"It doesn't seem good that you killed him so directly?"

"The status of this aristocrat should be higher than we imagined," Jiang said

Qin Yang's fingers flicked lightly, and Yu Qingfeng's body was directly destroyed into slag. No, there was no residue left.

Qin Yang casually said: "nothing good, he is blocking my way."

Jiang rose suddenly choked, and huangquan was very sympathetic and laughed.

Huang Quan patted Jiang Qiang on the shoulder and said meaningfully: "you just think too much. Your ability is to change the result, but many times, the result can't be changed."

Jiang Qiangwei fell into deep thought and immediately laughed. Isn't this his original intention to follow Qin Yang?

Since we have decided to take a new road, we can't have the same mentality as before.

In the middle of the air, a scroll of painting fell down, and Qin Yang copied it.

This is the magic weapon of Wenqu mainland. There is a heaven and earth in the scroll, which can be carried out to save soldiers and store objects.

"Why? It's not a space inside, but a space door? " Qin Yang frowned and his mind swept away. There was no large army stationed within hundreds of miles around him.

The so-called army is on the other side of the scroll.

Qin Yang's eyes showed a strange light, and then a shock on his hand, the painting was directly shattered.

"You Don't you want the treasure house? Squeak The rat's little eyes were wide.

The treasure house he felt was the breath coming from the door of this picture space!

Qin Yang shrugged and drew in the void.

"The void becomes a symbol!" Ginger rose a startle, even the yellow spring also frequently look.

How could Qin Yang's attainments of Fu and Tao have such a level?

As the mysterious lines were outlined, a huge array of runes appeared in front of the public.

"Let's go and see how many treasures there are in the so-called treasure house!" Qin Yang said with a smile that he kept pinching pitfalls in his hands, and the Fuwen array wrapped them all.

After the rune array disappeared, the people disappeared.

The picture turns again, has come to a military camp.

This is a huge peak camp, with countless troops.

In the middle of the camp, a huge palace was built.

There are officers and soldiers patrolling the gate, and there are servants' clothes in the palace.

"What a pleasure Qin Yang looked at the palace and, under the guidance of the treasure hunting mouse, went all the way to the depth of the hall.

The throne above the hall is the entrance to the underground treasure house.

"This is the same as Tianmen seal." Jiang Qiangwei looks out of the hall, so transfer the army, the ability is comparable to Tianmen seal. Of course, only in this secret place can we compare.

Jiang Qiang was stunned and said, "no, since they can transfer the army like this, then the army will not disperse and guard, but..."

Everyone looked at Jiang Qiangwei. Qin Yang nodded and said, "yes, most of the troops of xuanyue empire are here."

Qin Yang looked at the eye treasure seat and directly copied all the organs. It was easy to open it naturally.

On the throne, the Dharma formula is displayed and the words are chanted in the mouth.

Then the throne moved away to reveal an entrance.

The people ascended the steps, and the throne was restored to its original state again.

A maid curiously walked through the hall and looked at the throne. She always felt something was wrong, but she couldn't say it.

After a glance, she found that the nobleman did not come back. She took a long sigh of relief and left quickly.

"We are going straight to the Yellow Dragon!" The Yellow Spring opens its way.

"If you don't go into the tiger's den, you can get tiger's son. For us, there is no danger in the secret realm of the divine kingdom." Qin Yang opened his mouth.

Jiang Qiangwei wants to remind Qin Yang not to underestimate the enemy, but she doesn't know how to say it.

After all, even he thinks so

As you go deeper and deeper, the concentration of aura is getting higher and higher. It seems that you have entered a sea of aura. If you take a breath, you can feel that your accomplishments have increased by one point.

Peony is also breathing deeply. In front of Qin Yang, she feels her power is too small.

It is clearly the same realm, but the gap is so big

"Divine quality, Sirius pen It's no use. "

"The quality of the divine level leads to ink It's no use. "

"Shenjie quality, Qingxiao paper It's no use. "

"God level quality, heaven and earth inkstone It's no use! "

Qin Yang looks at the treasure rat with a slightly threatening look. Although these treasures are full of breath, they are useless for the practitioners of the sky.

The rat squeaked, meaning there were more treasures in the treasure house.

"Six level pill, Wenquan pill? Good stuff. "

Qin Yang nodded, and found a thing: "God level magic weapon, Wenqu fan?"

"Good, good."

Qin Yang looked at these magic weapons with satisfaction, which is useful for any cultivator."What are these?" Huang Quan asked, his eyes a little surprised.

Qin Yang explained: "Wen Quan Dan, people in the mainland of Wenqu will increase their talent, and for us, they will increase their mind. This is a direct exaltation

After a pause, Qin Yang said: "looking at the Wenqu fan again, it is enough to resist the attack of the divine king's mind, and can also keep the user's mind unobstructed..."

In this way, ginger rose some press can not bear, these are simply the most suitable magic weapon and pill for him.

But there was a problem in front of them. Jiang Qiang looked at Qin Yang and said, "how do you know the use of these things? And can you name it? "

Qin Yang Leng Leng Leng, full face mysterious way: "want to know?"

Jiang rose, huangquan nodded again and again, and peony also cast their eyes.

Just like killing that noble before, if you don't know the weakness of the other side, you can't kill him so cleanly.

Qin Yang mouth slightly up, slowly spit out two words: "secret."

Three people rolled their eyes together, their faces speechless.

But he was soon attracted by the wealth.

"Don't put anything in that scroll. As I said, this scroll is just a portal, not a ring of heaven and earth." Qin Yang pointed to huangquan and said.

Huang Quan put down the scroll awkwardly. He has put many good things into it.

At this time, Qin Yang and Jiang Qiang looked at Huang Quan's drawing scroll one after another. Huang Quan was stunned and frowned.

Since it's the portal, I just threw so many treasures into it, then

Sure enough, the painting automatically unfolded and a figure emerged from the painting.

"Yu Qingfeng, you are..." A middle-aged man with an unhappy face appeared in front of the public, but his face suddenly changed when he saw the three strangers appear in the treasure house.

A vanishing sword is directly across the neck of the opponent. The middle-aged man feels the vanishing rules on the sword, which makes him scared.

"Name it." Qin Yang said lightly.

"Bold!" The middle-aged man came to his senses and looked at them with gnashing teeth, "wild man in the sky, how dare you break into the treasure house of the army and steal..."

Without saying that, the middle-aged man was stunned. He saw the vanishing sword which was originally on the left side of his neck. He did not know when it suddenly appeared on the right side of his neck.

Does it make sense to change positions like this?

"Don't you..." The middle-aged man was surprised to stare big eyes, reached out to hold his neck, but this one hand grasped an empty!