"Stop talking nonsense and come straight up! I'll see how you beat me

Liu Feng complacent way, "had better report your name, if beat is shrimp small fish, also have no meaning."

Qin Yang laughs but does not speak, directly steps onto the arena.

All the people stare at Qin Yang with pity.

I'm afraid the boy is going to be frustrated. It's impossible for him to get the quota.

"What? I'm afraid I won't be able to face people, so I dare not give you your name? " Liu Feng frowned.

"What do you think, that's your business. If you're ready, we can start. " Qin Yang did not say much and looked at the old man in charge.

The old steward's heart suddenly tightened, as if he had been watched by a fierce beast.

He only has the power of the nine heaven in the divine Kingdom, but in the face of Qin Yang's eyes just now, he feels that he has no power to fight back.

"This son is very close to the Duke of Aoki, and he has such a strong strength..."

The old man in charge thought, this primary election will eliminate him!

"The contest begins!" At the command of the old man in charge.

Liu Feng looks at Qin Yang warily, careful of each other's hand. In this battle, he also wanted to try how many catties the other side had.

"Let's go! I'm also a member of the Qianlong list. It's too stingy to deal with you, a nobody. " Liu Feng said with self righteousness.

Qin Yang was immediately happy. Qianlong ranked 100th. He dared to talk to himself like this.

"You go first." Qin Yang opened his mouth: "if you want me to deal with you first, I will look up to you too much."

"So you look down on me?" Liu Feng narrowed his eyes, reached out to the void, as if holding the wind.

Qin Yang blinked his eyes and reached out to the void beside him.

It's a very strong contrast!

Liu Feng held it as if it was a breeze, but it made people feel the air flow.

And Qin Yang so grip, the whole square directly rolled up a violent storm! The whole ten field challenge was also shrouded in this storm.

Liu Feng's face showed the color of fright, and tried his best, but he was just able to stabilize his figure!

Just this one hand, he was defeated, and defeated in a mess!

"Who is he? How can he be so strong?" Liu Feng's heart straight drum, looking at the director of the old man.

The old man in charge frowned again and again. How could he announce the result? Only when Qin Yang's attack begins, will he directly judge Qin Yang to "exert all his strength" and eliminate him from the primary election.

On the square, everyone also looked at Qin Yang in surprise. Unexpectedly, the boy had some strength.

People close to the challenge arena retreated one after another, and they felt more deeply. In this storm, there was extremely violent power. Even the practitioners of the divine kingdom were also shocked.

Xuanyuan GuQing is a bit depressed in breathing. He is worthy of fighting with Chu Jiansan!

"What are you doing? Attack? " Qin Yang looks at Liu Feng impatiently.

Liu Feng's back has been soaked in cold sweat. Now it's not a matter of winning or losing. He feels indifference from Qin Yang's eyes.

Is this killing yourself?

As long as he makes a move, Qin Yang will do the same. If so

Liu Feng felt afraid in his heart. He would die without the old man in charge to announce the result! He has already felt the absolute gap from each other's strength!

"All right." Qin Yang gently waved, the wind dispersed.

At this time, we can only feel the breeze held by Liu Feng, and for a time hiss constantly.

It's like a tiger roaring in the forest, a tiger roaring past, and there is a kitten in the field.

Liu Feng took a deep breath, but his heart was still unable to calm down.

The old man in charge gave him a look, which made Liu Feng feel a little more stable.

Liu Feng drank a lot, emboldened himself, directly exerted all his strength, and even held up the field

A strong wind condenses into a sharp sword and stabs Qin Yang directly!

Qin Yang stretched out his finger and flicked it lightly. The sharp sword of the gale was broken by one finger!

"I declare that Boy, do your best and lose your qualification! Liu Fengsheng The old man in charge said directly.

Liu Feng heaved a sigh of relief and laughed.

Smile in the whole square, appears particularly abrupt.

The whole square was very quiet, and no one spoke. But all the people are staring at the old man in charge and Liu Feng, the color of disdain on their faces.

It's dark, but it's too obvious, isn't it?

This is bullying. Are you blind?

Qin Yang used several percent of the strength is unknown, but from his relaxed behavior, absolutely did not use all the strength.

Liu Feng, on the other hand, has been able to support the field

The old man in charge was also embarrassed, but he still insisted: "Liu Feng won two games in a row and kept his place in the primary. Who's going to challenge next? Say who you want to challenge. "Anyway, everyone will not choose Liu Feng again, which is too obvious!

Choosing Liu Feng is like giving up.

This is not Liu Feng's own strength.

"I'm against the result!" Xuanyuan GuQing spoke loudly.

Qin Yang is going to step down. He doesn't want to quarrel with Liu Feng and the old man in charge. But Xuanyuan GuQing suddenly helps himself and makes him stupefied.

All the people also look at that pale girl, a little morbid, but more exciting.

The old man in charge narrowed his eyes and looked at Xuanyuan GuQing with a threatening look. He said in a deep voice, "are you against the result?"

Xuanyuan GuQing said: "yes, I'm against it! If you make such a fool of the world's practitioners, what kind of challenge arena will you play and what primary contest will be held? As for the final trial, you can simply announce to whom you will give the three places? Are you really the world's cultivators? Are you allowed to play with them

With that said, everyone turned pale.

Some people are aroused in the heart of suffocation, eyes burning anger.

Some people are disdainful. This is a good opportunity to curry favor with Tianhong leader. The challenge arena is just to show yourself. What's the problem?

The people in the field directly divided into two camps, but obviously those who agreed with Xuanyuan GuQing had the advantage.

Xuanyuan GuQing continued: "if you come like this, even if you enter the primary election and participate in the final trial, it will be a futile attempt. Why don't you announce the quota directly to whom and then compete for the Qianlong list? Don't waste everyone's time! "

"Well said! The competition for the place of rainbow leader is like monkey play! It's better to start the Qianlong list competition directly

"Yes! I don't believe it. This Qianlong list is also what he says

"Even if the competition for Qianlong list is controlled by them with various dirty means, we are not afraid. In any case, when we get to Xuanyuan Imperial City, there will be a final battle for the four lists. We'd better go straight to the imperial city and wait, and let the rainbow lead us to play! "

"Yes, let's go!"

Immediately, a group of friars left in anger. It was better to go to the imperial city first.