cutting it out with a single knife, the successor was weak, and there was no way to cut it out again. The originally airtight network of sword lights appeared immediately. flaw.

Naturally, Chu Yunfan would not let go of this opportunity, blasting out with a punch, piercing through everything, instantly blasting these blade lights into fragments, and his fist was undiminished, and instantly penetrated the chest of the elder of the Wei family.

Suddenly, tragic death!