v4 Chapter 302: Tool people

Go to the detective bureau to check in and study in the virtual universe. The life of Su Li, an instrument that shields the Void Radar, has once again become his ideal appearance, the real universe is salted fish, and the virtual universe is engrossed!

Time goes by day by day

On February 20, 2020, the East China Sea Investigation Bureau ushered in major reforms.

It was drafted by Ye Mohan himself and approved by the Investigation Bureau. The East China Sea Investigation Bureau issued the latest personnel appointments.

This is the specific way-

First, Su Li, a former member of the Armed Forces Department, has excellent qualifications and outstanding abilities. After the organization's review and decision, he will assume the post of Minister of the Armed Forces, and he will personally preside over the expansion and training of the Armed Forces.

Second, Xia Ke, a former member of the Armed Forces Department, has excellent qualifications and outstanding abilities. After the organization's review and decision, he will be appointed as the deputy minister of the Armed Forces Department.

Third, Wang Luoyu, the former secretary of the director-general, served as the minister of the Civil Affairs Department and concurrently as the secretary of the director-general, and he was personally responsible for enrollment expansion.

Fourth, Wang Mingming, a former member of the Civil Affairs Department, has excellent qualifications and outstanding abilities. After the organization's review and decision, he will be the deputy minister of the Civil Affairs Department.

As soon as this appointment was made, the whole situation was in an uproar.

There are many reasons, one is that Su Li and Xia Ke unexpectedly reached the legendary realm quietly. The super-powers, who also served as the chief and deputy ministers of the Armed Forces Department, went to the pinnacle of their lives in an instant.

Secondly, Wang Mingming, a former ultimate terrorist and super fugitive, actually washed Bai An and became the deputy minister of the Civil Affairs Department. This wave of operations by Wang Mingming is simply a model of counterattacks, and it is really unbelievable. Don't be surprised.

Only Secretary Wang has no cards. She was originally doing the work of the Minister of the Civil Affairs Department. Now she is the minister of the Civil Affairs Department whose download address is xbzs long. It is not too logical, so everyone is swept away. There is nothing at all. The slightest bit of dissatisfaction and surprise.

Of course, there was an uproar, and no one dared to oppose it.

The Detective Bureau was originally not a democratic system. The nature of super-powers determines that strength greatly affects status. Director Ye has always said nothing. Now these people appointed are either super-ranks or celebrities around Director Ye. Only Wang Mingming and they don’t know what’s going on, but no one can do it without showing up, so

This appointment has been carried out in this way.

February 22-

The Civil Affairs Department and the Armed Forces Department of the Investigation Bureau began to expand their recruitment on a large scale at the same time.

With nearly half a year of accumulation, there are already a considerable number of private superpowers, especially in Donghai City, which has a population of more than 20 million, where the density of superpowers is far higher than that of other places.

However, most people choose the Civil Affairs Department. Although the Armed Department’s salary is high, it has to be life-saving. It’s really terrible for super-powers to fight!

Regarding this, Su Li just wanted to say that what the brothers did is really beautiful!

If others don’t sign up, he happens to put his own person in the detective bureau

Of course, it has something to do with Miao Yunximu. All the F-tier superpowers have been released from her control, and she has to keep the remaining e-tier and d-tiers to **** the rising high-tech companies, regardless of In any case, Su Li couldn't let Miao Yunxi come to support him.

Thus, for the first time, he used the function of realizing a living person in the virtual universe.

That’s right, the virtual universe can embody living people. Su Li knew this a long time ago. After the Wutu tribe surrendered to him, the real universe’s shopping malls had large-scale manifestation information, um, this information It is exactly the same thing as buying someone with a resource point in the virtual universe.

In other words, if Su Li is willing, he can bring Huaqi, Luo Wei, Knowles, and Dr. Wu to the real universe at any time. Of course, if Su Li does that, they will no longer be able to return to the virtual universe. The universe is out.

As for the reason, Su Li guessed that it might be because everyone who arrives in the real universe belongs to the real universe completely, right?

And the person who can travel from the real universe to the virtual universe seems to be only himself.

Su Li had never done it before because it was unnecessary, but now it is indeed necessary.

Let’s get back to the subject——

Su Li used the function of realizing living beings and pulled a bunch of F-level superpowers from the virtual universe. Then, relying on the trust bonus, he flicked and made those people completely believe that this was just an ordinary Life Planet, and voluntarily joined the Armed Department of the Investigation Bureau.

As for the origins of these F-tier superpowers, Su Li borrowed from Kias, saying that it was borrowing, but in fact it was asking for it, because they would never go back.

This is not difficult for Kias. Although Gorol's information is highly public, it is trivial to occasionally disappear a few serious prisoners.

enmmmm, yes, these people are serious prisoners.

Su Li didn't take the initiative to ask for civilians. This was too wicked, and even if Qias satisfies him, I'm afraid he will be quite uncomfortable.

In comparison, it is better to have a repeat offender, so that it can meet his requirements without harming the feelings of both parties, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

As for the character issues of these repeat offenders, Su Li said that they were all trivial, and those who were "buy" by him were very willing to listen to his education. If it is true that they have not changed, wouldn't there be a thought oscillator?

Directly input him a Virgin's thought, what felon will not be good?

After realizing the people, Su Li performed two more operations. One was to forge new identities for these people. This was not difficult for Su Li. He got an intermediate artificial intelligence from the virtual universe and handed it over. It did.

Two, let these people learn Chinese.

This is not difficult, it can be done directly with a memory "candy", well, it is super memory technology.

After such a complicated operation, coupled with the fact that as the Minister of the Armed Forces Department, he worked inside and outside, a lot of tool men were put into the detective bureau by him.

As literally means Su Li did this entirely because he wanted a lot of tool people.

After all, there must be a lot of things to be done to become the head of the armed forces department, right?

Leave it to your subordinates? What should I do if my subordinates are passive? That's detrimental to his wise and martial image!

This requires a tool man. Those who "buy" from the virtual universe have a heartfelt admiration and respect for him, and leave things to them to do. Su Li is really relieved!

Tools People have just entered the detective bureau because they are not used to the way of life on the earth. There are indeed some problems, but no one doubts.

Because new members of the armed forces have to undergo systematic training before they are on duty, Secretary Wang went outside to find a venue before. These people stayed together in the training venue. Even if they thought they were strange, they wouldn't think much about it.

After all, it's weird to be one person, and a bunch of people can't say that this habit is now popular!

So, the day went on like this.

ps: Good afternoon, but I'm sorry for being so late again!